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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Just a little test to add to the confusion....
  2. NICE job Jim! Yeah there's some really weak links in Chief as well some strong points but the curved wall tool has always been above my pay grade. Again nice job.
  3. The 3 key will create a break in any line or p-solid like a region. Press the 3 key, click the break point where you want it. Now right click the new line segment and change to curve. VERY basic stuff. ...and yes there's a difference but I honestly don't know. Try googling for the answer? Here's a vid.
  4. Too easy - here's a hint attached...
  5. It's doable, painful using Chief's curved retaining wall (really, really awkward) tools, but doable. Same thing as above make sure the walls and regions don't overlap and sit adjacent to each other the proper distance. BOTH walls and regions are curved!!
  6. Pretty sure the same principles apply, move the retaining wall lines and the elevation regions boundaries until it looks funky no longer...
  7. What? Not a real world test? I dunno man..........
  8. Hope this helps... Tony_House 3.plan
  9. I think it might be bad forum form to not follow up on your first post by adding a second question under the same topic but perhaps you try learning about terrain regions. They are very powerful...
  10. Was hoping you really didn't have to post that disclaimer as I for one understood those parameters from the beginning, but thanks anyway for those who did not. Now the remaining question, a HellCat Processor? Or a Hellephant processor? Maybe a Hellephant with a turbo cache? Could you run a couple tests please?
  11. True, I think one of these is a much better investment....
  12. The problem for me and Chief is not trips to the grocery store but long fast marathon drives that tax the system as much possible and genuinely slow Chief down to where large plans are unworkable, very much like (but of course not exactly) like the test plans posted here. Will I ever need a Hemi Hellcat? Maybe not but if do and don't have one what then? Just work through the pain of 5 - 7 second delays with each move in Chief? Or invest in the HellCat for when I actually need the power? I'll probably, however unwise it might be, choose the later.
  13. Pretty sure that the testers are not fooled or mislead by this test in to thinking that it's a definitive test of all computer components and all possible scenarios and hopefully no tester is stupid enough to think that spending 2K on a CPU will be 10 times faster than a $200 CPU, but maybe we're not that smart? It's only a test as defined by the limited parameters of the test and that's all it is. Does that make it worthless? Maybe through some eyes but through my eyes it's an attempt to set some parameters that allow a comparison no matter how flawed. Will I buy the fastest CPU I can afford based on this test? No. I'll buy the fastest CPU I can afford because I know that's a good long term investment. Will I ignore the fastest SSD hard drive because of this test? No way. Will I buy the fastest vid card? Probably just because I will never trust a test like this to tell the whole story and hopefully no one else will either. With that said I would, again, to thank Graham for the effort as I have at the very least, learned.
  14. Dunno why the walls disappear as it shows OK on my system...
  15. Also cannot find a 'floor surface material', and might seem small but the correct terminology will help nail down the problem.
  16. The plan I opened doesn't have a floor finish. Try adding a thin finish instead of changing the concrete material which will change ALL concrete every where.
  17. All these tests seem to point a bad analogy. Like the engine in our cars and the CPU in our computers, if you want to go fast more horsepower is faster. Other factors for sure, like turbocharging = more HP but the thing that surprises me, and not in a good way, is how little the GPU factors in to the speed of Chief...Will NOT be easy to ignore the fastest vid card out there but it seems to be a pretty bad investment for Chief speed. Also I have never really considered AMD chips but may as the numbers, again, are hard to deny.. EDIT: ...and not a burly Diesel pumping out tons of low speed torque, that will run all day for a million miles, like the Xeons, but a high revving horsepower machine putting out maximum GHZ..(HP). Seems there's really no substitute.
  18. Yeah pretty humbling huh? DO NOT want to spring for a new computer but the numbers are hard to deny...
  19. BBQ Parade - 27 sec This plan used 75% CPU the other plan 20% max for short bursts.
  20. Xeons parade of homes 1.) Open Standard Camera View = 18 seconds. 21 sec. 2.) Drag Wall Surface up = 22 seconds. 29 sec. 3.) Undo Drag Wall Surface up = 22 seconds. 28 sec 4.) Build Roof Planes = 35 seconds. 58 sec..
  21. Interesting that most every test points to CPU power and not so much GPU power, that's some very valuable information. Also wanted to compliment you Graham on the parade of homes design, that's some real inside the box thinking...
  22. Plan view. Laptop spec's .... Roofs from camera view 1:00
  23. On my laptop. 1.) Open Standard Camera View = 18 seconds. 28 sec. reopen with roofs - 41 sec. 2.) Drag Wall Surface up = 22 seconds. 38 sec. 3.) Undo Drag Wall Surface up = 22 seconds. 38 sec 4.) Build Roof Planes = 35 seconds. 18 and 19 sec. rechecked for obvious reasons...