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Everything posted by BrownTiger

  1. No it defaults to the C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Chief Architect Inc\Chief Architect Premier X12.ini setting Printer%20DPI=600
  2. Export PDF automatically defaults the Destination: to Chief Architect PDF driver, while Print PDF defaults to last printer used. (could still be Chief Architect PDF driver but not necessary)
  3. >so that the print dialog is always correct for a particular layout file... >I must be missing something simple... Yes, sorry the meaningful description of the issue. dialog settings, like what? Landscape, Printer Name, CollateCopies, DoubleSided, PaperOrientation, Watermark, Range, Scale, Print in Color...
  4. 1) Are there particular Sun Angles that you consider when placing a house? How many sun angle do you define per plan? e.g. January XX, 9am? April ?? 2) Can't get sun angle to cast a show on interior? Is this normal? BT
  5. Just like with everything else, you check Plan Default> Text callouts markers> Notes = to see what exactly it says. You hilight the note itself and see what text default it says. You select the schedule... and check ALDO Are you using a custom style? I recommend create at least 3 styles: "Notes 1/4" Style", "Notes 1/2" Style", "Notes 1" Style". As a general rule: Never apply custom style to any Notes, Text, always use either a layer style or a plan style. Without a plan I can only guess.
  6. >Do I have to have two separate text boxes on two different default sets for two different scales? NO You should be using PlanViews....Let's say you have Kitchen and Bath PlanView that is linked to NKBA 1" (kitchen and Bath layerset). In that layerset click on room label, hit Text style, define >> Copy >> Name new style: Room Label Style 1" In that style specify let's say font size: 2". Now if you return to Working Plan view your label will be in "Room Label Style" and in NKBA it will display as Room Label Style 1". Send each plan view into your layout.
  7. Change Your text style, define appropriate label style for your scale. If you have 6" Room Style for 1/4", you may want to define RoomStyle 1" style to be 2.5".
  8. You are right this would have to be a VBA Macro to parse this..... September 14, 2020 1:07:15 AM,September 14, 2020 1:18:47 AM,00:11:32,BT, SomeText It should have been tab separated and like "2020-09-14 1:07:15 AM", or at least quoted, or may be XML or Json. Currently with two commas only VBA cann get this I do not understand why field that contains "," separators are not quoted during CSV exports Well why don't some one makes a suggestion, see if @Dermot comment on this.... With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection ....
  9. The export to csv is not working for you?
  10. Filmora9 very easy $59 - lifetime
  11. I think I had some of the same issues a year(s) back, when I tried to model, SIP over rafters. [ I gave up on that model, my staff are not really for building in the real world. ] I did SIP as a finish layer, and 4x10s rafters as a structural layer with exposed rafter ties. Software framed structural layer perfectly, sip was good, but frieze and blocking never worked correctly. Frieze board did not generate, but it can be placed in cross section. Blocking never worked. I think I used soffit & rafter to cover up the holes. 2D appeared correct.
  12. You really should be posting there CA has System Library Database folder setting that allows you to specify this location. Home Designer Suite 2021 I do not know.. In windows you can set this setting additionally by modifying C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Chief Architect Inc\Chief Architect Premier X12.ini Shared%20System%20Library%20Database%20Folder=...
  13. odd, I went drawing the same wall from right to left and it stayed. [] Not sure if direction makes a difference. Living Area Label Issue
  14. So no biggie, all unfinished space will not have a living area label
  15. They are not allowed to talk about it.
  16. very common with CA, you could just draw manual plane in attempt to fix it ... but so much better to post the plan....
  17. ChiefArchitect heavily uses undo/temp files, stores partial rendering information etc. While NVMe drive are fast, they are not as fast as RAM drives. If you have a 32Gb of Ram dedicating some ram for ram drive will speed up CA a bit. See
  18. Software runs exceptionally fast if you setup a RAM drive like (ImDisk) , and redirect undo / temp files to it. And it will extend the life of your NVMe drive. 13x read and 31x write speed. Just 8G is a great help. Video card does little work in X12, imho
  19. It is more about how are you use these macros.... I had a similar dilemma and realized it is easy to simple define the spec macros [non-Ruby] and only import from the file system what I need. In a folder I have 4 or 5 different definitions of: A_SPEC_FNDWALL_TALL9 (8" or 10"), only one json with 8" for ex will be imported. You can multi-select and import as many macros as you want at one time. If you have macros that do analysis: once they generated the results (I pasted them into a text) they are no longer needed. Personally I used SPEC macros and couple label (custom labels) and that was it. The minor / short strings can go into keynotes or just a small text All visible text here generated by %A_SPEC_XXX% macros
  20. Just define your Siding wall type. As others stated I would not use double the furring stripps, not sure if I would have two vapor barriers: one on inside and one on outside, because the cavity moisture will have no place to go. In engineering school they tell you avoid, avoid avoid. [unless you find a one way vapor open barrier, and even than...] Suggested wall: Gypsum wallboard Cavity Insulation Structural Sheathing Vapor Barrier (tyveck) Continuous Insulation (Comfortboard 80) 2x3 Horizontal Furring Strips (Client Specified) Siding Here is example
  21. This is based on your Active Dimensions Defaults.I recommend you to add "Active Defaults" to your toolbar. When NKBA mode hit Active Default and examine [Edit] dimension defaults. Check the size of text. I believe the default CA residential template has them at pretty good size.
  22. If you are talking about offset walls in the basement... create your own interior wall type that fits your needs and mark it as furred in the properties > structure > double walls > furred. So to offset by 2": create a wall type "furred basement" from like interior, remove exterior drywall, add air layer 2" on exterior
  23. I just picked up a house project I started two years ago so I'm rusty using this program and I cant find my answer in the doc. I have three questions... 1. The shed roof is going in the wrong direction. I had it working on my original version until I moved the first floor wall. I have high shed/gable wall on the tall side and full gable wall on the two lower sides yet the roof slants from the two sides marked full gable wall. There are couple ways to make it: Mark the tall wall "high shed/gable wall", mark sides as full gable, mark the lower as hip. Another: make baseline polyline and mark it on that... But it is much quicker to press "q" on a keyboard click right outside of lower wall, stretch it to the width and pull it over the high side, takes 3 seconds to do the manual plane. 2. I cant recall how to view, create or edit the walls above the first level. need help on the buttons. Press up button on the top bar next to a number "1" 3. The mirrored garage windows from the main house are lower than the house windows using the same settings. I can fudge to raise the windows in the garage but curious about a better solution. Because you window height is from the floor. A garage floor is lower. Change window "Elevation reference" to Absolute.