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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. If you're trying to accomplish things like this... ...then simply draw your desired "interior" walls using the appropriate wall types, use one or more walls set to Invisible to enclose the room, and then either uncheck Flat Ceiling Over This Room to remove the ceiling or simply turn off the Ceiling Surfaces layer.
  2. Quick tip I would add is that you can force a schedule to re-order a number of other ways but I personally just do a quick Cut/Paste Hold Position.
  3. My free lessons for the day are probably gonna have to stop here but you’re missing the % signs. It should be... %$test = "testing this out"%
  4. Here’s a quick starter kit I set up a little while back for use in X12 that requires no custom macros in TMM whatsoever. Just copy and paste the following text into your plan and/or layout... Project Information Designer: $Designer_Company = %$Designer_Company = "ASC"% $Designer_Name = %$Designer_Name = "MC"% $Designer_Phone = %$Designer_Phone = "(888) 123-4567"% Client: $Client_Name = %$Client_Name = "Mr. and Mrs. Jones"% $Client_Phone = %$Client_Phone = "(888) 123-4567"% Builder: $Builder_Company = %$Builder_Company = "Super Duper Builders"% $Builder_Supervisor = %$Builder_Supervisor = "Mike Smith"% $Builder_Phone = %$Builder_Phone = "(888) 888-8888"% Other: $Project_Name = %$Project_Name = "Smith Residence"% $Zoning = %$Zoning = "R-2"% $Setback_Side = %$Setback_Side = 10.ft% $Setback_Front = %Setback_Front = 25.ft% $Property_Address = %$Property_Address = "1234 Main St.\nAnchorage, AK 99515"% Just use this as a template and add your own project information variables. Those variables can then be typed into any valid data entry field using the %$Variable_name% format. You just need to make sure the text box is displayed in any and all views that use the information. Just drag it off to the side. Anyway, feel free to use my “starter kit“ to your hearts content but consider contacting me directly with any questions or if you want to dig deeper and really learn more of the basics.
  5. It needs to be executed. I personally just usually put it somewhere where it’s displayed all the time but not visible (either off screen or set to display an empty string).
  6. You take the time to post jabs every time this comes up but you’ve chosen not to post a suggestion in all the time that this forum has been active. Not very productive. In fact there are zero suggestions on this in the Suggestions section. I don’t know maybe some people have complained directly to Chief, but based on what I see here, no one cares all that much, and I can pretty much guarantee it will never change if no one cares enough to make suggestions.
  7. There are a ton of things I use this behavior for all the time. It's a lot quicker and easier to create, edit, copy and paste a text box than it is to create, edit, copy, and paste macros for specific purposes and commonly its a lot more convenient to write a quick one-time-use macro in place than it is to create a custom macro for the purpose.
  8. What I believe Rene is talking about is using one single macro to set all sorts of global "Job Information" variables such as $My_name = "Michael" $Wall_framing = 24 $Project_zip_code = "98765" $Setback = 40.ft ...and so on ...and then defining another macro for each and every one of those variables so he can use the values elsewhere... What I was trying to point out is that all those secondary macros are no longer necessary in X12. You can delete all except the job_info macro and simply place your global variable name directly into a text box, callout, or wherever you want to use it... In fact, you don't even need the job_info macro either. Those global variables can even be defined in a text box. In X12, I believe I could literally delete all my macros if I wanted to and just use single line code typed directly into text boxes. Not that I would want to do that, but I could. The only thing I'm really not sure of is how many commands Ruby will allow to be entered in a single line of code.
  9. You can get the Recessed setting to work by just sticking to a single Main Layer and moving the rest to your Exterior Layers. That being said, you'll also have some other issues to contend with. Increasing the rough opening settings will fix some of it, but that causes some issues of it's own with regard to framing. Really just depends what you're after. I think you just have to choose your battles wisely.
  10. Can you possibly post the wall type you are using?
  11. I assume you've already tried Options>Recessed>To Sheathing Layer/To Main Layer?
  12. I wasn't getting that precise. It obviously depends on the type of foam and type of facing. I was just speaking very generally and pointing out that a building wrap may not be necessary if the foam itself suffices. The product mentioned in the OP almost certainly does NOT. Around here on the other hand, we commonly use an EPS product that has both a plastic facing and a foil facing. It's actually too impermeable in many applications.
  13. Just 20 years of firsthand experience in the industry, many hours in the classroom studying building science, many more hours studying and researching building science on my own, and several certifications in the same. Around here, our vapor barrier actually needs to have a perm rating of 0.06 or less. At best, a good latex paint is roughly 20 times that permeable and at worst its closer to 200 times...and that's assuming it's been applied properly and that it maintains that value indefinitely (which of course it won't).
  14. In your example, presumably, the taped/edge sealed rigid insulation IS the building wrap. I think vapor barrier was a poor choice of words to describe the Tyvek building wrap/air barrier mentioned in the OP. Anyway, most rigid insulation works as a building wrap on its own (and even a vapor barrier if it's properly sealed at the edges). I think ComfortBoard is mineral wool, which doesn't have any such properties.
  15. These are both very dangerous pieces of advice for some of the colder northern climate zones.
  16. In X12, there is no reason for the corresponding macros. Simply enter %$wallFraming% wherever you want to use the variable.
  17. I could be wrong, but based on my professional experience, these 2 layers are almost certainly either/or and not both. That being said, you can accomplish what you're after by using a wall type like the one I have defined in the attached plan and then editing the framing in your wall detail. Inspect the wall definition and wall detail in the attached plan to get a better idea. The key things are that you need to properly define some materials, and you need to edit the framing manually. Continuous Insulation Wall Type.plan
  18. First thing I would highlight is that any given page can have multiple layout boxes, so there's no reasonable way a Page Title could automatically be populated with that information (since there's no way of Chief knowing which of the layout boxes it should be using). You do have a few options though: Probably pretty obvious, but just enter the information manually. Use the Layout Box Label and just drag it over into position and rotate it. This of course wouldn't help your Layout Page Table if you use one. Use the %automatic_label% macro in a text box in layout and connect it to your desired layout box using a text line with arrow (with the invisible line style or with the layer simply turned off). This one is much easier to copy and paste from page to page, but again, doesn't help your Layout Page Table. I personally just enter the desired title manually.
  19. If you are referring to Joe's suggestion, then you would be placing that text box in the actual plan view (NOT in layout).
  20. The Plan Footprint includes the finish layers of your walls.
  21. What Joey is referring to is the settings for Use Edge Line Defaults and Use Pattern Line Defaults. I personally leave Use Edge Line Defaults unchecked (so my edge lines are all controlled by layer) but I check Use Pattern Line Defaults for most views. This allows us to control all the pattern lines as a group for any given view. This way I can set my siding and shingle lines to a thin gray line style for all my elevations, to a black line style for zoomed in details and I’m still able to use the material definition for any colorized vector views.
  22. No. What does "can't retrieve it" mean? I don't understand either. Do you mean you can't open it? How about you describe what you're trying to do (i.e. what's not working). what happens when you try to "retrieve"?