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Everything posted by ShaneK

  1. I get same view as both Solver and Rlackore, I think in original pdf you posted your molding polyline layer was turned off. One of the ceiling planes had a peak height 1/16 higher but that should not cause any serious issues. Check your layers.
  2. We have framing and wall defaults, but not like that.
  3. Check layer of each, possibly you have multiple layers of interior dimensions. Have you changed any default dimensions for this plan?
  4. No structure tab is not available to enter multiple rafter sizes, but can be done manually after the fact. But you already know this.
  5. Commercial style dutch door for a cubical pharmacy.
  6. I'm joining, once we join there must be an access to libraries?
  7. Its not you 3d, you did same fix and it looks the best it can be with prow gabel. Great work. I have helped Newell on 3 projects and I don't mind it but he needs to look at what is being done for him FOR FREE.
  8. Mark 3d nice job at trying to fix a major issue. Newell needs to download files that we help him with and LOOK AT THEM.
  9. I posted this pic and plan file in your previous post several days ago.
  10. Newell, All pictures of the gabels you are providing show a straight gabel wall, you have a "prow Gabel" wall and geometry limits how it looks. I modified your plan to show what it looks like the last you posted it and this is the 3rd time you have posted same plan with same question. Let me straighten that gabel wall and you can have the look in pics you posted.
  11. It's a 10 if you want to master the program. It is a very sophisticated modeling program and if you are starting at ground zero and have no other design program experience you better be ready to LEARN. It also depends on what your knowledge of the construction industry and what projects are you tackling. Good luck
  12. Yes it can be used as a reference for tracing. You can get it to scale once imported.
  13. I have 17, it only took 10 minutes and I will post your original plan
  14. Roofs Walker.Patrick One Story 2 07.2016
  15. Text but I'm migrating to rich text and joining Joe Carrick macro club SOON.
  16. Exposed wood on ext. walls is where soffit connects to wall, therefore no siding above that point. Raise your roof planes ( you should anyway, bird mouth cut way too big ) and you will see exposed wood change.
  17. This was setting that needed tuning up. Thanks Kiwideziner for reply and help.
  18. I exported at 1'=1' & 1/4"=1' & 1"=1" and all same results.