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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I believe in this case it is because you have left the Default Floor height at 94 3/4" instead of the 208 3/4 in the Room DBX , and the roof Plane is being built at the Default height over the Invisible wall ( plus heel height). If you change the Default Floor height to 208 3/4 , the Roof plane builds correctly by the look of it.... ( 1st pic) why with invisible walls it does that I have no idea, especially since in this case the wall is completing a 208" high Room. I assume there is a Beam across the opening of some sort , so a better way to do it maybe to use the normal wall with a HUGE Doorwasy between the Posts... or....2nd pic.
  2. Surprising ...internal gutter /downpipe perhaps? that's a big area draining in behind that turret... Get the ceiling fixed?
  3. if it's a laptop , you may have a low power graphics card if the Standard view is slow...try vector view in that case and only switch to Standard view when needed to take a pic for a Client for example. If you mean Raytraces , that is all CPU done , more cores is better but there are also multiple ways to reduce the time for those like not using point lights and keep the size to 1280 x 720. you should of asked last week before the Black Friday sales ........ any "gaming computer" with a Nvidia card should get the job done ..... but depends on you budget too. M.
  4. I agree, a nice Wrap- Around Curved Staircase would look good ...... I just took the easy route in the Existing plan to explain what i needed to do above...
  5. You may want to have the Client send you some photos if a Site visit isn't possible ...did they actually build the Roof that way? M.
  6. Can't you also Change the Camera View Names as needed in the Project Browser ? M.
  7. I misunderstood what you needed I think... if you are now using Pony walls ? I think you like need to make sure on the Ponywall tab to "Show Lower Wall" not default or Upper wall so you see the ICF not sure if you can do that with the ALDO by turning different Layers On and Off in different Views or Not? M.
  8. What Eric , not so tactfully, meant was that your "turret" roof has a number of holes , including one I can see from above in 3D , but also that there is no good way to get the water out from behind it , so you will need "crickets" or a different design .... it also looks like you have placed some ceiling "holes " in there , as you have a small triangle floating out in space and when I click on it I get this 3 times....
  9. One way in the KB https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00376/creating-a-walk-out-basement.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01809/creating-a-stepped-foundation.html
  10. add a copy of you plan for people to playn with , so they aren't guessing..... you can use the Window's Snipping Tool ( in accessories) to take screen shots if needed , then no PDF's are needed. good idea to fill in your signature too since you are new , see mine for how to.. M.
  11. The ram you have gets good reviews I know someone who just ordered some, but it's not for the Ryzen Platform AFAIK but the 3200 mhz version is , so hopefully your retailer will swap it out for you once you explain the issue, this is the 3200mhz https://www.gskill.com/en/product/f4-3200c14q-32gtzrx I just noticed on the Newegg Flare Ram page you linked there is a Gskill Chat Button , perhaps ask them a few questions , then see if they will help arrange a swap out perhaps if needed... https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232623 If you aren't already , download HWInfo64 ( or similar) and keep an eye on your heat during renders , if the system isn't shutting down because of thermal issues then 4DDesign maybe right that your PS maybe on the edge of enough power at 850W for a system like that or you just got unlucky and it is a bad one , instant off shutdowns are usually one or the other in my experience , ie the PS trips to protect itself ( or it's BAD ) or the CPU shuts the computer down to protect itself.... if you have another PS you can swap it out for , that maybe one way to test it... https://www.hwinfo.com/ M.
  12. I too suspect the CPU overheating , did you replace the TIM on the AIO Cooler for something better when you installed it? eg MX-4 or NH-T1 Also your Ram is not on Gskill's QVL list with that MB although the 3200mhz version is.... not all DDR4 is the same it seems (timing wise), my Gskill 2800 just would not work reliably with a Gigabyte X99 Board I had , it was swapped out for Corsair Vengeance 3000 Ram by the Store and it has been stable , both on the GB MB and Asus X99A-II I now have, though it won't boot 3000 on 100 Strap ( it will boot 3200 though), XMP automatically changes the Strap to 125mhz on my system , so make sure that didn't happen to you and you weren't inadvertently Overclocking if the Multiplier wasn't automatically changed too. https://www.gskill.com/en/configurator?manu=54&chip=3073&model=3078 3200mhz version https://www.gskill.com/en/product/f4-3200c14q-32gtzrx
  13. If you alter your Template Plan as I mentioned so both measurements are the same , it will be that way in all plans from now on. If you have all the Default Settings you like / want in this drawing you can turn it into your new Template too , so you have the Settings in all new Drawings. from the File Menu Simply do a Save As Template>(Template Name) eg: My Template Plan , in the CA Templates Folder and it should ask you if you want this plan to be your new Imperial Plans Template > Yes. then in CA Check (and change if needed..shouldn't be ) the new Plan Preferences Setting is set to the New Template you just created ( My Template.plan in this case) , then I would then in the Template plan file delete the Floors 1 x 1 so essentially the Plan is blank and ready to Start a new House plan on for the next Drawing. All your Defaults are still saved and ready to go , you can even setup you elevation camera etc ready in the Template Plan etc etc .....If you find a setting you want changed permanently , remember to open the NAMED Template file and change it there too , so each plan uses that setting going forward. Also get in the Habit of as soon as you open a new Plan, to Save it with a NAME ....if you don't the Autosave feature does not work and if you have a crash or something , you can lose all your work ( been there done that...) as there will be no Archive Folder made. These may help too : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00463/creating-and-using-a-plan-template.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00333/restoring-the-default-template-plan.html M.
  14. you are supposed to write it down when you install the program.... can you deactivate the license in your digital locker or not? If Not you will have to call Sales and see what they say or try the Online Chat button here: Numbers are at the bottom here https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/ or https://www.chiefarchitect.com/company/contact.html
  15. Hi , I meant a bug in this particular door style , not in Doors in general ......I cannot see a Door Manufacturer making different sized slats for different sized doors , just not practical , nor very pretty as Warren pointed out.... M.
  16. Nice Fix Mark .... but that is almost a bug in those Doors isn't it ? who ITRW would want different sized slates on every door ? wouldn't it normally be a panel ( ply/mdf) and the two outer slats would be different sizes as the panel would be centred in the Door Frame.
  17. Did you try the Same Roof Height settings in the Build Roof DBX ?
  18. If you limit the Minimum (Room) size on the General Tab of the Auto Dim. Defaults to 40 or 50 sqft , I have found it is less cluttered ...try playing with that setting and the Undo Button and see if that works....
  19. Check out this thread by Graham Korbey ( KitchenAbode ) , it is definitely worth a read and there are settings to start with ( post 20) which will likely help , but Bathrooms , especially white are tough with all the reflective surfaces.... with Luck Graham will see your Post and Chip in here too with advice if he has time... M.
  20. Yes, when you Built the Front entry you made it with two rooms so you will need to adjust both, that in this case can be done in each Room's Specification DBX at the bottom , see the included Pics. You can either do As i did as an example for you and have a landing by the door and two steps down to the lower area or make them both the same and configure the stairs differently but you have 26-27" approx between the Front Door height and the Driveway to make up somehow. here is my plan too so you can look at it... Bella_Storia_high_ceiling__MHD_2.plan M.
  21. See my reply above Joe..... it is because your Template Plan used for New Plans must have the default foundation setup to do the house at 37 1/2" minimum and the Garage at 24" minimum change that in your Template Plan as explained above and all Drawings from now on will have the garage and house at the same level. This height is usually set at the default Frost-line height where-ever you are , if your jurisdiction has one ? for some that might be 48" and for others there may not be one set by the City/State. you will need to rebuild the Foundation in any current Plans as Auto-build is Off currently. Mick.
  22. The default behavior Eric mentions can also be turned Off it needed ...not sure if it will lead to other issues in the Plan though ? and then you can delete it. Uncheck the Connect Island rooms box in the Pic. You may want to add your own Room Dividers Back to designate the Kitchen , Dining Area , Living Rm etc as CA tends to "remember Rooms" sometimes even if they are no longer there and it should stop any automatic walls returning.... M.
  23. Do a Back-clipped Elevation view of the Island , then you need to open the elevation camera's properties DBX (dialog box) and put a check in the Clip to Sides box , then you will get two extra handles in Plan View ( shown above ) , you can then drag these two handles out/in to the required width and restrict what is in the view. there is a training video actually.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/1944/tradition-ellen-kitchen-sub-project-creating-kitchen-island-elevations.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/1944/
  24. Lumion is too expensive for most to own but if you really need a Movie Walkthrough then an Option would be to have one of the people like Jintu (Chiefer) who does this for a living Render it for you. @Chiefer M.