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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Not sure what is up on your end , as I can pull all the Walls down in elevation just fine......I lowered the outer short section 1st , then the Taller piece up under the Soffit, but not sure Order effects it? M.
  2. Don't mention someone should fill out their Signature for sure , that gets me a down Vote all the time , no sure why that particularly annoys someone ? not that Reputation points here mean anything like on some Forums. M.
  3. Ooops yes ... looks like Spell check got me again..... PlanSets are not available in X9
  4. If it's the Texture you need to adjust the Texture size TOO , not just the size on the General Tab, eg if the texture shows 5 logs vertically make the texture size 36 1/4 high and maybe double that long so the repeat isn't too obvious..... If you need more help that that post a Plan File which includes the Materials you are using....
  5. When you Print Chief automatically updates all views right before it Prints , so I suspect Chopsaw is correct about what/how you are Sending to Layout , this Thread from yesterday had a similar issue , though the thread has now grown into a discussion on PlanSets , which are (*** typo) NOT available in X9.
  6. I think if you are now using linked Annosets like me , you just need to make sure you are in the Annoset you want/need and then Save the Current View with a New Name , set the Floor and Zoom etc so you can switch back to it easily and quickly......AND thus automatically change to Anno and Layerset PLUS the Floor and Zoom factor etc, in the saved View Planset , it's almost like the Plan Set is King now , not the Annoset , which is why in the videos they no longer have the Annoset drop-down on the Toolbar , as the PS , is now controlling it all.
  7. Thanks Rene , interesting ideas and concepts you are coming up with there.... M.
  8. Well I hope we haven't frightened Andrea off , and more importantly haven't totally confused Her. wouldn't say we were totally Off Topic , but the discussion has taken a slight via....... I agree with you Tommy , there is no need to Plan Views at all , and each to his own...... I was just personally looking into Plan Views more in case it did work for me.... M.
  9. Yes Annosets came in X4 I think I read......I had HD Pro back then, so no Annosets anyway, but I was referring to Videos On Plan Views though which were new in X10
  10. I guess we'll be "Schooled" together then . I may need to dig deeper but so far I only found the two Videos I linked above.... M.
  11. I don't disagree mostly..., but I wouldn't call advising linking a 1/2 doz Annos and with their Layset Set exactly Teaching....I usually do it for anyone I help here or 1 on 1, if they haven't already done it. But, if I was learning Chief new in X10 , I would likely do it the same way you are teaching, but for alot of people, they have come up through the "Ranks" and are used to the Old way and it just takes a While to work through the new Features and incorporate them in Daily usage. Some of us, like Bob and myself, started with HD Products where there weren't any Annosets etc, and Like Bob it took me a while to even incorporate Annosets into my Workflow, as I had "learnt" to it all a different way, but linked Annosets/Layersets is worth the time and effort for sure. Not sure how Plan Views would work without Annosets though? since every Plan View seems to reference one , but as noted I am no expert on Plan Views M.
  12. Looking at the thread Title and the Pic in the OP , I had assumed he needed them for the exposed Rafter look.....
  13. Quite true , but I had a feeling Andrea is not, and in all honesty I am not fully utilising it myself yet either , in fact this Thread has me watching a Few Videos again on it (below). I am not even sure Andrea is fully Utilising Annosets , ie "the old way" , so baby steps would be a good start as Joe pointed out above, certainly made things easier for me. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2421/saved-plan-views.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2433/developing-saved-plan-views.html
  14. That would be nice but currently Chief don't always think or do as we do out there in the Real World , eg Headers , have you ever built one like Chief does? I haven't.... I pointed this out in X10 Beta , and nothing has changed since.... and I'd have thought that was and easy fix... M.
  15. Yep ......Arc Centers and Ends.....there is also an Icon on the RH Tool Bar , at least on my Setup, to toggle them on/off....
  16. I think, as Eric mentioned, that some of the pages eg 1&2 have been sent to Layout with the Plan Views Option set to one of your Saved Plan View Sets , if you change that to None, you can set the Annotation Set instead and you should find they don't change. Personally I don't use "Make a Copy of the Active Layerset" Option either. But I see your Electrical Annotation Set does not automatically switch you to the Electrical Layer Set , which could be the Issue as currently it is set to use the Active Layerset. Personally I am not "fond" of the "Active Layerset" and make a Matching Layerset for each Annotation Set to help keep things straight. ie I use the Annotation Set to also Switch Layerset ...or "the Annoset is King" method as I have seen some call it here, By default CA does not do this but there is already a Layerset made for each Default Annoset, so it is easy to setup. I also set the Scaled Annotation Sets to use the Working Layerset , as I find the Active Layerset can really confuse things..for me anyway. This doesn't stop you using Special Layersets as you Draw or Work if desired by just clicking on them. Once you have it working as you want in this Plan/Layout , make sure to export the Annotation and Layersets and Import them into your Template Plan for New Projects too , so you will always have them. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01167/setting-up-a-custom-annotation-set-and-importing-it-into-another-file.html
  17. Yep ! .........the "Art of the Workaround" Perhaps it wasn't specifically on overframing but on Valley boards? I was just looking in my folder for "Examples from Forum Plans" and found this one on Overframes , with a truss base, but I never noted whose's it was etc. Usually if I do this I put the Forum Post in a Text Box too and save it in Plan, to refer to later but must of been in a hurry when i saved this one.... Overframe example X10.plan
  18. IIRC Michael did a Video about a year ago on Overframed Roofs ..... perhaps he can point you too it as I couldn't find it again..... I think he was using a Truss Base to control the Conventional Framing..... @Alaskan_Son
  19. This should keep you busy for the next hour https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/1520/creating-openings-in-roofs-for-manually-drawn-dormers.html?playlist=95 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/26/constructing-dormers.html?playlist=95 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/737/exploding-dormers-created-with-the-automatic-dormer-tools.html?playlist=95 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/25/drawing-roofs-manually.html?playlist=95
  20. funny you have the same Picture and question as Rocky..... There is also a Gable and Corbel Library now for Download.... M.
  21. Looks like you did it on the other side of the house? No? or did you delete a Chimney or something? Use the Line break tool (zigzag icon) to place two breaks a few feet apart on the edge of the Roof plane and then use the edit Handle between them, to drag the small section up the roof.
  22. Check Chief's Samples Gallery and the downloadable Plans if you are looking for examples.
  23. I didn't know where to start as there is a bunch of Weirdness in the plan , I'm not sure how those interior doors made out of ICF are going to work either for example but the Roof Planes 1/2 over the window and Windows inside has me totally confused.... Figured if that stuff was fixed it may "fix" the Floating lights issue along the way.
  24. the Right hand Dormer? That is not a Floating Dormer, ( ie entirely in the Roof Plane) it is sitting over the Knee Wall/Exterior Wall. Manual Dormer is my guess , you'll need to notch the roof plane to let the wall come right up like i did above.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00449/creating-a-manual-dormer.html PS for Exterior Walls in Particular get into the Habit of changing the Wall Definition to change Materials , DON"T paint them as weirdness will ensue..... eg the Dormer walls above...I see four different exteriors on this house so far....