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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. That sounds like flawed logic. When do you figure "the deal is made"?? Isn't that akin to the old bait and switch?? Oh well...I won't argue with you. As soon as I saw it posted though I gave the info to a friend of mine who has mentioned wanting to buy Chief several times over the past few years but likely couldn't afford it at full price. I would be a little upset if he told the OP he'd take it just to have the OP say "someone told me I should be asking more so it's this much instead." I would also feel bad for having wasted someone's time on a Sunday for no reason. That's just me though.
  2. The price has already been offered. It wouldn't seem right to change it now. I guess maybe if there hadn't been any offers to buy it yet that it might be okay. I would be surprised if it lasted this long though at that price.
  3. Problem with searching the old forum is that due to advances and general changes in the software, a very large amount of the information out there is outdated and misleading. I think starting fresh would actually be wise idea.
  4. more knowledgeable than you : )
  5. You WOULD say that Mr. 12 posts to my 9
  6. I find it extremely useful in getting an idea of how new a person is, how involved they are, how experienced they are, etc. It may not always be accurate, but it is definitely useful in my opinion.