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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. The only way your elevation cameras will update is using the SAM. One of the upsides of using that method. Cameras and elevation views are forever tied together and since we cannot copy cameras, the only way to have elevations change is to use the exact same cameras (i.e. by saving the plan WITH the cameras to a new name and linking that plan to a new layout).
  2. As far as I know, we don't have any way of creating a custom dropdown list, but there are 3 alternative options that come to mind... 1. Do as Joe suggests and just use the library. 2. Create a custom toolbar and then just toggle that on or off. 3. Probably the closest thing IMO...Create a custom toolbar configuration specific to the task at hand, assign it a custom icon, and then add that custom configuration button to any given toolbar. Only small downside is that you would have to click on another toolbar configuration to exit the custom configuration, but the upside is that you could load it up with a ton of different doors, windows, or whatever.
  3. Here's a quick crappy video going over the basic process...
  4. Yes. Add the appropriate door to your user library and then add Place Library Object to your toolbar for each door (assigning a custom icon for each instance).
  5. That's funny. I'll often times recite that whole quote by Vizzini out of the blue for no real reason at. One of my favorite movies ever.
  6. See this suggestion for anyone interested in adding their comments...
  7. Here's my personal view of annotation sets in a nutshell... Once activated an anno set does a few things (some of which are optional depending on how you set them up)... 1. It decides which dimension styles you will be using along with the relevant settings (including which layers they will be placed on). 2. It decides which text styles you will be using (regular and rich) along with their relevant settings (including which layers they will be placed on) 3. It decides which CAD layer you will be drawing on. 4. It has similar settings for callouts, markers, and arrows. 5. It decides which layerset (if any) will be activated when switching to any given anno set. In general an annotation set should be used for exactly what it's name implies. In order to make annotations. The way I personally use anno sets is almost exclusively to direct the program to put the appropriate annotations onto the correct layers... something that can also be done simply by moving those items to their own layers...HOWEVER, once your annotation sets are set up, it is MUCH quicker to simply choose the appropriate anno set and just go to town. It just takes a little while to go through and set them up is all. I just wish there was a quicker way to select and copy any given anno set and then simply switch the appropriate layer sets.
  8. Here's the link to my last request...
  9. Not that I know of. I wish there was. I made a request a while back. I would encourage you to make it again. In the meantime you can just extrude a polyline in the appropriate shape and use that. Downside of course is that you can only essentially use one moulding line at a time.
  10. You bet, and you are correct...until you start using anno sets, simply moving dimensions to their own layers is probably the best solution.
  11. I've never had this problem. Maybe because I've never set the back to match front. Is there really any reason to do that?
  12. I think you need to study up on annotation sets. You can also just group select the plot plan dimensions and put them on their own layer.
  13. Can you clarify what exactly is driving you bonkers? I don't think it's possible to have separate layers per layer set. If an object is assigned to a layer, that layer must exist everywhere.
  14. You bet Michael. On a side note for anyone following this, the method in Yusefs video works as well, although I've tested it in a couple plans with some pretty mixed results. It seems to be pretty jumpy. Painting results when connected to a landing can be inconsistent (and actually even changes the STRUCTURE of the narrow stairs in some cases). Railings are also a little jumpy and inconsistent.
  15. Interesting. I tried the same thing. Definitely doesn't work on my end. landry, did you send this in to tech support yet? Or has anyone else sent the issue in?
  16. Did you use the plan and layout attached by the OP?
  17. That's the way I personally do it as well. I was just just trying to address the filler question.
  18. I don't think anyone is arguing the terminology. Just trying to figure out the best way to build the item in question within Chief. There are several limitations with using a partition, the biggest of which in my opinion is the inability to have a toe kick.
  19. Dennis, Just create your filler and then uncheck filler (General tab right next to the Type selection dropdown).
  20. Sorry Curt. I did read your post but I missed that. My bad.
  21. There's one minor detail that should probably be mentioned just in case. In order to do a Save As and keep the camera in the new plan, you actually have to save the camera. Not at my computer to check the name of the tool, but once you select the camera, there is a tool called something like "Save Camera" in the edit it. Either that or open the camera dbx (or click "Edit Active Camera" while in 3D and check the little box labeled "Saved" (or something along those lines).
  22. I'm thinking a bunch of ceiling planes are your best bet, although you could explore using one single ceiling plane with an octagon shaped hole and then mouldings and/or polyline solids.
  23. Interesting. I wonder what you're doing differently.
  24. You should be able to just drag one of the nodes over to the other and it will essentially be deleted.