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Everything posted by BrownTiger

  1. My bad, you have to click the download button. It only shows jpg on the left....
  2. Need to create casements with short fractional lights look, please advise... I know I can use craftsman but the grid goes half way... Thank you BT
  3. ChiefArchitect uses what it needs. Windows 10 uses paged memory (can be swapped to physical drive) and non-paged can not. Non-paged memory is reserved for the drivers. The memory (paged) that CA allocated could be in allocated or committed state. Software also loads external libraries like DLLs. Typically done with LoadLibrary* APIs. Since executable code segments do not change, and you do not need to load the entire executable and every single library to run the code Windows loads what you need and maps regions for every code segment to a file (see MapViewOfFile ) for each DLL and EXE. If a process to load every single library, not only it will be very slow to start, wasteful, inefficient. CA also uses a ton of third party libraries, almost none of those multi-task/thread. PDF can not imho parallelized. So really what you see is what you get.
  4. >I just adjusted my naming conventions to suit. +1. BTW Java language also includes the same requirement. While technically you do not have to, I ended up fixing a lot of code for someone else... because it broke the EL (ExpressionLanguage in java).
  5. Ruby naming conventions require that Method names should begin with a lowercase letter (or an underscore). Uppercase reserved for constants. [ Upper case can be used in class defs] Since X10, CA started to suggest renaming. So please name your methods: feetToIn and never FeetToIn, constants PI=3.14 and never pi=3.14, [owner.]area does not work with rooms as rooms have different attributes internal_area, and standard_area. Draw rectangular polyline, selected that polyline, and then open TMM and select your area_rounded macro. You can always select any object, than open ruby console and type: owner.names, to see the list of available attributes. Nothing is wrong.
  6. Ruby is a “dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.” Matz Really? Natural to read and write? user_ids = z=[1, 2, 3].map { |element| element if element.even? } .compact z=[1, 2, 3].each{|x|} unless ! && !you.there ? i += 1 else i-=1 end.collect But when I do some complex blocks, mix-ins, some odd rails stuff - my brains literally ceasing to function... Never happend to me with any other language. PPL see me walking loops, asking oh that is that rails stuff right?
  7. I guess this shell extension save end-user from having to use the command prompt "cmd" mklink "z:\userLibrary\User_library.calib" "c:\programdata\Chief...\ReneUserLibrary.calib" or Mac ln -s ... I normally avoid shell extension because they are always running in the background They can cause shell lockups You only need to run these commands once. or I would use Run once executable and it does not have to be running in the background.
  8. You are welcome. I posted these maros as an example. Feel free to roll your own for other types of windows. This examples shows use of Ruby programming macros: initialization of a string array (%w) and command such as delete, any? etc. Ruby is not the most intuitive language.. so...
  9. 1) Macros grayed out because they are invalid 2) Try creating roomVolume macro, check the "evaluate" checkbox and paste the following (internal_area * (ceiling_elevation - floor_elevation) / 12).round(1) Now select a room open the macro manager and select this new macro "roomVolume" 3)".round()" <- rounding function
  10. You can not delete a layer if it is used not just a plan but any cad details... At one time I was trying to delete layer named "0" ... with no luck...
  11. Many many years ago PDF was a simple format based on PostScript. Everything was a text file 1 0 Obj << /Type /Font ... >> These days are OVER. Modern PDFs have multiple compressed streams of prior defined objects, /ProcSet <- procedure sets, functions, embedded interactive objects, embedded fonts, patterns, etc etc etc. It is NOT possible IMHO to parse process them cost effectively in a multiple threads/processes at the same time. Why am I not all that surprised that only one core is in USE.... Use images.
  12. Set your plan view layers correctly. Next time when closing a plan view and CA offers to "save plan view " - always say NO.
  13. 1. Ask your city building department. 2. I would not rely on ca calculations.... 2. Draw a rectangular polyline or use a footprint to create the polyline .... Put owner.area.round(1) macro as a label it will show you the sq ft. Adjust to what the building department tells you.
  14. Normally you want ductwork: 1 center of the house 2 never install trunc / major supply underneath of wall with eves. 3 ideally supply's and returns should be in a condition space. 4. You should have a central return 5. Unless you are planning to undercut every door you should plan for returns. 6. Readup on jump duct vs dedicated returns. 0. Consult an expert
  15. Yes, you need to assign custom labels to the rooms. Lets say you created a Label to display survey, assigned a macro "siteSurvey", now inside of that macro you attempting to access in FrontPorch. To get that value, find FrontPorch room and set the label, inside of custom function assign global $frontPorch = owner.interior_area. Now $frontPorch global variable will be available in the site survey. to add them all. To add ruby + and most likely (+).round(1). xxx.to_i (converts to integer) Or you can just buy a macro from Joe or Alaska_son
  16. Depending on what are you trying to accomplish, below will give you a location of CA/csv/myL NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO USE PATH libx1 = File.expand_path("test_1.txt", $LOAD_PATH[0]) => "C:/Users/browntiger/Documents/Chief Architect Premier X10 Data/Scripts/test_1.txt" Call can (also include backslashes) libx1 = File.expand_path("../test_1.txt", $LOAD_PATH[0]) or this mycsv = File.expand_path("../csv/myLibrary.csv", __FILE__) or
  17. Go to Text Macro Managment [TMM] CAD> Text> Text Macro Management Select Import/ I found it odd that settings in ChiefArchitect stored in .ini's, proprietary, xml and even json.
  18. The Andersen 100 Series windows [Fiberex] are always popular with a builders. Primarily, they offer different interior and exterior colors, not as ugly as some other Vinyl... Sometimes designer want to know if he is using standard vs custom sizes [adds +$$]. So here is a validator macro, that can be assigned as a label or just executed in the tmm Free Macro, enjoy Code demonstrate use of Ruby arrays, and "any?" method. BT I also have A200,400, and pella.. But this will get you started if you are not 100% familiar with Ruby. Andersen100Units.json
  19. PDF or alike methods. It is best to get it right in the first place so you do not have to move and move again, or rotate +5 degrees, -5 degrees, +10 degrees, etc. But if variables present (septic locations, etc), create a separate plan file: lot.plan, place your roads, setbacks, ponds etc. Print to image or PDF. Import PDF /image back into your house plan. Now you should be able to rotate the house with some silly landscaping, and independently move pdf/image layer, rotate the image position with roads and setbacks and all "Plan Footprint 1", "Plan Footprint 99" - will be in sync. New driveway place it into lot.plan, export and import- until you are happy. Combine plans when all placements are firm. [My wife changes her opinions daily - so this is what I had to do for my own project.]
  20. You can exclude category from appearing on the material list: e.g. hardware
  21. No macros in a scheduler as of X10. Obviously you can use Code, Comment, etc fields... .... Other than that: Make room in a format "RoomName - XX", make it the first column, specify scheduler right alignment in a properties, and chop of the room name leaving XX.
  22. Not sure, but these are possible with macros, only visible hvac l&v plan view