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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Perhaps try a 0"-12" high 2nd level and use that to control the 4ft overhangs ? Not sure I would frame it like the Original though .....I'd suggest Trusses like the KB Article or even the use of large Timber Frame trusses over the Post and Beams You may need to make a 6" x 6" angle brace symbol to make it faster to place all those , not sure the Library has a plain 4x4 or 6x6 brace available... M.
  2. It does seem like a strange Fence definition and with this weirdness (and the framing issue, perhaps SAM is finally catching upto you ?, ie bringing stuff into X10 from Older Plans?
  3. It is do-able in SU2107 , select the Object , RC>Explode and then use the Menu/TAB on the Right to play with Materials using the Paint Bucket Tool , then save and import into CA. It will then come into Chief with separate Materials which you can then Change to any Material in Chief...... I think Teknion was probably Lazy converting the Files , ie they imported the .DWG into SU and just immediately saved in SU to .skp hence the one Material. This is the Original Teknion Zones Chair and the one I "played" with....
  4. Could perhaps Open it in SketchUp and change the Materials there after Exploding it and re-save it and re-import into Chief.... Some-one with more SU Skills will have to advise further if you need to do that I remember another thread on Teknion and their symbols all being White Or Orange but only one Color but don't think I saw a solution posted... M.
  5. I assume you don't mean you are trying to add one after the Fact ? The Walkthrough Camera Uses whichever Backdrop is assigned in the Defaults under Camera Tools>Full Camera DBX it looks like....
  6. Forgot you use a 2nd floor even when there isn't one , so didn't look up there for it , the popup was getting annoying M
  7. 25mb should be fine direct on Forum, the Dropbox File is 22.5mb but not sure if you pared it down before reposting there? One to send in perhaps so they can look at it.... Oh.... I keep getting a warning message about a Floor or Ceiling Platform Hole that is not entirely within it's Platform, switching annotations and selecting the wall at the Corner trigger it it seems .....maybe that is the issue ? M.
  8. Attached picture, not plan? This doesn't appear to be the kitchen you posted above yesterday...... the Windows should help greatly in PBR with the lighting.....
  9. +1 I like it too .... I'm not having any issue seeing the Suggestions Forum though... ( 4 hrs after your post though )
  10. Hi Tommy, I know that both you and Glenn being CA Experts would not use this Tip in everyday use , I just didn't want others thinking this was normal procedure. M.
  11. Thanks for confirming that Glenn, I had not had a chance to try out my thought yet , I just assumed there must be some reason for the 0.01" measurement , though if it is "needed", I am not sure why they don't use the real thickness. M.
  12. Oh so true. While true , I don't believe this is a good practice , the staircase was not building on the 2nd floor for a reason, ie the Model was not correct, as evidenced by the fact the staircase immediately drew correctly once the "Room" had definition and thus a Floor, which Staircases are programmed to "find" automatically. ( or the Terrain Plane if exterior stairs ). In a Pinch would I / have I used this Tip ? Yes.... but it's not one to use as SOP.... try and fix the underlying cause 1st. M.
  13. No Problem , it wasn't the Staircase as such though , since you didn't have a "room" there on the lower balconey, there was no Floor for the staircase to build off so it was confused. Looking into the balcony in 3D I could see under the Roof plane , so I was fairly sure what the issue was, knowing that IRL there would be a wall supporting that Roof Plane , I drew one in and didn't need to do anything special on the staircase except click "make best Fit" once the "room" was made. M.
  14. Doing what Glenn suggests I think you can easily make the Storey Pole look Correct Are your Sketchup Objects referencing Floor Height or Absolute height though ? IRL ( in real life) are you making the House 3ft higher or the basement 3 feet deeper though to get a 12ft basement? It's not that hard to set level 1's absolute height to 36" and then reset level 2 to "default" height and so on up.... this would/could effect the sketchup objects though which is why I asked.....
  15. If there are no Windows and Doors to allow Light in you may need to add some raking light by adding a 3D light down near the Floor ?.... No Sunlight = no reflections or subdued Reflections in PBR Okay found Graham's post from last week , try these Settings perhaps.... Lots of good info in the Lets PBR Thread too.... but this is my post in it with the basic setup , have 100 automatic lights is important https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16912-lets-pbr/?do=findComment&comment=142683
  16. Ok ....I didn't pickup on the jesting part , I know what you mean though, thinking about it now though, I wonder if the 0.01 is needed to get the ML to produce a square footage of House Wrap? will need to try it I suppose....
  17. OK there is the TIP for this Thread since it should really be over in the Q&A Forum It is always best to post the Plan file in cases like this , there are just too many varibles , which leads to too much guessing as to the cause... Also ...No Signature = No secret Handshake for you (J.J.) It's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  18. I am not sure that everyone who comes here is 100% Forum savvy , some can't even bother more than 9 words in a Question and expect a detailed Answer.... Perhaps CA could add a Sticky message at the top with the Topic heading "Please ask Questions in the Q&A Forum Only", how about it @Dan_Park
  19. Had not seen that thx, the tiny Sidewalks was Michael's guess last month when Charles asked about this in the Chatroom.... M.
  20. The Issue appears to be that you don't have a defined Room on the 2nd floor for the Staircase to start in , I added a Wall under the roof plane on the left to get Wall definition and it is now working..... I didn't finish all the detailing , I fixed a few Walls only....but here is the Plan back......... M. Van Asrdall_MHD.zip
  21. This is a known Issue with X10 , it does not update the File Associations to X10 for the Library items etc , has been happening with my posted Libraries too.
  22. Thanks Robert , appreciate you posting this Symbol. M.
  23. Hi Richard , can you clarify what the HouseWrap measurement should be please if 0" isn't correct ie .... is that 0"." above correct? or 0"! Thx. M.
  24. All Fixed Rich..... Thanks Dan , the Checkbox is working for me to access my non current versions again.....one thought ...it would be nice if the checkbox was "sticky" if at all possible, thx. M.
  25. have a look at this : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5414/using-templates-for-new-plan-files.html Or https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00463/creating-and-using-a-plan-template.html or https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/category/271/templates.html