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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Your Default Overhang is 2", try it at 18" ...... set the Box Eave options in "Edit all Roof Planes" too , if the Build Roof DBX setting doesn't get them all since you have existing Roof Planes..... you also don't need the "flat under Eave Sub-Fascia Setting" in this case AFAIK. M.
  2. If you lower the Ceiling Default it lowers it for the Whole Floor not for the Room , you need to do that per Room as Ken mentioned. Since the Ceiling Cloud doesn't touch any of the Walls in the Room , if you need "structure" for Details , try a Ceiling Plane at 0° pitch , as it can be Framed etc. Shelf Ceiling for that one Room may work to but it sounds like it is supposed to look like it is "floating" A P.Solid or a Soffit should accept any material you want them too including a Ceiling Tile but a ceiling plane may work better as noted above... M.
  3. you need to rebuild your Terrain........ or Open the Terrain DBX and make sure the Automatic Rebuild is ON.... PS . there are 12 of these Icons , see page 35 of the Reference Manual or use the F1 Key Help File M.
  4. Thankfully Eric let me know what a Ceiling Cloud is and after reading the thread, I agree with him on making it in CA, why not use a Polyline Solid or even a Soffit set at 8'6" to the bottom ? and you are done... changing the 9' Ceiling color to Flat Black shouldn't be an issue is it ? M.
  5. Been a while since I've done a full reinstall ( thankfully ) but I have been doing it for years as SSDs weren't Cheap 5-7 years ago, like they are now especially for anything over 256GB, nowadays I have a 2nd SSD labelled as B:\ Drive in my Desktop and use it for the My Document library and Chief's other Downloads like installers and bonus Libraries.
  6. With older Versions it is easier to move the entire My Documents Library which is how I still do it , here is a Tutorial at Win10 Forums on how to do it easily. I also move my Pictures and Video Libraries to an extra drive for "storage". to create space on C:\ .. M. https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74952-move-location-documents-folder-windows-10-a.html
  7. I don't think so, Chief always fights you to keep the Fascia heights the same , with both boxes unchecked it usually moves the Roof Plane baselines to achieve this , so you need to select them and move them back over the Wall Framing's outer edge and then rejoin all the roof planes and possibly make a few manual adjustments too. What we need I think is a box in the Roof Build DBX to allow us to lock the Baselines to the Framing when needed. M.
  8. The problems with the Nvidia Drivers present as mouse issues in Chief as the Nvidia Driver must "draw" the mouse cursor. Issues like the mouse cursor "jumping across the screen , not being able to open Tabs (panels) in DBX's ( can't click) eg the Label tab for Windows, not being able to get back into the Chief Drawing Window or click on anything etc etc etc. Restarting Chief will fix it temporarily sometimes It may not be Chad's issue but it is an Issue with Chief and the 388 and onward series drivers , especially on Notebooks for some. I don't think I have seen the Issue with the 400 Series Drivers which are currently at 436.30. PS . I am not saying it couldn't be the Alienware Mouse Driver , just that the Nvidia Driver does have something to do with the mouse , and how it displays on the screen..... M.
  9. I assume you have checked mouse batteries etc if it is wireless? , I have read that M$ latest update is causing issues for some with Wireless and maybe Bluetooth issues as well. As for the Nvidia Drivers, Perry is unfortunately wrong. The 580 Series hasn't had a new driver in about 18 months as Nvidia no longer supports them , a quick look at Nvidia tells me the latest is 391.35, the issues with Nvidia Drives started about the 388 series and if this is the Issue I am not sure why it just started? the best Driver for Older cards is 382.05. If you have Geforce Experience installed , uninstall it as it will try and update you to the bad (latest) driver again immediately you install a known good but older Driver ........I posted about that , about a year ago , scroll down to the 382.05 section here :
  10. I helped another User on Friday with mouse issues and it turned out it was a way out of date Nvidia Driver, (398.86) a known issue with x11 and Nvidia's old 385-400 series Drivers . the current drivers are upto 436.30 and are working fine AFAIAA. this shouldn't be an issue if you use Geforce Experience as it should update the Drivers to each new version for you , assuming you have set it up and have logged in etc at least once....( the issue , the user had above , it was installed but never activated ie he hadn't agreed to the legal spiel) M.
  11. Thanks for posting this Chris, and as Perry suggested please feel free to share other Macros for those of use who aren't Computer Programmers M.
  12. This one ? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00344/modeling-a-subdivision-or-lot-with-multiple-structures.html
  13. I think I mis-read your 1st post , I thought you meant aligning the Text centered vertically in the columns. As Chopsaw mentioned it maybe a Font Issue.... try a different one .( as a test at least) ..and also try rich text and see if that changes anything. you can make the table in excel and copy paste it into CA but I don't know if it will help with this or it is a CA "quirk" you've found M.
  14. Both so you have more choices down the line..... M.
  15. report the issues with X11 to Tech Support as it maybe not your computer, I have seen random closing happening in X11 especially on MAC OS myself. I also suggest removing the pic from your post as I see a Serial No# M.
  16. Alignment says left in your pic ? If changing that doesn't help / do what you need, try using Rich Text for the Table it has more Options..... M.
  17. Vintage Industrial No.6 Bonus Library has Steampunk Items in it........ https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/1015
  18. If you Copy/Paste in place the TP, Chief instead creates a Standard Polyline as you can't have two TPs in one Plan, there is no need to redraw anything. The Trick is to immediately, while still selected Open the Copy ( check it is the STD Polyline) and change the LineStyle to a PL linetype (and colour if desired), turn on angle and length if desired etc as it can be a bit of a bear sometimes to distinguish the TP from the CAD Polyline afterwards, then you can Select ( use NEXT) and drag the TP out wider and longer so Roads and Sidewalks etc, behave themselves. Try it in a simple test Plan 1st...... M.
  19. Personal opinion of course but neither should the Designer/Architect.....it's a Waterfall waiting to happen every time it rains.... I have also seen it reported here that slightly misaligning the corner allows it to build. M.
  20. No.2 kinda answers No.1 pull the road out past the Terrain Perimeter on both sides and you lose the Curbs in 3D on those two ends.
  21. If the Door and Drawer sizes are the over-riding need then you can set the gaps and drawer and Door sizes on the Front instead and they seem to report to the ML correctly. The down side is that the Stretchers at the top and below the Drawer are not shown or drawn in CA . The Bottom can be easily added back by using 2 Shelves and setting the Bottom one to 0" so it looks like the cabinet bottom. If as Mark suggested you used the Back of the cabinet you could add those Stretchers back in , and once setup in your Template it might not be too back to deal with. M. cabinet reveal and box match_MHD.plan
  22. With Hardware it is all about Budget , to future proof some spend what you can ie you may want to consider the Samsung 970 EVO NVME SSD and a RTX 2070 Super Vidoecard but that may add a 1/4 or 1/3 to your current total , the RTX Super will be better if you want to Game at higher frame rates along with Chief usage. Either way you should find things much better than your current setup M.
  23. I think Joe is right , sounds like you want the Wall detail Tool on the Edit Toolbar after selecting the Wall , not the Wall Elevation Camera.
  24. It looks like you have your Sub-fascia size set smaller than your Rafters and you also have the "Trim Framing to Soffits" check box set to on in the Build Roof >Structure Tab. ie Soffits always use the Sub Fascia height or VSD as Chopsaw pointed out. M
  25. Basically CA doesn't care about the Door or Drawer Size , the Cabinet Module in CA is based around the (Parametric) Cabinet Boxes instead and it then auto applies the reveal you set to the Doors and Drawers sides and in between those items, when they are shown in Elevations etc, unfortunately as Mark pointed out that Reveal is the same on all sides ie under the countertop and between items gaps will be 1/16th ( or other set measurement ) same as the sides not 1/8th. The Reveal is also applied to the bottom of the Door. So basically you would just set the "Boxes" up like your LH Drawing and the "Shop" will know the real sizes.......CA does not do Parts lists or Cutlists etc for Cabinets, though many would like that, they are forced to use other software for "Shop Drawings". CA does do things "differently" in many regards to other Programs eg ACAD , that is one thing you will need to "let go" or you will feel like you are constantly battling CA. M.