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Everything posted by DBCooper

  1. I don't know if you can setup your edge line defaults ahead of time, but you can always open the layout box dialog and change them after you have sent the view. If you want to use the line weights and colors from the layers in the section view, then just don't check "use edge line defaults" in the send to layout dialog.
  2. "Post the plan" means attach a copy of the plan to your post so that someone else can download it and see if they have the same problem. You usually have to make a zip or archive version of the plan in order to attach it because this forum has limits on how big an attached file can be. Some times you need to remove extra stuff to try and make the plan file smaller so you can attach it. Some people prefer to put a link to a plan file on a cloud account when it is too big to post. In your case, I really suspect that it is just a video card or driver issue (like it turned out to be for DT). If all else fails, then you might want to contact tech support.
  3. Just change the height of it, up/down a mm should do the trick.
  4. Soffits will auto join that way, just like cabinets. You could turn off "create auto fillers" in the "general cabinet defaults". Or use something other than soffits, like framing, poly solids, wall material regions, slabs, or whatever...
  5. Apparently, if you delete a room label, the program turns off "show room label" for the room. It looks like if you delete them using "delete objects", by checking "text", you can also turn them off for the whole floor or even all floors. Looks like this has come up before too:
  6. I have only seen it in the pony wall defaults. The other settings for which part of the pony wall displays looks like it is in the pony wall defaults, the wall dialog, and in the saved plan view dialog.
  7. If you are using X15, all you need to do is search for "drinking fountain" in the library browser. You should then see the wall mounted ones available in one of the bonus catalogs. If you click on it to place it, the program will ask you if you want to download it. If you have SSA it's free and it will just work. This is one of the things I actually like about the new library browser in X15 since it is so much easier to find stuff. If you are still using an older version, you can always go to the online library and manually download it. It's in Commercial No.04 Fixtures.
  8. If you are going to keep the single stringer with open risers, then I would probably just use something like a p-solid underneath to use as a ceiling above the closet. I'm not really sure how this would look in the real world though. If you want a different style stair over the closet, then you could use a "complete" break, shift select the upper section, and change the settings so that it has a closed riser on it instead.
  9. So the ones I am showing in Chief look pretty close to what you are showing in your picture. What do you need that is different?
  10. Did you even look before you started shouting at me?
  11. In Adam's picture, he is using "upper wall and lower wall outline". In this case, the setting seems to affect it, in your case, maybe not. Since Adam didn't post a plan, we are still just guessing.
  12. It looks like there might be some in the library that would work. I just searched for "drinking" and a few showed up that could be downloaded.
  13. If you have manual roof planes, and you change the roof plane defaults, they probably won't change. You would either need to rebuild the roof or edit all of the roof planes. BTW, there is a tool for editing all the roof planes which can be handy in cases like this.
  14. The only other thing I can think of to check is if you have "display openings in non-display parts of walls" set to "always" in your pony wall defaults. If it's not this, then you should probably post your plan.
  15. Suppress label does not get rid of the schedule callout like it used to. I think this changed when they added the ability to show both labels and callouts. You need to open the wall dialog, go to the schedule page, and either turn off "include in schedule" or "show schedule callout".
  16. It looks like your window is sitting right on top of the lower wall. You could try raising it up just a tad. You might also try playing around with the rough opening and concrete cutout settings to see if they affect it.
  17. I guess you need to look at what is different between the door you have that works and the one that doesn't. Maybe a stretch plane or origin issue? BTW, it does not seem to be related to how complicated the door is. See my toilet doors below.
  18. Seems to work for me. Maybe you did something wrong with the door symbol?
  19. I don't think those stairs will connect automatically. If you want the handrail to wrap around, you will probably have to draw it manually with a molding poly. You could also maybe draw a short rail section there depending on what you are trying to do.
  20. Did you look in all of the bonus and manufacturer libraries? Not sure if some of them are only for X15 or not though. X15 has some library improvements that might actually help in this case because you can search for "architectural blocks" and it will show you all of the installed library objects as well as all of the ones you can download. Did you really need the furniture "grouped" because if you can find individual pieces that you like you can always build your own groups. Just grab them, block them, and save them to your user library.
  21. The arrow backoff point looks like it is only used when you are using the cad block as an arrowhead. It allows you to change where the line ends relative to the arrow insertion point. It took me awhile to figure it out because apparently it also controls the orientation of the arrowhead. While messing with it, I ended up with my arrow head pointing every which way. Seems like you need to be careful when using it and it would be better if you could just set the angle. In the picture below, the insertion point is at the tip of each arrow. For the one on the right, the arrow backoff point is at the bottom. It's probably not very useful if your arrowhead has a solid fill.
  22. Yeah, that's probably why @TeaTime always seems to beat me to the post.
  23. What, no love for poor old DB even though I beat Robert by a good 13 hours? Good thing I don't get my nose all bent out of shape over silly things like up/down votes and who gets credit for solutions. ;) And no, once you make something a symbol you really can't "explode" it to get back to the original objects. You can put it in a camera view and add/delete more surfaces to make a new symbol, but you can't do much else. They're now just "dumb" surfaces and you have lost the "smart" objects.
  24. Yes, I'm pretty sure it has to do with the new laptop and the external monitor. See if this tech article helps: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00106/troubleshooting-3d-camera-view-display-problems-in-chief-architect.html If not, then you might want to call tech support.
  25. What about using one of the attic gable vents in the core library?