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Everything posted by ShaneK

  1. Valley Truss Base / used for creating a "valley set" of trusses so that does not turn valleys on and off.
  2. Default wall heights, front gabel roof baseline, interior walls and stairway area. Sample Model.plan
  3. Use "wall align with below" tool.
  4. Did you download shutter library from CA?
  5. Use stairway tool, select stairway and in edit tool box is a "Flare" tool icon
  6. I'm foreign to your programS, lmbo. Download file, I changed your ceiling planes too, fixed attic and gabel walls.
  7. DWG viewer is in model mode too.
  8. Original plan was ver 10. I have since added 24,000 sq ft to this project design and build. When I import file I exported back into CA it is to scale. All is well, civil engineer can get it to scale just like we can in CA. Thanks DJP and Joey.
  9. Use room divider to separate cathedral room from flat ceiling room. In cathedral room open dbx and no ceiling in structure tab
  10. DJP, I was in plan view when exporting, I have attached file. Site plan in cad detail. Scale of site plan is 1/4 = 1' when I send it to layout. I need dwg file for civil engineer, he has it and says he will work it as is BUT I want to know why I can't get accurate scale when exporting in dwg. CMS Stec Storage 80 ft truss.plan
  11. When I export and open (site plan) in dwg viewer all looks fine, BUT all dimensions are in small increments, like it should be 191'-4" but in dwg viewer its says 6 9/16".Is this normal and an experienced CAD person can correct in AutoCAD? I get dwg's from others and they are to scale when I open in CA.
  12. Sample Commercial glass.plan
  13. Steel wall framing. Change wall framing to fir 16"o.c. and it frames normal. I just ran into same problem on Pharmacy project.
  14. I too have many old plans from versions as far back as 7 and I have seen problems, foundation to trusses in heaven. It's not the end of the world but................................................
  15. Shed roof or crickets to create valleys. 2nd story will need saddle on back side to divert water.