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Everything posted by chief58

  1. Larry for prelims I use a Epsom WF-7520 all in one and for big print I bought a used canon IPF750 that is working great for me knock on wood, I print all in house since print house is always from me and If I have the ups to me it's late the next day or longer
  2. chief58

    Plot Plan

    Also text style means a lot also, at one time I had mine at Chief Blueprint and when I changed it to arial it looked a lot better
  3. if you have ssa tthere are simpson products that you can download under manufacturer catalog
  4. chief58

    Plot Plan

    dang computer is moving slower then me this aftrnoonplat update.plan
  5. chief58

    Plot Plan

    Randyc select your line and change your text style under the layer you have it on to a plot plan text and edit it to the size that will work for you see attached
  6. Did you check your Archives files
  7. Lew great tool it saves a lot of confusion with all the notes on the floor plans
  8. See Joe Carrick he has a marco that will do what you are looking for it shows up on each rafter, ridge and hip, and you can get a sq. ft. of the area of roof also, my builders love it when I put this on the print, even the lumber supplier likes it saves them a ton to time
  9. I see where you have the garage marked on the lowest level but it has windows and do garage doors so I am not sure what you area trying to accomplish, I set the garage floor elevation to default in the garage which lowered the garage floor, is your garage in the basement or on level 1
  10. Thanks guys for all the great comments. Michael my old computer looks like windows 7 but not being a very knowledgable computer guy I do.n't know how I got it to there if I only knew I would try to do it to the other one and maybe the new one or laptop. Rich thanks for the site I will put that on a DVD for future
  11. I wasn't sure if it was a ? That needed to be answered np
  12. Michael what I did was made the tall cabinet and adjusted how wide I needed it then rotated it to be in the center of the corner which I had to put a cad line in to be able to center the tall cabinet then put in the tall panels which gave me where the 24" was then moved the tall cabinet out to that area point to point way, put the other cabinets on the sides then place the dbl oven in the cabinet
  13. This can be done using a tall cabinet wide enough to fit the dbl oven in and adding a side panel to each side of the tall cabinet then placing your other kit cabinets on each side, you will have to adjust the tall cabinet out to meet the 24" depth of the other cabinets
  14. I have a question about windows 10, I downloaded it on my old computer but haven't played with it much, does anyone know if I download win 10 on my new computer can I download it while it is still a free option but not install it yet until I feel comfortable with it, I have win 7 on the new one and win 8 on the laptop, how many problems are people having using the new win 10. people either love it or hate it. Thanks for any help
  15. I think Glenn's method would be the best one to use, thanks Glenn for the video seems very simple using your method
  16. sounds like you are making the chages in the default material and not just the cabinets you want to change, if that is what you are doing try changing only the ones you want the different material not all of them
  17. did you change the clg height through the default, that is where I would do it first, do you have a two story foyer you can go to the second floor and do an open below in that area
  18. I say build what you want its your home, I had an Aunt I but for years ago and people sId she had to build a 3 bedroom for resale well I talked her into building what she wanted and we did, she has passed on and as executive of the estate the house was sold in a week, so enjoy what you want not what the next person does, and the house was sold at appraised value with no bargaining, as on car dealer told me one time there is an a-- for every seat Good luck enjoy what you want not what someone else does
  19. In Alaskan video the last part I would do what he does but change under the number style and change that to pitch they you just have to put in the pitch you want the rafter to be, then I would copy it in the z axis the distance I want the rafter to be 2x- whatever then connect the points with vertical lines
  20. gr8designer, do you annotation sets if you make an annotation set called plot plan and you can change the dimensions there and save them under a txt style you make and save, this way you just have to bring up that annotation set and everything would be setup already and you don't have to do it each time, once setup very easy to use
  21. I recently bought and ASUS 17" gaming computer which I use Chief on in the field and at my kitchen counter where I am know and love it
  22. That was the proper wording in 3d warehouse I found some, thank you
  23. Jonathan yes maybe I should put that in for a search that is why I wasn't getting anything, thanks I will try that