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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Cliff, Did you call the sales team with your question? They might not be as rigid as the Beta NDA requires of the current users and may answer your question especially if it results in a new sale for the company.
  2. It's the same guy that puts Wayne's Coat along the bottom of a wall...
  3. For what it's worth X12 has (for all intents) eliminated Anno Sets as a parameter in Saved Plan Views per the new feature video @ 15:25 and has consolidated the interface to include general settings and ref sets. Easier? Clearer? Better? Dunno...Just sayin'
  4. Yeah actually Plan Views are much easier set up than explained and as in Steve's screen shot above it's easy to see how everything CAN be set up through the plan view dialog box alone. They will remain difficult, however, if one insists they remain difficult but once one's feet get wet and discover how powerful they can be it saves a bunch of effort. Maybe not easy, but worth the effort IMO. Kinda curious, what's the alternative? Anno Sets? Layer Sets? Genuinely curious...
  5. I hesitate to post how to vids as I am clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed but perhaps this will shed some light for some and as always wait for the smart guys to post so we can learn some more. EDIT: I can see I should have named each new Plan View as a Plan View and not a plan set. Hope that's not too confusing... Pulled the video as I inadvertently recorded it in X12 in violation of the beta NDA. Apologies all round...
  6. I think Chief gets confused about its users and assumes a certain level of expertise in the concepts that are all too familiar with the staff creating the videos. This disconnect permeates Chief's user interface as well which is clearly designed by software engineers and not graphical user interface experts. Something every Chief user has to deal with...
  7. Nice video David, Thanks for posting that. Saved Plan Views, is IMO the single most powerful feature Chief has added in years. Could not work without them but that does not diminish their complexity nor the effort required to set them up efficiently for one's personal work flow. I think it's that inherent complexity that stumps a lot of users and the required effort seems a learning curve too steep to climb. As in a lot of Chief's interface the trade off for that complexity is the power that complexity delivers but can be understandably daunting for many users. I would also bet that very few users take advantage of Plan Views or even know what they are and the distorted picture this forum gives as to the true nature of Chief's actual 'user base' adds a bit to the confusion but their power and efficiency is undeniable.
  8. Always happy to see a new update but can't see any new feature that I might actually need/use. Multiple Layout files have been possible for many versions but that's nice to be able to open them without a workaround. Other than that not sure what I'll find useful going forward. Trey ceilings? Dunno. The best thing about every new update that I've found is that the program just works better and that is always worth the price to me. Sad to see that previous features are still the same like the multi reference set tool. No way to turn one off without deleting it or using other techniques and the glass house option is still useless. That's kinda par for the course with Chief. Once a 'feature' is done there's no going back to make it more user friendly and I've learned to live with it. Still looking forward to the update as, again, Chief just seems to work better with each update. EDIT: Just wanted to make it clear that everyone's work flow and feature needs are different and am happy there are those who are excited about the new features, there's just nothing compelling for the way I work. Still very nice to see the update.
  9. Trust me I feel your pain. I did not come to the conclusions and fixes that I arrive at quickly. It's just that over 20 years with Chief and the pain as you describe I've found ways to survive the crazy that Chief can throw at its users. Best of luck...
  10. Yes, true, but it takes less than 40 seconds to place solid filled filler pieces to get the proper look. I learned many many years a go to stop fighting the way Chief works and find simple workarounds. Yes it's a work around and yes it did take 40 seconds and yes Chief's stair tools aren't that great but how hard do you want to fight Chief's shortcomings?
  11. Still a little curious. Are you sending 3D images for your drawings? Or simple elevations? Elevations might be used with open risers and simply noted as closed in the drawing? Dunno if that will work for you. 3D images not so much...
  12. ...and in elevation it still shows a solid underside even with the 'air gap' spec'd...
  13. Yeah, only kinda works but thought it might help somewhat...
  14. Bill, You can define the 'underside' material as 'air gap insulation' which kinda works? Might be of some help.
  15. Thanks Edward, I was in a bad place with my old rig, just outgrew its capabilities and it just couldn't keep up with every day usage. Very happy with the new set up but really haven't tested it yet on a new larger plan. I will if I do get a new NVMe drive I'll do some time tests for undo etc. and see if there's any discernible difference. Thanks gain for the update...
  16. Thanks Mick, trying to avoid the 'buy new stuff because it's new stuff' bug that bites me pretty hard. The numbers are undeniable in favor of the NVMe drives and the prices are not outrageous but what real world change would be noticeable? If I need a new drive or more storage it will, of course, be an NVMe drive but for now I think the speed improvements won't be worth the effort. That could change tomorrow and I could find a reason for a new NVMe but for now I'll test my patience...
  17. Appreciate the analysis Mark, however don't really understand any of it and how it relates to Chief's real world performance. Really wished they would/could publish some spec's that we could use to configure our systems for top performance. I understand why they won't/don't, but it would nice to know what hardware component affects which operation, similar to GPU for renders, CPU for RayTrace kinda info. Thanks again
  18. Thanks Edward for the update, really appreciate you taking the time...No computer engineer here either and I wished I understood the technicalities a bit better. There's been more than one anecdotal "NVMe drives are great for Chief, post," and I can't make an argument against such claims and really can't wait to get an NVMe drive but the real world performance of the 4.0 drives leaves me a bit cold on them for now, plus I don't really need one other than new stuff is cool. Are you happy with your new system in general? My system is now acceptably fast which is a huge relief and have all the overclocking turned off as there seems to be no performance gains from that either as far as I can tell from reading a lot of tests. I do run the Ryzen Master software which seems to be faster at least on the hardware monitoring stuff but I don't know if I could tell a difference real world. I'll get a NVMe drive one of these days but for now it's just money I don't need to spend. Thanks again for the post
  19. More food for thought...none of the new PCIe 4.0 SSD's outperformed the PCIe 3.0 drives in real world tests - smoked the synthetic tests, but didn't show any improvement in productivity, again, in real world tests. There's a few tests out there showing similar results. Kinda not so happy about that and waiting to upgrade to PCIe 4.0 when perhaps they show real world gains... "Curious about the 3 storage solutions? 1TB SSD PCIe 4.0; 500 GB SSD PCIe 3.0; and the 1 TB HDD? Can you share why and purpose of each? And how would you set up the Sabrent SSD for 'undo'?"
  20. Nice rig, good price, my new spec's in sig below. So far very good and I already had my old SSD and 1080 video card so I only spent around $1200. Curious about the 3 storage solutions? 1TB SSD PCIe 4.0; 500 GB SSD PCIe 3.0; and the 1 TB HDD? Can you share why and purpose of each? And how would you set up the Sabrent SSD for 'undo'? Thanks
  21. I thought you had a 9900 and good to know. Hope you get your problem solved.
  22. The 2.6 GHz clock speed of the i9-7980XE chip is not " incredibly fast", it's actually quite slow for Chief which likes a fast clock speed versus more cores of which that chip has 18. Not saying that's your problem but it would be way down the list of chips I would choose for Chief. A Quadro card will probably not help as Graham suggests above and you already have (2) 2080 ti's? I thought you also had a i9 9900K system? If so try it on that and see what's different. If you want you can send me the plan and we can compare my current AMD 3900x to your CPU to see what we can see. Happy to help.
  23. Thanks as always Rene, My system is so much faster everywhere right now that I don't see a problem that needs fixing, which is a really refreshing thing to post and a sentiment I could not share just a few days ago. Still curious about the RAMdisk and found a great video you did explaining same. When my curiosity gets the better of me I might explore but for now it might only solve a problem I do not have.