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Everything posted by BrownTiger

  1. This is difficult to tell, where could the settings be ... they could be just anywhere .... . . . . . . C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Chief Architect Inc\Chief Architect Premier X10.ini
  2. result="" fl = 121.135 d= fl.to_i m=(fl-d) * 60.0 s =( m - m.to_i) * 60.0 result = d.to_s + " " + m.to_i.to_s + " " + s.to_i.to_s result
  3. Sorry, did not see your post. The code was provided for X10. In x11 new property was offered... obj.object_id. You need to change this line id="p" + obj.to_s.gsub('#<NVPublisher:0x000','').gsub('>','') INTO: id ="p" + obj.object_id.to_s See below Macro: labelRoofPlane referenced ? obj = referenced : obj = owner if $tree.nil? $tree = { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } end id ="p" + obj.object_id.to_s items = items['roof_plane']=id items['pitch']=obj.automatic_label items['area']=obj.surface_area $tree['roofplanes'][id]=items s =obj.automatic_label s
  4. You did ok as far as ChiefArchitect. You drew the line for knee wall. And appears to tried to place automated dormer. The reason it did not generate because it needs to be in the attic. While you declared it the "Attic" room - it is not the attic. Attic room tells CA not to generate drywall, baseboards, etc. So 1) Go level UP to the attic 2) Draw same knee wall in the same space using references 3) Hit automated dormer and click in between eaves and your knee wall centered in your space. The dormer should generate just fine. 4) Remove the knee wall in the attic. === As far as codes as long as the door is there it can NOT be a bedroom. (Art and crafts or remove the door?) You egress has to be more than 20" wide and no more than 44" from the floor. Thus windows have to be framed at like 40 to be safe.
  5. >When I do that, the upper wall does not display but neither does the lower concrete wall. The lower concrete wall is set to be on layer named Foundation which is set to display. If you have a Pony wall both upper and lower sections displayed on the same layer. Hit a Layer tab to verify, see picture below. The discussion above relates to "Display in Plan View" option. See the bottom section.
  6. Menu> Library>Update Library Catalogs?
  7. You need to send different layersets. The layerset used by pages 1, 2, & 3 should have furniture layers on, and the layerset used 4,5,6 off. You can also use plan views, annosets to control layersets. [To be perfectly honest FURNITURE - does not belong on construction drawings period]
  8. I would extend the roof plane on the left all the way to the right and cut the back of the gable with a saddle. (I know I am missing cricket on the right)
  9. I do not have a clue about "as defined by our ..." is. So: 1) Create a [rectangular] polyline " - building area (as defined by our building code)", give it a color, set some sort of fill hash Create a macro place it in the label to assign some global: $BuildingArea = owner.area[.round()] 2) Repeat same process with with the "-building footprint (as defined by local zoning bylaws)" $BuildingFootprint = .. 3) Repeat same process with with the -impervious site coverage $SiteCoverage = .. 4) Repeat same process with with the $ParcelArea Now create text field and place a macro result = "site coverage: " + ($BuildingArea / $Parcel Area * 100.0).Round(1) etc. -glass to wall area ratios on certain elevations (relating to fire codes) Same principle, just done in the elevation view
  10. What is the point of creating a video and not releasing .plan files so newbies can follow the process. Some include special walls, objects, and textures.
  11. Backup UserLibrary C:\Users\<user_name>\OneDrive\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X7 Data\Database Libraries\User_Library.calib Backup Archives C:\Users\brown\OneDrive\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X7 Data\Archives Backup Plans and Docs <plan and layout locations> and any supplemental folders with docs, pdfs, tif's [surveys], etc BaCKUP - CA Libraries and Manufacture libraries C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X7\* BT
  12. Overall I believe that CA took time profiling the application and tuning slow functions. So if your system does not perform - Hard Drive [excluding something that has millions of polygons].
  13. I do not know how you make all these observations... Here is my experience: Software runs about 52 thread, when rendered 6 more threads are created. Startup: Creates a log file: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Chief Architect Premier X11\Message Log.txt Mapps every single font used by this plan Mapps (preload) every single *.calib Lots of HASP Security delay Sets up Named Pipe: \Device\NamedPipe\Chief Architect Premier X11 Single Instance Lock Initializes QtWebEngine Software executes file:///<install location>/resources/html/startup-options.js?cache-bust= Executes Architect Premier&version= Builds up new ini's and sets up toolbars based on the plan file. Startup observations: More fonts and more calibs you have => Slower startup. Issues with the software: check Message Log.txt 2D rendering is pretty quick - heavily optimized, precomputed. CAModel.DLL and CACommon.DLL It appears that they re-wrote the clunky undo/redo engine. The only way to measure app real performance appears to be force UNDO/REDO so it rebuilds the display trees. Anything else gets you some sort of cache(s), and the performance will depend on the plan. 3D rendering <PERFORMANCE HIT> If your plan file is dirty file autosaved <PERFORMANCE HIT>First render: Every referenced Zip file associated with plan calib is opened and read [C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X11\Referenced Files], so if you are referencing a zip that is large, rendering incurs the penalty. Damn you: Renderer executed results stored in the pageFile <Virtual Memory> Second 3D rendering Nothing is really executed other than PageFile (Virtual Memory is read) The faster your virtual memory [hard drive page] - the less delay you have. ALL about HardDrive, dont think Video Card or CPU will make a difference. Overall very nice job CA.
  14. Do you need a takeoffs or an estimate. Chief architect generates a take offs but if you need an estimate ask your foundation contractor. Produced by CA: FO1 0 1/2x6" foam sill seal 353 ft FO2 0 foundation bolts 96 FO3 0 8" thick Concrete 51.08 cu yd FO4 0 no. 4 horiz. rebar (wall) 4482 ft FO5 0 no. 4 vert. rebar (wall) 2069 ft FO6 0 16" thick concrete footing - concrete 11.46 cu yd FO7 0 no. 4 rebar (footing) 764 ft FO8 0 12" thick post footing - concrete 0.42 cu yd FO9 0 no. 5 rebar (footing) 13 ft FO10 0 4" thick concrete slab - concrete 30.50 cu yd FO11 0 steel mesh for slab 2470.13 sq ft +++++++++++++++++ Now You need to add 6mil poly, a "gravel" [#6,#8#67] or sand or * rock 4" - 6" Add excavation...
  15. It has been that way for decades [import only]. I believe if you define a line style by mistake that you do not want there is no way to delete it. They are stored in legacylinestyles.dat or at least used to be. Pretty easy to understand format. BT
  16. No, that would not be right... >$MyValue = "%width%"? First it would be the eval function same as in most languages. Second the way it works when software renders an object that contains macro and it sets the instance variables (text/value pairs) execute the macro, collects output goes to the next one. So without this rendering object "%width%" is really meaningless. self.methods.sort <- should give you list of the methods. [self = main ] global_variables <- should give you global variables $-I <- returns an array $-I[0].dup() <- will give you a mutable script directory This CA Ruby engine at 2.4, the current stable release is 2.6.2. I am not sure what chief is thinking because 2.4 is at the EOL. With X11 - CA started to expose objects vs prior b.s. of string pairs. Hurray. Hopefully they will open the entire hierarchie... BT
  17. I assume you are not asking this.. $MyValue = 'stuff to write''test.txt', 'w') { |file| file.write($MyValue) }
  18. It is so odd my "Notifications & actions" are now broken and lock up. Havent used them in the while. I do not think microsoft tested this W10 Creators upgrade.... Just to let you know the Edge may be dead...,news-28759.html
  19. if this is in the chrome, paste: chrome://settings/content/notifications Edge (looks like it in the picture ) Hit the Start menu and select the Settings icon. Select System, then “Notifications & actions” where you can edit which apps will show up in your action center. Just scroll down to Microsoft Edge and toggle it off.
  20. Softplan has a feature that allow to import the topology directly from google earth. Is there any way to do the same in CA?
  21. Like this... [30 seconds with randomly placed floating dormers] Or do you want it to hip on the side? Switch to gable on the right? Drop the pitch?
  22. was this version or
  23. The room object has the following properties (attributes ). So technically if you want to get the perimeter, see the example, make sure evaluate is checked ... "Perimeter: " + owner.perimeter.round(0).to_s I am not an architect and this is my hobby. BT ========================================================= ObjectId: NVPublisher ceiling_elevation................................. 201.125 ceiling_finish_layers.......... [NVPublisher, NVPublisher] ceiling_finish_name.......................... Color - Bone ceiling_insulation............................ NVPublisher ceiling_platform_layers..................... [NVPublisher] ceiling_thermal_envelope_area............. 390.89083774113 conditioned.......................................... true conditioned_is_set_to_use_default_value.............. true custom_pattern_scale.................................. 1.0 dimensions................................ 18'-3" x 21'-6" drawing_group.......................................... 35 fill_color_from_background.......................... false fill_color_from_layer................................ true fill_line_weight........................................ 1 finished_ceiling_elevation........................ 200.625 finished_floor_elevation............................ 92.75 floor_elevation...................................... 92.0 floor_finish_layers......................... [NVPublisher] floor_finish_name........................... Secret Garden floor_insulation.............................. NVPublisher floor_number............................................ 2 floor_platform_layers.......... [NVPublisher, NVPublisher] floor_thermal_envelope_area........................... 0.0 function.......................................... Bedroom has_ceiling.......................................... true has_floor............................................ true has_floor_supplied_by_room_below.................... false has_monolithic_slab................................. false has_roof............................................. true has_shelf_ceiling................................... false include_in_living_area............................... true include_in_living_area_is_set_to_use_default_value... true include_in_schedule.................................. true internal_area....................................... 391.0 layer............................................... rooms layer_is_default..................................... true layer_line_color............................... 2151678207 layer_line_style........................................ 0 layer_line_weight...................................... 18 layer_set..................................... Default Set layer_text_style....................... Default Text Style moldings.................................... [NVPublisher] name.......................................... MASTER BDRM pattern_angle......................................... 0.0 pattern_horizontal_spacing............................ 8.0 pattern_vertical_spacing.............................. 8.0 perimeter............................... 952.2245367022674 schedule_number....................................... R29 show_room_label...................................... true simple_schedule_number................................. 29 standard_area....................................... 416.0 stem_wall_height........................ 47.99999999999999 stem_wall_top_elevation.............................. 92.0 transparent_pattern................................. false type_name..................................... Master Bdrm use_type_for_name................................... false volume................................... 3679.56623286403 wall_coverings......................................... [NVPublisher]
  24. Chief builds these automatically... Your lower roof plane probably needs to be pulled back so it does not intersect this attic wall.