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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Thanks again Graham always appreciate your input/feedback.
  2. Thanks Graham and I've learned over the years to keep my expectations low and am under no illusion that a new 4.0 SSD will have a noticeable effect. The challenge now is that my 1 TB 2.5" SSD is almost full and need more storage. Not today, but soon and am watching NVMe drive prices for a deal. both 3.0 and 4.0 PCIe. Will do nothing for as long as possible as that always been smart in PC world. I'm only mildly curious about a RAM drive and the first thing I read said be wary of them for various reasons. May explore but usually find my time better spent at other tasks. Do you have a RAM drive? They seem risky but am quite ignorant about such things...will research.
  3. BBQ'S WITH CPU USEAGE. This might interest you Mark. The hardware monitor is with Ryzen's PBO single thread settings. You can see the CPU hit a high of 4591 and it uses 100% CPU to render that camera view. Interesting.
  4. Results Ryzen 3900x signature system 1.) Open Standard Camera View = 16 seconds. 2.) Drag Wall Surface up = 18 seconds. 3.) Undo Drag Wall Surface up = 17 seconds. 4.) Build Roof Planes = 32 seconds. Add as much time as you feel I missed the timer start by. Undo Wall Drag, forgot to record the wall drag up but got 18 seconds again, adding in the time lag to get to the timer. Build roof planes
  5. Nice David, yeah the structure is surprisingly simple to recreate.
  6. Bob, I think your approach illustrates the importance of starting with accurate floor defaults and dimensions - to begin with. Trying to go back and re-adjust those things ("I needed to adjust the floor to ceiling heights on each floor to 10'") can cause a lot of headaches as you may be finding out. Number one with Chief is defaults, number two is defaults and number three is yes, defaults. Without that foundation you have no chance of getting an accurate, stable model. A couple other small things that I've learned. If the floors are not close enough to 'align above/below' you won't see the icon to do so. Also trying to duplicate another's approach without knowing why they used that approach can lead to running in circles trying to figure things out. Both Mick and Robert took different approaches, both work but without understanding why they work it's hard to simply duplicate their efforts. Learning the why with Chief can sometimes be more valuable than learning the how.
  7. Nice PBR's as usual Graham but curious about the reference to only the generic sun? Do the other ceiling lights in the shot not account for any computing needs...or??
  8. There does seem to be a way to use roof planes for the gable ends. Best way? Probably not, but doable. gable_walls.plan
  9. Really like those examples Eric, Tommy. Was a good exercise duplicating the design intent but I think to truly answer the OP's question I think it would be good to know how it is to be built if indeed an accurate material list with framing is the intent. Is the second floor structure and deck as thick as the illustration shows? Or is that a facade of sorts that hides the actual floor structure depth? Roof and ceiling structure? How will that be built? Without that info any example from the excellent Chief users here is a bit moot, again if an accurate build method and material list is the goal.
  10. Yes, helpful and you can but if you did not know what these lines were you could search for a VERY long clicking on each layer to see when they they disappeared, a VERY long time, ask me how I know?
  11. Thank you Michael, worked perfectly. For some reason I thought creating a pattern of some simple spaced vertical lines would be a super simple task, and maybe it was for you but I have no idea how and REALLY appreciate the help.
  12. Looks nice. Fortunately I don't need near that level of detail, just a simple vertical pattern. Will figure it out. Thanks for all the help....
  13. Here's an elevation shot of one side of the project. Anything short of a simple new pattern seems like a crazy amount of work. Are there no pattern gurus out there? Seems so simple on the surface...
  14. Good idea but way too much work for this project with so many elevations and wall regions. For now I've just stretched the B & B pattern and it looks like that may work OK.
  15. Thanks Eric and yes the patterns supplied by Chief work great but I need to show something with different spacing than Chief's stock patterns, more like 1 x 6 @ 12" O.C. rather than Chief's (assumed) 1 x 2's. I can stretch the existing pattern(s) and that works OK and that may have to do for now. It seems an easy task but have researched a bit and can find no simple answer or method...
  16. I've got a project that must show a difference in B & B patterns for historical review and the Chief supplied patterns are OK for new construction but the old construction has a 1 x 6 batt @ approx. 12" O.C. and I need to apply that pattern to the old construction in elevation. How does one go about creating a custom pattern like this?
  17. I dunno but if you don't experience any slow downs why would you upgrade? I have quite a few plans that 'hit the wall' and Chief just starts to crawl and it blows. Very time consuming and painful as my mind is going X miles an hour and Chief is going X minus 3 - 5 seconds slower.
  18. Seeing that pretty clearly with the benefit of using the 1080 if I upgrade. I'll test a couple more plans at some point if I decide to upgrade but the video card doesn't seem to be a weak link on this system as well it shouldn't - the 1080 is very capable...