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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. A Good place to start is always the KB ( Knowledge Base (or FAQ) ) https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00763/creating-a-circular-room.html it does not specifically mention needing 2 Walls to do this but as noted above that is the case, chief suggest Drawing 1 wall with the spec'd radius and then breaking it and then rejoining the ends for an exact match. M.
  2. I think DB is correct, if a crash happens and the Header is Corrupt the file can not be opened even by Chief, you will need to resort to the last Archived version, either your own or an Autosave in the Archives Folder assuming you have autosave enabled in Preferences. M.
  3. You should be able to block them together (architectural block) , you can also turn it into a symbol if it's a combo you use regularly and add it to you user Library, the A.Block can also be added to your User Library too actually with the advantage of the faucet remaining changable if needed. M.
  4. in Preferences....... if you want the DBX to always open back at the same Panel
  5. For the Toolbars just copy and paste your Chief Toolbars folder to your Son's computer while chief is closed ( use a usb key or one of the cloud drives etc ) The Preferences are in Chief's .ini Files , they also can be copy and pasted to a 2nd computer , see this post... or M.
  6. Best to Ask over on HomeTalk where people will be familiar with your Version and any Work Arounds needed. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ M.
  7. I agree with DB, this is the easiest / best way to share files and ensure All materials are included, it's how I work with my Clients via a shared Google Drive Folder usually. M.
  8. Not sure to know or not being "New to this" but importing a DWG won't give you a 3D Model in Chief, all you get is the 2D AutoCAD Line work which you would then typically Trace Over with the Wall Tools etc. M.
  9. If you migrated Chief forward Version to Version , it has likely already moved your Toolbars, Textures and Templates etc to X15 so it should be fairly safe to remove them, personally I would keep a backup on an External USB Harddrive (HDD) , I use a 4TB for the Laptop and 8TB for the Desktop, which I also run full backups too of the Whole system, "just in case". As DB mentions above The Archives Folder can become Huge over Time , I backup the Data folder , so I clean the one out on C:\ drive every few months as it can easily be 25GB - 90GB, per Version...... in X15 mine currently has 51GB in it , so time for a cleanup apparently. Depending on where you Store Textures? that folder may be large as well.
  10. There are always "Clean" copies in the C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X16\Templates Folder, these are the Files Chief copies / uses in the process described above to replace those when making a New Data Folder. Mick.
  11. Not for a few years now, but the option has always been there (since the change over) , you however may not like the textures etc M.
  12. You will likely need to ask for a refund from Rene, unless he has old versions of those Files as it been 3-4 yrs since He worked in X12 is my guess. I am a bit surprised the error message mentioned .alb files though, but they can still be imported Via the Library Menu > Convert Legacy. Mick. @Renerabbitt
  13. Allan had already mentioned it so there was no need to re-write it , so this one goes to Him M.
  14. The Gaps when you make the Tile in paint around the outside to duplicate the grout need to be 1/2 the size of the inner grout lines as they will double in size when Chief "Tiles" the image across the wall, which is what I think I see happening in the 2nd pic. Typically in showers like this I use Material Region, and use a different copy of the material on each wall , so xxxTile-1, xxxTile-2 , xxxtile-3 so I can then use the vertical and horizontal adjustments in the Materials DBX (dialog Box) to move the tile ife needed is 3D and also the 2D Pattern in Vectors Views if needed for the Tile installer. I added a PDF of the 1st Post to the 1st Post at the top so you can download it as well. M.
  15. As Allan mentioned Larry for P's trick to work the Soffits must be ON.... Allan's settings Posted July 19 I think I got it. Soffits have to be active but cheating the eave sub fascia to tiny gets the look.
  16. Seems like there is always tips to pick up on the Forum, one of the reasons I continue to come here when can, I'm sure Ive learnt as much here as from the Docs over the years. Mick.
  17. Changing the Material to say Color - Brown ( or your favorite BM or SW Color ) didn't used to work as Chief needed a "Framing Material" to Frame, but I think it was X15? that changed and you may not need to blend any more actually as they changed the way Chief Framing worked. Blending is more like staining the Fir , so a light Color would still show the woodgrain, whereas a Solid Color may work better these Days so instead of "Blending" just switch to your Chosen Color and try it instead. M.
  18. Just the Rafter Tails ? I'm not sure that is possible , but you can still Blend Color with the Fir Material as usual , such as below ( just used yellow cos you used it in 2014 ), doing so may turn off the the Auto Roof Build , and you may need to use Edit all Roof Planes for Existing Roof Planes and then match the Color in the Structure Tab again in the Roof Plane Defaults (Build Roof > Materials) there is likely a better way? as it's a bit like chasing your tail. are you on X16 or X15 though?
  19. The only other Time I remember it happening to me was when "something" happen with a Wall Cabinet, but TS found the Issue and it was fixed in the next update. M.
  20. actually I am finding AI makes a mess when increase resolution, size of pics as it's "guessing" in a lot of cases and seems to blur/blend many elements, even though the image is bigger..
  21. Thanks Ben, you may want to have Nigel update the Documentation , and perhaps you can update the Video on this topic and cover it in a bit more depth for everyone, as it seems counter-intuitive to me at least to uncheck "Active Window" after Framing your shot etc and that's not mentioned in the Docs either, what I was thinking seems to be reinforced by the 1st 60 secs of the current video linked above. M.
  22. Any chance you have turned off Auto Rebuild for your Terrain Perimeter (TP) ? only thing that comes to mind off hand as I don't think auto framing off cause that, perhaps as TS though as likely they have it in the reported Issues. M.
  23. At the Default Settings for an export of the Active Window, except the DPI , which ! use 300 DPI with Pixels not Units the files are 200-500Kb in Size and the Snipping Tool does about the same and I find I sometime prefer the Snipping Tool Images for some reason. At Chief's Default settings with 72DPI ( which is web browser standard of old ) things look blurry on my 2K monitor, but I found 600DPI doesn't change much as far as "Resolution" visually on a Monitor, for a Graphic Artist it may indeed be better. The Big difference, is seen when you Set the Default Pixels to Units , then the File Size and Resolution can be nearly unlimited , and file sizes massive as you noted BUT visually if viewed on a monitor or in a Layout PDF, I don't see much real difference , so I think the OP would need to know what Standards and Size the Graphic Designer Needs before outputting, and some skill at post processing is likely a good thing as well. I may have missed it somewhere in the Manual but I don't think the need to Set Pixels to Units do do this is mentioned, just that it "alters size" but this is a screengrab for those not familiar with it....
  24. I have use Topaz Gigapixel for 3-4 years , but this year they released Topaz Phot AI which incorporates their 4 former Apps, Gigapixel is the only only one still being developed on it own now though. TOPAZ LABS