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Everything posted by DeLayDesign

  1. Hey Gene, Can you open the appliance/ door/ drawer/ option by clicking on Specify. Then for the top and bottom overlay change that to 3/4"?
  2. 2D plants can show shadows, just not in PBR (apparently). Turning off Refractions does resolve the image files not showing up through a window, but does not seem to help with Shadows. This is something Chief says they are 'working on resolving'
  3. For something like that the 'easiest' way to get it to at least look the way you need is with Polysolids. It looks flat on two sides, so opening an elevation and drawing it with a polysolid would get you the look quickly. If all the sides need to slope, you could also build it using walls up to where it begins to angle in and draw a molding polyline around it and having the poly line be some kind of angled molding. You can create one pretty quickly on you floor plans and add it to your library. I created quick, be it sloppy, video for you to see how to create a custom molding. Custom Shaped Chimney.mp4
  4. Chief says it's a known issue and they are working on it, but they gave a similar option to what you recommended. My issue with it, is a lack of 'glass' texture in windows would take away from the realism. I can use 3D plants to accomplish the look as well, but most of my planting beds are saved using Image files. I would just need to take time to update the beds w/ 3D items, which is just annoying more than anything. I suppose my biggest grip with it, is it seemed to work fine in other versions, but X14 is really struggling.
  5. You could try offsetting the posts the 1 13/16" (not sure it's just my chief or how they have it programmed, but anything less than 1 13/16 will cut the panel). Then whatever 'panel' you are using for the railings, open it in symbol editor and offset it in the "y" position 1 3/4". If it's a chief installed or manufacture's panel, you'll need to copy it into your own custom library first in order to edit it. I don't have the particular railing the person in the video before me has so you'll want to try to find or build one that matches the style you're looking for. Once it's saved, you should be able to access it from your library as a panel whenever you want. Deck Railing.mp4
  6. Hey Experts, I've already reached out to Chief about this issue, but I was curious if I was the only one who is experiencing it. I've during a PBR when doing an interior Physics Based Render, the plant image files You can see through windows for exterior landscaping disappear. Even though they are active. Additionally doing exterior PBRs the plant files don't appear to be casing a shadow. If I run a normal retrace everything works fine. Plant files show up and plant files create shadows in normal raytracer. In my examples (no where near complete) you can see what I'm referring to. Am I the only one? Vector View Interior PBR Interior PBR Exterior Normal Raytracer Exterior
  7. Some of our older PCs had issues with this as well. We have tried a number of things as well. Try turning off Time Tracker. The freeze for most of my team happens after Chief idles for 5 mins. I suspect the pop up is triggering something with MacAfee which is the antivirus we recently switched to (I hate it) I suspect the antivirus is triggering your issue like you stated. We had to white list Chief as a non-threat for Microsoft defender. We installed X14 on someone's PC that didn't have MacAfee yet and Microsoft wouldn't allow the install bc it saw it as a 'Ransomware Threat'
  8. Oh!? I had no idea. I've always just 'clipped' the image with the 'clipping tool' from Microsoft. I'll give the image exporter a try.
  9. The company I do full-time work for has similar issues. WE ended up breaking down and buying a new laptop for everyone who's laptop was older than 5 years. At first we thought it was our virus protection. At the same time we upgraded to X14, we also switched to McAfee. Chief has stated they have had issues with McAfee and their software with past version; so I'm suspicious this may be the case with X14. Every time the software goes to ideal for some folks it will freeze but not go unresponsive. We think it has something to do with the time tracker, so we switched it off on some PC's. Unfortunately and fortunately, we received the new PCs so I'm unsure if the freezing ever got resolved. When we uninstalled McAfee and let Microsoft defender take over, defender considered Chief a threat of ransomware. Perhaps your antivirus is doing the same thing? Try adding it to your 'white list' of software you trust and see if the lag goes away. Personally, X14 is a bit of a mess for me. I'm finding new irritations every week... so I'm hoping there is a patch soon.
  10. Are the walls above brick veneer? If so you can adjust the brick ledge by opening the wall type and changing it in the wall perimeters.
  11. Yes! We are noticing that some PCs that work fine with X13 are having major issues with X14. Slow to load library on start up, crashing, freezing etc. We think part of the issue is our Antivirus software (just switched to McAfee - which has been known to cause issues in past version of Chief Architect). We are experimenting with turning off the time tracker to see if it keeps the program from freezing when the time tracker dialog idle kicks open.
  12. Good point! I only recommended whitelisting Chief because that was a solution their customer support recommended.
  13. I'm sure it's not; but today my college and I discovered a few issues with antivirus protection and how it interacts with Chief Architect. We've been upgrading the company's computers to X14, some of them are older pc's but Chief X13 has been working great on those units so we figured there wouldn't be any issues with X14. At the same time we also switched the company from Malwarebytes to McAfee (no one wanted this). McAfee has been causing a few issues with programs, google chrome, and Chief X14 doesn't seem to work great on everyone's PC. The software would seemingly freeze for some unknown reason, but always around the 5 min. mark of letting it idle. We are experimenting with the Time tracker being turned off. It seems to be working for the most part. Talking with Chief Architect about this issue, they did let me know that they did have issues with McAfee a few versions ago, but that they hadn't heard any issues with X14. Interesting. So we tried uninstalling McAfee from one of the pc's that was about to get the upgrade and something strange happened. We couldn't get X14 to install properly. The X14 data folder that goes into your 'documents' wouldn't show up, even after it would say it installed successfully. Opening Chief X14 and it would just crash over and over again because it couldn't connect to the missing folder, an issue I've never run into before, and I field a lot of questions from the team. I had to turn to the IT guy who through the power of google (Why didn't I think of that?) discovered that some virus softwares have issues with Chief. None being installed on this computer we discovered that Microsoft's defender was blacklisting Chief Architect as a ransomware threat! A quick 'add' to the whitelist and 'pop'... the missing folder showed up and X14 worked as intended. We have notified Chief of the situation; but I'm curious as to why this is happening. I don't know enough of the inner workings of Chief Architect to know what would cause Microsoft or any other third-party antivirus software to think it was a threat.
  14. I was told I was using a 3D object that had too many faces to it. I did receive this warning when I opened the plan after closing it but thought nothing of it. I was trying to use a 'live edge' to get a more realistic look to the stone cap. When I changed it back to a normal molding the issue resolved itself. Thanks @ChiefArchitectfor the explanation.
  15. Hmm... Actually I've done the same tech. without issues in X13. It works fine on other walls, but when the door is introduced it causes the issue. Also wall caps can be used as 'face applied' items or full wall split. This is a face applied molding.
  16. You could find a PNG file and import the plants yourself. It works much like the material importer.
  17. Has anyone else experienced an issue with the wall cap on a pony wall? Nothing I do allows it to continue down the wall past the door. Any suggestions outside of just drawing it manually w/ a molding? TIA. *I have a ticket into Chief about this as well.
  18. Dang. I tried all this in my set, but it wouldn't work. Doing it in a new set it did, so I wonder if my plan is screwed up. Thanks for the video!
  19. I just realized the 1000 sample cap seem to matter as it's just a way to stop the raytrace at a certain number. My default is to not cap it and let it run for a long as I feel necessary.
  20. It's true. I was asking about floor framing... I'm familiar with the joist direction tool, but It doesn't appear to allow me to build one room with 2x12s lets say and the rest of the home as 2x10s. It seems to be a global attribute. Instead what I did was deleted the framing from the room and drew them in custom myself.
  21. Ah! Good to know. I'm going to have to look into the cap live samples then. I have always just left it at 1000 assuming that was a good default. Any idea how it works?
  22. Hey experts. I've been doing a lot more PBRs as of late and am working to tweak my settings to get the perfect view using only X13/X14. Right now I always adjust the sun intensity to 50000 Lux or midday sun and adjust it's angle to bring some drama into my render. My Current interior settings are as follows (Haven't mastered Exterior yet - Tips Welcome) : Camera Exposure: .5 Refraction 1,000 Daytime Intensity: 500 Hue: 0.0 Saturation: 5.0 Brightness: 10.0 Chief's guru's go a bit higher on the saturation and Brightness, but it's a bit too much for my liking.
  23. @BillsburgChief I get frustrated by it too. They never seen to work for me when I try to do them as an interior feature. If I'm working on a Deck they seem to work fine...
  24. I need to show one room with a different O.C. spacing than the others. Typical for the home is 16" O.C, but one room in particular needs 12" O.C. I've only been able to find the 'global' option to change the framing parameters. Am I over looking something or do I need to draw this room's framing 'custom' T.I.A.
  25. Thanks! That's what I was hoping to avoid, but was doing all along. It would be nice for Chief to add this function to the deck. Just a check box that tells chief to build it like it's not against a wall. Ah well. Thanks again.