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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. That is Weird , but your comments have me a bit confused so the textures are there in X9 or not? I haven't used it in X10 yet , let me look into it.... bad export maybe? *** If I open the Library in X10 the Texture is missing in the DBX View but is there when I Open the Object from the Library, let me figure it out and I'll repost , I think it's a File location error for the .jpg file used maybe?. thx for the Heads-up ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It seems to be a Library Issue, as noted above the Texture is there and Displays in the 3D View in the Material's DBX , I even put the Textures in the X10 Textures Folder and re-linked the Library and it is still doing it. here are the Textures in case someone needs them or can figure it out. ----------- Treated Lumber.zip Note***Fixed ..for me It turns out X10 has the Library set to Vector View by Default ( or I set it this way during earlier Betas due to slow Downs? ) the 5th Icon from the left (Preview Toggle) at the bottom of the Library Window turns it back on***
  2. If you still have the .calibz files from the libraries ? they can be reinstalled anytime , you just need SSA to download them. If you are unsure about what you have for reinstall , it might be worth the time to Export (all) your Existing Libraries BEFORE any re-install , and definitely do the Whole User Library so you can just re-import that , and also have it as a Backup, so put them all somewhere safe like a DVD-RW , so you always have them , Ext.HDD and Flashdrives can die. M..
  3. There are aware of RT Issues as it was reported during Earlier Beta Versions as well , including the Issues above with the lose of reflective Materials , there were hoping to have some fixes by the time X10 RC is out late Feb.
  4. If Eric's doesn't work for you.... I updated my B&B Library to X9 so reposted it in the Symbols Forum , there is 3D and Non-3D in the Library My Old Materials / Method ( x7)....not true 3D but adjustable https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/137-board-and-batten-siding-texture/?page=2#comment-2077
  5. ***Old Technique for some , I just updated my Library so...... You can do this by adding a Framing Layer in your Wall Definition fairly easily using the Framing Type Materials from the Attached Library, The technique is not perfect as it uses the Framing Material Type and thus Doubles at Windows and Doors and Headers etc Show up but are easily deleted and adjusted if needed in certain Views. Pics Below shown the Clean up around a Door done and in Not done on a Window are below , so you can see if you want to deal with it. This can be used in combo with the Rain Screen Batten Library too. X9 Library MHD_B&B_X9.calibz X9 Test Plan ( X10 below) Cedar Board and Batten _X9 Plan.plan What should be in the .calibz , they can be unzipped with any unzip program Updated/Expanded X10 Library MHD_B&B_X10.calibz X10 Test Plan Cedar Board and Batten _X10 Plan.plan What should be in the .calibz , they can be unzipped with any unzip program **Library also Contains some Old Non-3D B&B Materials if you don't want to spend the time on 3D so here is the Pattern File for the Non_3D Board and Batten : in 6,8,10,12,16,and 24" OC Spacing Also note that in a Vector View Check the actual spacing (Tape Tool + Ctrl Key) as I found I had to use a scale of .125 up to .133 on the Pattern Tab to be right on my System (.125 =6" upto .133 =24") Open the Library Non_3D Items and make sure on the Pattern Tab it is using the File below if things don't look right ...it may say "Loaded from Plan" which means the material really. My B&B Patterns.pat VERY important for the 3D B&B --- FRAME the Wall or you won't see the Battens in Plan View OR 3D Views as they are a Framing Type Material. You can change the Texture if desired if you have a "nicer" Cedar Material but do not change the Material Type it must remain as Framing to Work. Also make sure Framing is Displayed in All Views. You don't have to frame all the walls in the whole model at the same time, (but can) you may only want it on a gable end for example You can set up all your options under default wall framing for the battened wall. Select the batten wall and then Build Framing For Selected Objects on the Edit toolbar. Check Retain Wall Framing for that wall on the Wall's Structure Tab. You can then go back to the wall framing defaults, change any options and then build the framing for the rest of the house, if needed. The Image Used in the Library to make all the Materials in case you need it : ( if Ray Tracing it looks more natural if you desaturate the Colour ) Cedar Material and a quick 30sec. RT My Rain-Screen Library Uses the same Technique https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16723-rainscreen-batten-library/ Another Old Library and more info on the Technique Using a Wall Framing Layer for Cedar B&B https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/5383-is-there-a-way-to-trimextend-psolids-in-elevation-view/?do=findComment&comment=47072 Mick.
  6. From your Other Thread Huck... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16844-roof-sofit-location/?do=findComment&comment=141633
  7. Kbird1


    Hi Doug..... The House End with the Hip Roof is no longer over its foundation (makes Gable wall mis-saligned too) and many of the Walls are marked as "Attic" even on the Main Floor eg the Hip Roof End The Walls with Roofs butting into them are not marked on the Roof Tab to be an Interior type if Roof is Split by Butting Roof and some need reversing to align below properly ie Stucco to exterior side. Delete All Roof Base Line and let Auto Roof do it's thing , this is a simple Roof , and it should build the Gable end all by itself. To add the Parapet add a BLANK Second Floor To add the Parapet add a Second Floor and select Make Blank Plan from Level 1 and accept defaults , ie hit Ok Then in Plan View on the 1st floor pull the two Roof planes back about 30" so they are no longer over the exterior Gable Wall Go upto the 2nd floor and Draw an Exterior Wall ( change your default exterior Wall to Stucco 6 1st) then draw a new wall directly over the Gable end wall ( hit F9 for reference Layer (Red) if needed ) In an Exterior View or Section View (maybe easier and more accurate) pull the new Wall down to the Desired Height after selecting it Use a Polyline Solid to Make a Cap for the New Parapet Wall (4 x16" Concrete seen below) Done No need to add Skirt Roof Over Door on Gable End if not Desired (ie. old Western Store "look" ) M. Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and hardware can help too see mine below in Blue for how to do that.
  8. I think you have turned off "show Wall length when Editing" which in X6 I think is in Defaults>Walls>General Wall> It shows the wall length which may not equal your Temp Dims if they are set to locate Surfaces so it maybe 1" longer for example for 2 layers of Drywall. And DON'T Shave it off ! if needed go Short, 3-6mm works well believe me .....
  9. You can Frame with your own Materials , for example I made a Spruce Library for myself , you just need to make sure the Material Type is set to Framing. Also Note that if you do so, while the "Spruce" will show in the Framing Schedule , in the Materials List , (if you use?) it will still call it Fir. T.S.upport has told me this is because the ML has the FIR name Hard-coded into it and they currently don't plan to change that. PS in Micheal video overview it looked like your Roof Planes may not be joined Properly ...looked like something was sticking up...
  10. Post (attach) the Plan file while it is closed in CA and someone will figure it out for you.... Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that.
  11. you should email customer service and ask too perhaps....seems like a Tool Interiors should have consider Kitchen and Bathrooms are the most likely spot to use them. but as Eric said a Custom Backsplash should work too , they work similarly : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/821/custom-backsplashes.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5218/applying-custom-backsplashes-to-cabinets-and-showers.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/6136/custom-countertops-backsplashes-and-material-regions.html
  12. Can't you select the Ceiling Break Lines in the ALDO and change the Line Style there? you don't even need to select one AFAIK.
  13. I was going by the Compare Matrix , as I have Premier, it says you have Wall Regions.... and they are under the Walls Icon at the bottom of the Drop Down Menu, they are also under Build >Wall> item No#15 for me in the Dropdown...above Break Wall Are you sure you have X9? they were new in X9 IIRC. M.
  14. Nice Image Ericepv ......are the Table Lamps On in X10? they appear to be in the X9 Image.... I agree with Graham it looks like they were so intent on get PBR to work they Forgot to check what their "fixes" for PBR were doing to RT , eg removing Reflective Materials properties. ( Or they thought RT would be obsolete with PBR and so are phasing it out) M.
  15. The Matrix says you Do...... Under Walls..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/compare.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02929/using-material-regions.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5234/material-region-tools.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/6136/custom-countertops-backsplashes-and-material-regions.html
  16. What Version are you using ? do your Signature Please.... Are you in a 3D View? It's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that.
  17. Kbird1


    Post the Plan and Post your other Details.... or do your signature.... Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that.
  18. Since you have X9, Wall Material Regions would be the best way as Michael mentioned , you can copy and paste the strips etc in Elevation so once you have the First one it is pretty quick. Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that.
  19. Kbird1


    Yep sounds a bit Strange ....not one I have come across , just one particular Plan or all of them? Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that.
  20. I have come across the PaperSpace Issue and the White LineWork on Chief's White Background Issue before , changing Chief's background to grey may help. ( in Preferences ). It may help to have them export the File after Flattening it for you to trace/import too? https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search-result/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Flatten-3D-model-to-2D.html https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search-result/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/How-to-flatten-a-drawing-so-all-linework-is-at-an-elevation-of-0.html http://cadtips.cadalyst.com/object-properties/tips-help-flatten-objects
  21. It maybe like the Nvidia Driver Issue ,especially if you have Tabs missing in DBXs too and can't access them , Driver Versions in the 388. Series can cause Issues in X9. Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that.
  22. If you do a lot of Decks sure , you can have as many template Plans and their associated Layout as you want. Layout Page 0 is your Layout Template Page though and that Info, like your Title Block , is added to all Pages following.
  23. So you say but I and Others know better, I read a lot of Posts here ...... in particular when in combo with the wrong Nvidia Drivers.....Which I have started a thread for to help those Users , I know you are aware of that Issue. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16205-nvidia-driver-3880-and-up-possible-fix/ I was waiting for .9 but I am not so sure that will be released now X10 is out.
  24. Have not heard of that one before but that is a pretty old Version of CA so you make need to provide more details and some image for the Error perhaps Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. In green for adding Images/pics
  25. Nice Graham , all we need to do now is convince CA to give use that Mode I am still seeing ALOT of black in PBR views and have given up on it at the moment, though others seem to produce some nice Images , I have not tried the Grandview Plan though. M.