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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Nothing much changed for me here with the new update, basically I still have the same Issues and once again had to uninstall MSoft Update KB KB5011487 (and the newer KB5011543) to stop the Save Lock-Out Bug occurring with the new update as well. Mick.
  2. Quarry Mill is missing from my list of Manufacturer Libraries to select too , so best you report the issues to Tech Support as it seems the list is shorter than it should be for sure, since there are over 400 now if yo have them all installed. *** Looking more I did notice there are libraries not selected ( Box checked ) when selecting a pre-made filter eg Bonus M.
  3. HD Pro is based on X12 , you are not the only one with outdated hardware with issues because of the New Astral 3D Engine, ( Direct X12 based ) and CA has been willing to downgrade people to X12 or Pro 2021, ( OpenGL based) so there machines can handle it , someone with Pro 2022 did exactly that last week who was having similar weirdness .... M.
  4. This is not possible in any version as doing so would break the "Update Catalogs Feature" that is why you must copy them to your User Library and Create Custom Catalogs (categories) M.
  5. X10 is about 1 of 4 Elkay Libraries Chief still has online in their Folder... Elkay at Chief....
  6. I found a few weird ones like this too ......My Snaps were OFF even though the Icon said they were ON , and I had to disable them and re-enable them to get them working again after I fixed about 16 of 27 layersets with the Framing ALL turned On........ very strange..... I am STILL getting the message about the Missing CAD Detail though in the current Layout even though both plans are Referenced and all Layout boxes appear to be Filled.... The 2503 Error with Chief is unfortunately not new for me, I suffered with it in X12 as well. Hopefully the new Nvidia Driver that came out yesterday doesn't cause anymore issues , I wasn't willing to try it yest. as well M.
  7. Well may your luck hold...... I finally got it installed and it appears to have destroyed the layout I have been working on the last few Days including this morning ...... * Hmmm interesting since the house has never had a roof Plane there, it is a 3:12 Porch Roof which is still there as you can see..... All the Layersets seem messed Up too, they all seem to have Framing turned on now , so 3D views and Elevations are showing strange boo-boos like this and below. M.
  8. Just A Warning to those reading, while this will work IF they have the Hardware, be aware YOU ARE GIVING YOUR CLIENT THE FULL CHIEF PLAN . So make sure their Account is upto date etc as once they have that digital file ........ M.
  9. Probably just me but here were go again with the Install Errors..... Lock my computer up totally and had to use the reset button 1st time around..... but same issue on subsequent tries....
  10. Oh wow...that is news .....It used to be 99mb per plan I think? , times must be tough at CA, reducing bandwidth there and here on the Forum ( 25mb > 14mb) and may also explain why it doesn't work for me sometimes too, though in X13 even when it does, EVERYTHING is highly overexposed and doesn't look as good as in Chief Natively...... ( Standard View ) it also forces you to load "basic View then you have to change the Render Type to Standard ...bandwidth again? but who want's to look at Basic View? M.
  11. There is a Fix in the Update released a few hours ago for Sink Cutouts..... not sure if it will help you or not?
  12. Not sure if related but the new version for Chief today has a fix that may apply to you
  13. Chief just release a NEW Version of X13 at Lunch, I happen to close down and reboot ...just got it myself....maybe worth a try ---see the PDF M.
  14. Yes , I closed down to uninstall the M$oft Update that is causing me Save Issues again with Chief and got notified just now as I rebooted.... so fingers crossed this fixes that Issue. PDF of Fixes.............. chief-architect-x13-update-notes.pdf M.
  15. Just found this posted in the Chatroom, and he is have issues with his Aware as well https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/33965-hardware-preferences-for-chief-architect-premier/ I'd be thinking 12th gen since the budget is apparently non - existent and 11 gen is fine , might get a good deal with 12th gen out now, and at least on Desktop, 11th gen will allow Gen4 PCie on NVMEs, which are twice as fast , BUT not sure it help Chief a lot ? but I have not investigated that on Laptops though. ( my laptop is 10th gen.) M.
  16. Well while you still have it , why not try a Install of Win10 and find out , just return it to factory reset before returning it , which you'd do anyway...... that's one way to find out if it is Win11 or the "Hybrid" Tech, which I think is where even the RTX out goes thru the Intel chip to save power ...now I could see that messing with Chief as Chief has had weird issues over the years with Intel's Drivers/Cards. M.
  17. Like Mark I would not go with the Dell Precision either, with Mark's help I went through 7 laptops before getting one that worked ( almost ) as it should, all of them had weird issues , like with MSI, (2) with USB ports not working , (1) overheating doing nothing at Idle, an Acer that came with a charger that wasn't Acer's ( Amazon ), a ProStar Clevo, (which I liked) that had Hardware WHEA errors continuously etc etc, which they couldn't fix, so ya just have to have faith and buy from a place with a no questions asked Return Policy Gigabyte has some nice models as does Asus currently and with your budget it should be top of the Line, but Xotic, HID Evolution and a few others Mark has used do the Sager/Clevos and I believe Rene Rabbit got a Eluktronics Laptop recently , so perhaps send him a PM. M.
  18. Canvas now supplies a NATIVE Chief .PLAN file I believe and will even use a Supplied Template. * At least this is my understanding from the Forum I have not used them as I don't have the Hardware needed. M.
  19. On a Laptop you may need to disable Secure Boot in the Bios 1st as well , or it won't / may not boot from a USB Drive. M.
  20. Looks Like your Dimensions are Set to use the Wrong Layer but you don't say what you are doing when the Popup occurs.... M.
  21. No worries , you might want to put an edit it your 1st Post with the Answer so other Users don't read the whole thread and confuse themselves M.
  22. I had a MSI Laptop doing something similar, so I returned it and got the Asus in my Signature instead, as I had a concern the CPU wasn't properly installed with the required TIM. ( Thermal Interface Material ) M.