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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. In Standard View the lights need to be set much higher that in PBR to show and real effect , but also in the pics above there is only a couple of small recess light i can see and no light coming from the exterior ( windows or Doors) so you may need to ADD Lights ( these are "invisible" lights in 3D ) to help illuminate the space better. Your card looks fine for X14 , I can see it supports Extended Formats too , which is also important for X13 and X14 , but as the 960 does not support RTX technology you could try turning off GPU Ray Tracing and see if views still go black. If this is a Laptop? you should make sure that Chief is using the Nvidia Card not the Intel Graphics card and that it is using the best Driver for it (Ver. 526.86) too.... 3rd Pic.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03140/forcing-chief-architect-programs-to-use-a-specific-graphics-card-in-windows-10-11.html M.
  2. No harm done here Cody...... your are right about the Haters these days..... M.
  3. Chief is probably seeing the 2nd area as a different Room and by default Chief only lights the Room the camera is in by Default , do you even have light(s) in the second area? ( where the bed is ). It is possible your GTX 960 is struggling with PBR and it can not do PBR-RTRT I think ( PBR is the same as X12 , PBR-RTRT (Real time Raytacing) is in X13/X14 but the Videocard must support RTX from Nvidia , which the 960 does not have , you need a 2000,3000, or 4000 Series Videocard for that. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03146/identifying-the-shader-model-of-your-graphics-card-in-windows.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00106/troubleshooting-3d-camera-view-display-problems-in-chief-architect.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01025/message-your-video-card-is-unable-to-provide-optimum-3d-performance.html M.
  4. Just a faux pas I think , I think he just marked it solved is all, not that he solved it. M.
  5. On these type of roofs it's best to Make the sub fascia's the same size as the rafter and the Fascia one size bigger. M.
  6. Yes it's best to do a SAVE AS version of the Plan if you really need PBR ,eg My Plan_PBR , as the lighting and even material properties can need to be quite different as well as the Sun Lumens. Chief Balances the sunlight against the Interior Lights ( no I don't know why ) but Chief sets the sun to maximum by Default which is 100,000 Lumens whereas you can probably get away with 500-5000 lumens depending on the scene. There is this KB Article have you seen it ? Under the Green Tools button on the right, you can also download the KBA as a PDF. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00777/working-with-lighting.html or these Videos https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2426/physically-based-rendering-technique.html?playlist=102 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2430/light-sets.html?playlist=102 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/70/rope-lighting.html?playlist=102 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/83/advanced-materials.html?playlist=102 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10210/material-properties-how-to-import-set-the-pattern-visualize-in-3d.html?playlist=170 Mick.
  7. You should be able to open the Image in Paint and take a small selection of the black tile, copy it, paste it back into the pic, and drag it over the White Dot and resave it. If the size of the Hex is supposed to be smaller ? make the texture size smaller on the Texture tab in Chief's Material DBX.
  8. Hi, there a few threads on the Forum on doing Store Fronts and those may help with the Walltype used , here is a post of mine from about a year ago for example https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31982-store-front/?do=findComment&comment=251724 * and it appears in that KB article someone forgot to uncheck "Trim Framing to Soffits" in the Roof DBX as the Rafters are notched.... they even hung some plants off it Mick.
  9. Looks fine , you might have to play with the lights though --- see the light ring around them? perhaps they are just too bright , but the light looks like it is blaeeding into the ceiling so the light maybe a little too high/low ie buried partially in the ceiling/solid material. M.
  10. Well a solid would work too , but you can check the plan I uploaded to see what I did too. * the Lights will snap right to a Ceiling though which is one advantage. Mick.
  11. Looks good to me , or is there an Issue? I see you didn't lower the Ceiling above the Desk though........ so you can place the lights..... Open the Room DBX Plan............ M2000_test.zip Mick
  12. You can still download with a Web Account as far as I know Gene , that's all I have..... I just sign in with my gmail. M.
  13. It's just a flat rectangle on 3D Warehouse, it's not a Chief Material, hence the suggestion above to make your own. ( or use mine ) * Ahhhh I see now you are still in X12 , so no you can't use mine....... hopefully you know today is the last day to upgrade to X14 and stay on SSA? M.
  14. Make your Own.............. not that hard with the use of WMR's or Solids with a Satin metal material applied then take a view ( left end for me ) and take a screen grab and make a new Material with the new texture (pic) - the WMRs look better as real 3D but a bit more work on a large building , though with multi-copy it would be too bad i'd think. Black Satin Metal and Full Siding Material :MHD Material and Texture.calibz Mick.
  15. It was probably corrupted by your Crash mentioned in the other Thread, and typically there is no saving it , with luck you have an Auto backup in the Chief Archive Folder , which is inside your Chief Data Folder in Documents normally.
  16. Looks right from here or is something not working? * share your plan if needed , just make sure the plan is not open in Chief when you try to attach it to the Post, it also needs to be < less than 14mb in size. Mick.
  17. Pressure Treated...... and all cuts would need re-coating technically , which we all know the framer isn't likely to do as he is "on a price", so if you were really a*** you could add a strip of 1/2 Ply instead on the inside of a 2x8 which should stop the PT Treatment eating the hangers as well. ( the new treatment is brutal even on galv'd hangers and bolts, esp. in the presence of moisture, ( look under a deck) though I think it would take decades to failure ) M.
  18. On my thread here : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16205-nvidia-drivers-updated/?do=findComment&comment=281778 Or use Nvidia's Advanced Driver Download page here : https://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us M.
  19. Hi M, yes I think Gene is correct , it appears you have made 1 thick Wall? eg 600mm rather than two walls at 100mm (2x4) like in you were drawing a Closet. you will see the difference in construction in my Pics above.... This may also explain your question about the Wall Coverings as you aree correct it can only be applied to either side ( or both) not the End, as you can see in my Pics there is a 100mm wall on the end too. So make your Walls thin eg 50-100mm .................. No Doorway shown Doorway shown *Doorways can be hard to select in plan view once the frame is turned off PLAN FILE : (default Chief Template Plan) : M2000 - Forum Plan.plan Mick
  20. Not for me Holes in Platforms have a bad habit of causing Issues later so I try not to use them.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/37549-warning-error-popping-up/?tab=comments#comment-284853 M.
  21. Oh I see, okay then I would use a Solid for the Ceiling Drywall and cut a hole in it where needed..... Mick.
  22. It is just that particular symbol and I think why even Chief's own Recessed lights also don't have the the actual recess as the Light would need to cut a Hole on the Ceiling Layer ( much like a sink does in a countertop ) Any particular reason you want tis Symbol rather than just resizing Chief's default RL's and saving them to you library in a variety of sizes? M.
  23. You might need to explain more , show a bigger image for more context etc or even post a sample plan with the Issue assuming that pic is in Chief? as I've never seen it happen if so. Is the Light on the right set to 0" from the ceiling? does it's symbol have an Offset assigned? M.
  24. This maybe a region specific detail ? as in many paces I've built we put a 1x2 "Pour strip" in the formwork which leaves a 3/4" x 1 1/2" rebate in the concrete and the Bottom plate is placed flush to the inside which allows the Plywood to be flush to the outer side of the FDN wall ( and a bit of "wringle room" for out of square conditions etc), the plywood is hung down 1"-1/2", then the WRB and Siding is hung down 1" approx and 1 1/2"- 2" respectively. ( I also like a 4" tall Dripcap here to throw water off the wall , which all adds to helping seal the Air Infiltration Issue I think.) * I also do it Like Gene - Solid Arrows a bit smaller than the Text size, they don't get "lost" in the rest of the hatching and Fills then. M.
  25. Where to start ? Turning the Frame Off in the Niche should just leave you with a drywalled opening , ( See TV Niche below) so I suspect you wall definition may not be standard if you are seeing brown (probably the Framing?) however, for the desk area I would not use a Niche , but a Doorway with no Frame and use the Room Settings in the "Room" to apply floor coverings (carpet) etc, to match the Main Room and also to lower the Ceiling in the Makeup Area "Room" over the Desk. ( lower the Ceiling with an AIRGAP above the Ceiling Drywall so the Roof isn't effected.) Wall Elevation Cameras only see what is in the room they are in, so it's possible you won't see objects in other Rooms , the View may also be back-clipped and thus you don't see objects outside the back-clip distance, however the Cross section view (pic no#2) is reversed ( niche should be on right not left) so I think you took it from the wrong side ? * the strange Triangular lines in this view also tell me that you have not pulled the camera far enough past the surface of the wall..... those are actually the wall surface geometry triangles showing. - Yes you can change the color of the Niche in the Material DBX ( probably says Drywall by default ) - Not all objects will be easily selectable in Elevation , you'd need to be more specific but I think you mean the Desk ? if the Cross section is through the desk? it will be very hard to select , best thing to do is in Plan View shorten the Desk surface so you see the End of the Object in the Elev. Camera then you can select it easily. - Depending on the Material/situation you can use Wall coverings, Material Regions or even thin 3D Solids to put different materials on a Wall. If you need the plan to look at let me know........ Mick. .