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Everything posted by chief58

  1. It would help if you said what version you are using and post the plan for us to see what settings you have
  2. David how much was it on Amazon I see it for $ 103.00 on Lowes site, I will have to look at Amazon, let us know how it works for you sounds like a good investment if it works like it says
  3. I have seen this tool and been reading about it, seems like it would be a very useful item to have for doing measuring of an existing residence to bring to the office for drawing as build in Chief. So I was wondering if anyone else has seen or used one of these before investing in one Thank you
  4. Like Joe I have been using Dropbox for my files and it has been working great
  5. Thank you Dave always appreciate your shares
  6. I agree this needs to be fixed ASAP, I am having a problem today also it is driving me crazy and losing to much time trying to figure something out
  7. I have trouble with the auto elevation tool being able to get it to what I want, feel there should be more options in the defaults like the options for showing the windows and doors in a plan if you want to show them
  8. One is and they say they are working on it, can't copy a wall and rename it to a new one
  9. place your cabinet in the corner then select it, in elevation view select your doors and change them to drawers and split then horizontal to make 3 drawers then adjust there size. just won't show open
  10. Why can't you save them to a townhouse folder and then have a different folder and name for each one, if you make changes rename that one in the spec. folder to a day or different name, this can be done with a layout sheet also just relink the layout sheet to the plan you are revising
  11. You guys with your Ruby and Macro's are something great and I am envy, all I know with Joe and his macros and the macro of the month has made things a lot better for me and I thank you for that, just wish chief would do more with a macro lib to be able to find things better and faster. Thank you guys
  12. set what Michael says to build platform to osb layer and hit f12
  13. Check your tub dimension it looks like it goes to the outside of the left wall, if you are going to show them putting in walls you should measure to framing not to sheet rock
  14. It works for me go to your ssa video's and put in wall types in the search box there is a ton of info there
  15. the attic wall or any other wall you can select and make changes to them
  16. try this
  17. Select the wall and open wall types then go to the siding 6 and open the wall definitions you can change it there or you can do it in your default wall types
  18. Also looks like you painted your walls, when I went to your siding 6 wall type it is a grey siding but your plan shows a brown siding, when changing siding type or color you should do it in the wall type and your can make different wall types
  19. What Michael said and you have to change the wall type to the type of wall you will want there once you uncheck invisible and make sure you keep attic wall checked
  20. If you post the plan people will be able to help you and then explain to you how they did it or what you were doing wrong
  21. David not sure what version you are using but check to see if you have an attic wall on the front gable, you might want to post the plan for guys to see
  22. Like Joe say do a save as and just change to name to the new file and can be done in one folder to review in
  23. Yes they can I have X6, x7, and x8 on my main computer and if I looked maybe back farther