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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Ahhhhh good find , I have never seen a 1/2 wall setup that way so I never dug that deep ....... I now see he did say it was a Ponywall ( common term here) but I didn't think he had made one in CA for it, normally I just set Railing , then solid then set the newel height to the wall height needed. M.
  2. that is strange.....it shows as a normal width wall .....good find
  3. Are you sure it is a connection issue and not an Off angle issue with the 1/2 wall? click the yellow triangle it should tell you.... here are a couple of possible fixes for the missing drywall on the end of the full wall where the 1/2 wall meets it too....
  4. Yes the trick is to use a second short (12") room divider line right on the end of the Short wall , this will stop the Main Room Divider wall joining properly to the short wall so the drywall will then wrap the end of the short wall too. You will then need to add a molding polyline to the room and uncheck the "no molding on this edge" box to add the base back to the end of the Short Wall too.
  5. I don't like it either so I set it in the Camera Defaults>General rather than the Camera's View DBX so it is used for all Cameras , personally I am not a fan of Bloom either....seems to Soften things too much...
  6. I use Avast Free now and Malwarebytes Free, have for years .... Avast bought AVG this year I think it was....I used AVG for years till it also became a resource hog and very intrusive but still use it on an old XP/Vista Machine where it is still ( or was) supported.
  7. not sure if it works with the Trial as you can't make saves , not sure if that is plan files only or not? but Try opening the Plan called profile.plan in the Templates Folder ( CA Default Plan) and make the change there so every time you open a plan the setting is already made.
  8. Is One Drive up and working , you signed in? you also may get blocked if one drive is full ie you are at the 5GB free limit... they all appear to be "in the cloud" rather than in My Documents>Chief Data Folder>Templates
  9. Ahhhh ...I did not understand from your 1st post pic how that was going to solve this User's issue.... quite the opposite , and your 2nd post to me read like you could not filter for Items in the User Library ... but I see now you meant you could not filter for the User Library itself.... M.
  10. You put no Limit on the number of passes , so it just kept going till you stopped it ...the setting is in Pic no# 3 , but is Under the General Tab in the RT DBX... Try it with Photons On and about 12-18 Passes at 1280x720 and see how it looks.... M.
  11. Eric is likely right , so use a full camera view ( not a floor camera ) and you should still see them... if not close the plan and attach a copy to your next post so someone can look for you.... M.
  12. You can create a User Library Filter ..... That DBX works backwards from what you would expect , read it carefully , you select what you DON'T want a filter to show so.... Add a new Filter name it USER and then check select all in all 3 categories , hit Ok and it will now only search the User Library.... as you have de-selected EVERYTHING else I also have a Filter for Core, Bonus and Manufacturers' setup using the same method.... seems to work okay here... Not that the above helps the OP ...... contact support BEFORE to try too much yourself so you don't Overwrite existing Files by accident.... M.
  13. That is really strange indeed , especially as there is no stairs (yet) but I would check your default settings for Railings as Follow Stairs should not be checked by default for every Railing , it is used for railing on Stairs only usually....
  14. Set the joists out with a Framing reference @16" spacing ( or as needed ) 1st and then place the 1st bolt between the 1st and 2nd joists and multiple copy it with a spacing of 16" ( or 32" or 48") and it should be between the joists all the way down the foundation. *** Note: This is just an example spacing explain how to do it, as I think 1 bolt every 48" and each side of Corners is actually Code in most Areas. here i just used a pink cylinder so you can see it easily....
  15. Not necessarily , though I guess the link to your mac above isn't the one you have? as it says it has 4GB ....looks like you could add another identical stick if needed though if you definitely have the intel 4000 GPU? ( not the 5000 listed above) , I would contact sales/tech support and clarify if it is capable or not with 2018 as it can't be upgraded like a Ram stick and there is a time limit on your 30 day money back policy. M.
  16. As Eric pointed out the new version does not do the Final Render immediately by default so people with lower spec'd computers don't get slowed down too much when they 1st open a view, generally it will get better if left open ( smooth when idle) I think is the idea but I have a 980Ti here so it always looks pretty good....make sure hardware edge smoothing is set to High in the Prefences >Reender Panel too. Personally I think Bloom softens alot of views , so I turn it off and turn ambient occlusion down to like 50% only to avoid darkening in Corners...
  17. @ChiefSales Hi Derek I would appear you need to edit your spelling of chiefarchitect in your email link .... finally figured out what the issue was with my sent email... hopefully they don't get 4-5 from me
  18. I think because you have been playing with Manual roof planes and have Auto Rebuild off , you need to Force some areas to rebuild in areas you have made changes too, like at the bumpouts on the garage and kitchen and as Eric mentioned , unchecking the default overhang setting ( and uncheck flush eave) and set it to your default overhang distance of 24" and they should rebuild without messing up the Manual Roof planes... seems to work for me. Also on the garage bumpout you need to reset the Default wall height and uncheck stop at ceiling boxes on those 3 walls to eliminate the holes. I didn't go around the whole house, but hopefully that's get most of them.... M.
  19. I just added another link to a tutorial in my 1st post.... I have been using it for years and never had an issue... okay here .... https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74952-documents-folder-move-location-windows-10-a.html
  20. you can use windows ability to move Library Locations to easily do that , here is my post from a few days ago for someone else here is perhaps a better guide than mine you can also move your Pictures, Music, etc Folders the same way... Move Documents ( including Chief Data folder) https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74952-documents-folder-move-location-windows-10-a.html Move Pictures https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74942-move-location-pictures-folder-windows-10-a.html Move music https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74966-move-location-music-folder-windows-10-a.html Move Downloads https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74949-move-location-downloads-folder-windows-10-a.html Move Videos https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74955-move-location-videos-folder-windows-10-a.html M.
  21. Best to post this in the Seeking Help forum , plenty of people to help , not sure about BHam though. oh and no need to use all caps here..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/forum/15-seeking-services/
  22. I am not having Chief issues either , but with 833.0 up I am/was in other programs ( directx crashes), and there is lots of complaints in the Gaming community too about them . With CA, it seems to be mostly the Mobile Nvidia Chips in Laptops etc doing it. M.
  23. There are KNOWN issues with the latest Nvidia drivers, in particular they cause the Label issue for many , try the 382.05 Drivers from May if you have a Nvidia Card , and make sure Chief is using the Nvidia Card not the integrated GPU too.
  24. Hi , you have posted on the Chief Architect Forums instead of the Home Product series Forums ( same login over there ) https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/?_fromLogin=1 However the graphics requirements for X9/2018 were raised and the videocard has to support OpenGl 4.1 on Mac , (3.3 on windows) which I am not sure if the 4000 does ( it's gen3 I think which is 4.0) whereas the 4200 or 4600 does I think. Are you sure of your Card ? cos your link says 5000 or Iris....... Make sure you have the latest drivers installed too... https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/products/system-requirements.html https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005524/graphics-drivers.html https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005477/graphics-drivers.html not sure how long you've had it ? you may need to use the 30 day guarantee and downgrade perhaps ...till you have a more powerful computer.... https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/products/guarantee.html M.
  25. AFAIK it is a limitation of most VideoCards , which can be noted on the Preferences>Render>VideoCard status Tab. M.