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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Thanks for your input as always...
  2. Hey Steve, wouldn't you use "Save Plan View As' in order to 'copy' a plan view? Or is there a 'copy' command I might be missing?
  3. I think as long as you have a 'saved plan view' as your preferred default you can 'Save Active View As' and rename it anything you'd like and it will inherit all of your default plan view preferences. You can set up your tool bar to show the plan view options. I've highlighted the 'Save As' tool. 'New Plan View' and 'Save Plan View' are the other 2 tools.
  4. Thank you. Can't say I understand the behavior nor the logic behind it as you have described, but will hit F5 when it occurs again if that's the simple fix. EDIT: Got it to behave as you've described by going in to another room, hit F5, the room lit up, back to original room, lights were off as you've described, hit F5 lights back on. Thick skull penetrated - Thank you.
  5. Have never been able to reproduce this phenomenon because it's so random but just had feeling it was about to happen so I took a video of it. Anyone else experience this? Thoughts? Ideas? BTW not plan specific. Thanks
  6. I'm using the 'partition' from the cabinet drop down. Should have used the term 'partition' instead of panel. Will edit above.
  7. I still find the styles feature valuable but awkward to manage efficiently. I've got a kitchen design with partitions each side of the fridge that don't seem to be able to be added to a 'style'. Am I missing something? If not is, there a work around other than switching styles and manually painting the objects that can't be included in a 'style'? Thanks
  8. Another thing in Chiefworld is to make improvements to tools that were never requested to be improved, or tools that worked just fine the way they were. The biggest improvements for me in any release are the little intangibles. X12 is perfect example. It's just better than X11. And X11 was just better than X10...
  9. Sorry, had to chuckle. Chief rarely revisits a 'feature' once it's released and would be surprised if this feature is any different. I think the best advice is to understand how it works, foibles and all, and work within those constraints. Or wait until next year for another feature that works but not always, and not in all cases. Just part of life within Chiefworld....
  10. ...yeah and how about those fires in Australia and now flooding. Pretty sure it's the new palette styles causing that...
  11. In an experiment to see how far off topic this thread can get I too find it interesting, the insert page after/before tools are still there in both X11 and X12 but they do behave differently. I like X11's behavior better...oh and another thing about X12...
  12. The function has not been removed, only removed from the right click context menu, the Hot key works exactly as it did in X11.
  13. I don't use the right click menu to copy items and the tool is still on my menu bar and it is without a doubt the most used short cut key I use 'Q' in my case because it comes to left hand so easily. I was never confused by it, never got copies I didn't understand, never had a problem but perhaps others did? I think though like Michael stated it's not really an issue but forcing a change in one's workflow can be an issue and a real pain. Sorry, re-read the OP and see it's an issue with the right click menu....I use it from the tool bar, again with a short cut key..
  14. ...and have to say it worked OK except for the way the styles are stored in the User Library by default without a way that I could find to save them in to a specific folder. A separate folder can be created then the style palettes dragged in to that new folder but otherwise the User Catalog will just get clogged with Style Palette files with no easy way to organize them. Could be missing something and the cynical part of me, (based on many years of Chief use) wants to assume Chief will leave this feature, just about finished but won't revisit it again to make changes. Has anyone else tried the feature? It took a little time to figure it out but it works pretty well except for the additional steps needed to organize the style palettes. Would be nice to have a place to store them in a plan file? Or?? Curious about others' experience. Thanks Oh yeah, decent chance I don't understand how they are intended to be used. Any help with that appreciated.
  15. Yeah, these 'systems' if you will become very personal, designed and implemented around each person's work flow. Mine has grown and gotten pretty ugly but I'm used to the ugly and it works for me. Will follow this thread though and see it something more efficient pops up.
  16. Yeah I figure it wasn't as easy as I made it out to be. I have few older installation files in my downloads folder but almost never use older versions like many others do. Don't know if your files still live there as well? Sorry I wasn't any help...
  17. Curious Larry, why would you want to 'migrate' Chief's files instead of simply installing it on the new computer?
  18. Trying to remember the up and down sides of the .plan and .layout 'warehouse' templates and years tried the 'Save As Method' which would, in theory, rename and save all of your changes to details etc. for the next plan but I could never get it to work real world. I was always working on 4 or 5 plans and the Save As Method just got too confusing for me. As a possible relevant note to the OP and the suggestion of a .plan and .layout template for details it seems that (as mentioned here already) any changes to the .plan file will effect all associations of that .plan file and all of its links. If that .plan is 'saved as' in the job folder then it would be and remain unique to that job. The down side is that the template .plan and .layout files would not be universally updated so they both should be pretty comprehensive to begin with or manually updated as the detail library grows. There's a learning curve and some complexities as there always is but anything short of a unique .plan and perhaps a unique .layout for each job I think would cause problems in the long run. It's been many years since adopting my current, awkward as best, system of a default .plan template with lots of details spread through a couple different floors but am curious about what others end up using and if the additional Layout option truly creates an easier way to organize details.
  19. Thanks Bill. I can see some possibilities, and some complexities as well. I might start small and work my way up to a system that works. Either way opening more than one Layout (even though it was possible in X11) is a great new feature.
  20. Quick question for you Bill. If you need to modify a detail from your .plan file (which I seem to need to on a fairly constant basis) do you double click that detail box and make changes? Re-save or just remember that detail was modified?