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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. I was actually able to reproduce easily by copying the entire wall type folder as you described. From that point forward, every time I have tried to copy and redefine a wall in my user library, I get the buggy behavior as well.
  2. Both of those files seem to contain zero data. Looks like some other people were having problems with attachments here recently as well. Maybe try emailing to me at
  3. Post a plan that contains your desired wall type as well as an exported library object with one of those corrupted wall types.
  4. Did you check the layer your wall is assigned to like I mentioned? Click on the Layer tab. What Layer is it assigned to? And was it EVER assigned to a different layer? Not sure how you're adding to your library, but no matter what, I would strongly suggest you start with a brand new wall. Don't try to fix or reuse one that has already been corrupted. EDIT: I had originally suggested trying to copy and paste from the user library which I had found to work well for the OP's purposes during some quick troubleshooting, but after further testing, I was able to reproduce the issue as spelled out in the OP and found that the most stable method for the intended was instead to create wall type in the plan and then add to library. Do not edit the wall type after it has been placed in library.
  5. This is a weird question because it appears as if though you are asking about a window schedule but the details you mention are very object and plan specific and most of that stuff wouldn't be shown in a schedule at all in most plans. I think you'll need to be a bit more specific as to what you're trying to accomplish; otherwise, my answer to you would be to handle with notes in the schedule and/or with detail drawings and notes in the plan.
  6. Call. We'll never know till the OP plays his cards though.
  7. In all seriousness, totally random guess, but I’m betting you don’t have the electrical note type set to display in any of your note schedules.
  8. Not me!! I had to futz around with it for a bit. I remember the problem being posted by a couple other people in the past and decided to go ahead and troubleshoot it this morning.
  9. Oh, I know that's not true. I appreciate the vote of confidence though.
  10. Not sure if this is the problem in your case or not, but one thing I've found that can trigger those corrupted Wall Types is if the Wall Type in your library is assigned to anything other than the Default layer. I won't pretend to know why, but once a wall in the library has been assigned to ANY layer other than the default, it will become corrupted from that point forward, even after it is changed back to the default. Try to see if you can create your wall type on the default layer, add that to your library, and see if that one consistently works in new plans.
  11. Post the plan and I'm sure we could have it sorted for you in a matter of minutes.
  12. I (possibly errantly) assumed that with all the back and forth and troubleshooting both with tech support and here in this thread that surely someone had already mentioned that and that I had just glossed over it. This is typically one of the very first things people check, and if it wasn't checked, you could of course very well be right.
  13. That may be worth a shot, but that won't likely solve your problem if it's a driver issue.
  14. Instead of using several blocks and stretching them, build one extra tall stud out of 2 separate but overlapping closed polylines.... ...then simply trim to length using another polyline instead of stretching. Just group select the main 2, click polyline subtraction, then click the trimming piece...
  15. Depending on the specifics, you can also simply select the desired room(s) and click Build Framing For the Selected Object(s), but again, it's only available in X12.
  16. Just a friendly piece of advice. In an instance like that, you're better off just manually placing the things and moving on. To give you a very general answer to your question though, you can technically select all but one or more rooms and check Retain Floor/Ceiling Framing. You may or may not want to place those rooms onto their own Framing Group though (the setting directly below Retain Floor/Ceiling Framing).
  17. Only thing I know of that can cause that problem is you manually modifying framing in one way or another and then clicking "Yes" to the "The current operation modifies a roof framing member....Would you like to turn off Automatic Roof Framing and continue with this operation?" question.
  18. Might sound like a silly question but just to make sure, you are clicking OK and not just closing or canceling the dialog box right?
  19. Yes. Setting delays to an appropriate number is key. You want the delays to be long enough to ensure the process will carry out but not so long that the macro takes forever to execute.
  20. Good thought on selecting NONE. I hadn't thought of that and not sure I ever even noticed that was an option. Quick bonus tip... Tthe automatic block you get when you select NONE is based on the window Type you have selected in the Options tab.
  21. It can be a lot easier than what you're doing. For starters, use CAD Detail From View to get a couple snap points and simply use Point To Point to position. Also, don't forget you can set a Symbol's Elevation Reference to From Roof. The 2D Block will be wrong, but it does provide one way to get an automatically rotated symbol at least. You can then select that rotated symbol, Convert Selected To Symbol>Add To Library, select the original, Replace From Library (or simply place manually), take an elevation view, CAD Detail From View, draw a line From/To, Cut, switch back to Elevation View, Paste Hold Position, select the symbol, Point To Point Move, and use the 2 ends of the aforementioned line. By the way, this is one operation of many that could benefit from my suggested Convert To Symbol In Place functionality... It also highlights another issue...that Flush Mounted items do not create accurate 2D blocks. You could set the Elevation Reference to From Roof and then replace the 2D Block yourself, but that would take just as much time as the other method if not more. I should be easier.
  22. I could definitely show you how to do all that in a custom video. Again, just shoot me over an email if you're interested in discussing further. In short though, most all of that is done using CAD tools and their Line Style/Fill settings and is sped up by familiarizing yourself with some of the various CAD productivity tools such as... Auto Detail Polyline Union Polyline Intersection Polyline Subtraction Trim Extend Stretch CAD