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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. That could of been my Issue previously too as I tried that 1st forgetting that it wouldn't help with Windows already placed...to change everything.... M.
  2. Hi Larry , ran into this myself a while back , unfortunately not everything in a Window has dynamic Defaults eg the Lites in the window you show, so I have Requested that the Reset To Default DBX also Include Windows and Doors, as if like me you need to change a Whole House it can be a bit of work..... The Object Painter only got me 1/2 way there it seemed and the other Stuff I had to either group select or use other methods for. Admittedly it is not a Tool I have had the need for , so some of my issues may have been Pilot Error.... was just having a play in X11 and it seems a bit better or maybe I am just learning how to use it better but it was surely frustrating a few weeks ago when I needed to change all 28 windows... Room mode changes all identical items in a Room , similarly in Floor Mode or Plan Mode.... though with Windows, Floor Mode seemed to work best. I did find some times especially in X10 that the "selection" of what to change would keep switching to none ( all boxes unchecked) so nothing happened when you clicked on things , clicking Object Mode seems to clear every Field for some reason.... M.
  3. You can't ...it is the Template page for the WHOLE layout......... copy and paste your normal title block etc to Page 0 and delete everything off the other pages unless you want things like revision tables on specific Pages. You can have more than on Template Page but that one is the normal whole Layout one.... see my post above yours too.... M.
  4. I decided not to get curved for cad work and also went 2560x1440 (which your card can handle by the looks) due to the size of Icons and Text on a 4K I tried 1st. I have since purchased 2 more while I could ( with visa points) so all 3 are exactly the same.... https://www.amazon.com/BenQ-Definition-Designer-BL3200PT-2560x1440/dp/B00ITORMNM/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=Benq+BL3200PT&qid=1553467343&s=electronics&sr=1-5-catcorr The New Version is this one : https://www.amazon.com/BenQ-PD3200Q-Designer-2560x1440-Animation/dp/B01MS09LQX/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Benq+BL3200PT&qid=1553467522&s=electronics&sr=1-1-catcorr
  5. I just uninstalled a windows Update...not something I do Often and the speed is back.....at least for now... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21705-slow-when-changing-reference-plan-file-in-layout/?do=findComment&comment=178986
  6. this won't help Mac Users but I have also noticed a slow down in X10 this week , which made me think this maybe Win10 Update related, especially since I read there were issues for some with the last Cumulative Update , so I uninstalled it via Programs in Control panel this afternoon and X11 is at least twice as fast...as far as loading Cameras or even opening and being read to work. Coincidence you posted the Day it was released? March 12, 2019 - KB4489899 (OS Build 17763.379) https://www.tenforums.com/windows-10-news/128745-cumulative-update-kb4489899-windows-10-v1809-build-17763-379-mar-12-a.html *** I have since done a Repair Install over Win10 with the latest M$ .iso and so far all is well.
  7. One can't do 2560x1440 or 4K I assume? I would ask over on EVGA as i mentioned as the Card may work fine for CA on the Old MB and you can move it too a new computer in a year or two ...in which case buy the best you can afford now ... I have a 1070Ti at the moment ad am happy with it ...... I think it is being phased out so you may find one on Sale somewhere , EVGA also sell B-Stock direct on there Website. M.
  8. Well it seems that along with changing the Render Technique Defaults, I also had to Open every View and then Open Techniques off the Toolbar Too and reset the Backdrop to ON for STD and Vector Views for each Camera. ( ie the Defaults are not updated to existing Cameras. ) M.
  9. I'll keep fiddling , I must be missing something as I am sure this didn't happen in X10..... I tried a "BillBoard" but it too looked wrong , but may have been okay for a few interior shots with it just showing through the Windows , I'll have to have a play with the stretch to Fit on a PSolid , but in this case the House is on a 4 Acre Lot , mostly wooded. M.
  10. You may need Mark to wade in as I am not a Cabinet Guru sorry.... @MarkMc
  11. Does this one have any effect ?
  12. Was it a Version Upgrade? if you are Claiming a discount from a previous version, it maybe a "human" needs to confirm the Licence Number etc 1st, to allow the Discount which may not happen to Monday. I'm just another User like you , so hoping I am wrong , and you get to "play" today..... M
  13. I am not sure if this is new to X11? , but while doing the initial "build" I usually have Backdrops Off in my Defaults , but now that I want to render a few views for the Client and make a 3D Viewer File I don't seem to be able to re-enable Backdrops for the Existing Views I already have setup. If I shoot the same View with a new Camera , with Backdrops on in Techniques and assigned in the camera view, they work as expected..... may have always been this way and I have just not run into it before? It's just going to be more work to redo all the cameras, so I can show the Forest behind the house is all.....I am having to use a Backdrop instead, as the Forest I "Planted" from the Library , I think is what is causing the 3D Viewer App to crash with an out of memory error, when switching to STD View. -- On a side note -- are there any techniques to re-scale the backdrop Images ? the always seem out of proportion , and are usually too large to look realistic , at least to me... Thanks. M.
  14. Sounds like you would have SSA so as Eric said it should be in your Locker under the Upgrade or Download Button I think , the Locker has changed looks recently so it may not be obvious. M.
  15. Did the Payment Clear and you received the Invoice etc ? it may take a While on the Weekend ? phone or use online Chat to Sales here in the morning (monday) if you don't have it by then. M.
  16. HI Todd , missed this earlier.....you don't say why your Videocard isn't supported? but I would suggest a Single Nvidia Gaming card like a 1060 6GB or the newer 1660 6GB/8GB , as CA does not support SLI (two V.cards) , you are lucky as VideoCards have come down alot in Price recently. do some research on your motherboard 1st and make sure it can support the newer PCIe Specs of new Cards though, as it looks like it maybe PCIe 2x only , and while the new Cards would be backward Compatible I am not sure they would operate at their Full potential as the would with PCIe 3x , but likely okay for CA ( it's not a 3D game) https://www.asus.com/ca-en/Motherboards/P8P67_DELUXE/ Personally I currently use EVGA VideoCards and find their Forum is a good place to get advice...maybe copy and paste your 1st post over there...with a link to the MB too. https://forums.evga.com/EVGA-GeForce-10-Series-f103.aspx M.
  17. Although my current File doesn't exceed the Limits , I think the Standard View not loading is due to too many Trees in the Forest I "planted" behind the house for Views , as I get a out of memory error, so I may need to just go back to an Image of a Forest instead. M.
  18. What I hadn't noticed to till today was that at the bottom of the KB Tutorial I linked above there is an Attachment from Chief with 3 new 3D Viewer Layersets you can import into any Plan ( or your Template File) and switch too for different Views before exporting to the 3D Viewer, they are a good Starting point though you may lose terrain , plants etc especially at the Good setting. ie GOOD-BETTER-BEST
  19. Larry was trying/hoping to change the File>Templates>Save As Template or New from Template default location , which it seems can't be done. Generally though that would be the same directory as the New Plan File Location I'd think though.
  20. Had more luck this morning..... I extended the back wall of the garage foundation to the house , and the used the short wall at the left of the new Family Room entrance on level one and extended it right across the house to the back corner and it built properly with the "Lower Wall if split by Butting Roof" set to 5ee. I did have to change the material to the 23 Cedar Street Siding from the default though. Personally for that reason I change the Walltype Definition once I know what they are as CA still does weird thing when "painting" exterior walls in Particular.. I guess the Plan isn't quite finished as I see no Door onto the deck...so couldn't help adding one M. 23 Cedar St v3_MHD2.plan
  21. Well i had to do a full Demo, I deleted the old foundation level where the garage/breeze way was and redrew the level one walls , then went back down and redrew the foundation walls and all appears to be okay now.... I also Auto built the 6/12 pitch Roofs instead.... M. 23 Cedar St v3_MHD.plan
  22. Hmmmm this is a weird one ...it has something to do with the old Garage/basement ....it is building auto walls under the wall you drew for the family room wall..... as soon as I pull the wall back at the exterior door and auto wall pops up and the error fixes itself ????? see pic...selection is me pulling the 1st wall back....and now look at where the door was.... *** it gets weirder ..... I deleted all the family room walls and the program is autogenerating what looks like concrete foundation walls but when you look at the 3D
  23. Am wonder why you have a second Floor ? Also shouldn't that wall be marked "if Butting Roof, wall is " ...XXXXXX PS a number of the basement walls aren't aligned but that shouldn't effect the issue I don't think... nice job on the Terrain though...
  24. Not sure I have ever seen anyone label every single joist length for the Framers , but if it was REALLY needed I would use a Framing Schedule and callouts instead (auto labels) and put a simple rounding macro in the Label of the Framing members and use the label column in the Schedule.( renamed to Length FT) Putting the macro in the label of the Framing members is fairly quick if you make a Layer Set to ONLY show Framing , you can then quickly marquee select the framing on each level and insert the macro from TMM, and it should popup in the Schedule in the New Length FT column. ( of course I am sure the Macro gurus around here would have a better solution ) M.
  25. He may have missed it in post 2 (Mark) and 3 (Dermot) but the easiest Answer is to turn plan views OFF ie set them to None before you start sending to Layout.... Dermot's Post he linked too...... I have posted this information before but I might have to keep posting it until everyone has learned about Saved Plan Views. From your description it sounds like you are sending views to layout that are linked to Saved Plan Views. If you change anything associated with the Saved Plan View, such as the layer set or current floor, then this will affect your layout view. Here are some ways to solve your problems: - You can stop using saved plan views by switching your Saved Plan View Control that appears in the default toolbar to "None". You can also do this in your default template so that new plans won't start in a saved plan view. - You can unlink a layout box from a saved plan view by opening the Layout Box Specification dialog and setting the Linked Saved Plan View combo box to "None". In X11, there is also a new edit toolbar button that will allow you to link or unlink a layout box from a saved plan view. - You can learn how to use Saved Plan Views. If you use a different saved plan view for each layout view, you won't have to worry about accidentally changing them. More information about Saved Plan Views can be found in the reference manual or in this video: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2421/saved-plan-views.html?playlist=100