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Everything posted by mcrump

  1. Justin, Yes, I got it. Lets grab some lunch sometime.
  2. I am trying to depict a patio area surrounded by a chain link fence. I have used a railing and applied the material "wire mesh" to both the inside and outside of the railing but the material will not show. Any ideas on how to accomplish this? Thanks!
  3. Beamchek is also another good and inexpensive one.
  4. Interesting. I never really thought about measuring to casings, but I can see your point.
  5. I can help you with this. I am located in Rock Hill. My email address is as follows:
  6. I had a training session with Joey last Saturday and found him to be professional, knowledgeable and a good teacher of Chief Architect.
  7. Yep, I'm setting one up for slabs and one for crawls.
  8. When you folks design a home with a slab foundation, how do you set up your defaults? Do you include floor finishes or do you not worry about such stuff. By the way, this is simply directed at depicting sections. Thanks!
  9. II think they should have zoomed up on the chain after the final stretch so we could evaluate the results. Did it add links to the chain? I don't think so, but I couldn't tell.
  10. I wonder it I could be totally off base here, but I wonder if it would help if posters knew how beneficial tags were to the search process and actually used them. I get frustrated with searches too.
  11. Country, If you jump, the net will appear. You just have to commit to make the leap.
  12. Thanks all. It was a great help.
  13. Holy Cow! That's exactly what I'm after. You guys are amazing! Would either of you care to enlighten me on the technique to accomplish this? Many thanks!!
  14. Is this even possible line should have been at the end of the second paragraph.
  15. I'm designing a chemical plant that has two sunken loading docks on each side of the building. Each dock will support two semi trucks. Truck wells wide enough for two trucks are normally 48" deep, 24' wide and an 80' long flat concrete surface before sloping up to the street. This length allows the trailer to dock perpendicular to the loading dock wall. Is this even possible? Has anyone ever tried to depict a flat, then sloped depression in a terrain? Would I be better off building the terrain out of a primitive and subtracting other primitive shapes from it? Understand this is for illustrative purposes only. I plan to export the model into Lumion and render a fly over animation for the client. Using X7 beta by the way.
  17. Dang, you guys are incredible! Fantastic Yusuf!
  18. If I had some contact info I could probably throw some work her way.
  19. Tim, A properly designed HVAC plan is site specific that takes into account the orientation of the house and the surrounding terrain vegetation.
  20. For quick and dirty, turn it into a polyline solid and give it a thickness and elevation.
  21. Me and you both. I turned 60 nine days ago. To be honest I never thought I would make it 60 years. Had I known that I would have taken better care of myself. Or maybe not. After all, you can't put a price on a good time. A foursome were on 14 near the road when a funeral procession drove slowly by. One golfer took off his hat, placed it over his heart and stood silently. As the hearse passed one of the golfers turned and said, "Man, that was a very thoughtful thing to do." The guy standing there with his hat off turned and said, "Shoot. It was the least I could do. After all, we were married for 65 years".
  22. Scott, my friend. If somebody had a gun to my head I don't think I could come up with a single thing I thought that you had learned from me. Believe me, if I thought I could take credit for such a feat I would lay claim to it in a skinny minute. But, since I have always been appreciative of all your help and I know you like to golf, here is a joke for you. Two old geezers were playing golf on a course somewhere in southern California. On the 8th hole one of the old dudes shanked his ball into a shallow creek. So they both walked down to retrieve his ball. As he bent town to pick it up a small green frog jumped up on a rock and started talking. "Kind sir." It said. "You might not believe this but I am really a beautiful 22 year old blond bombshell princess that was turned into a frog by a wicked, jealous witch." If you would be so kind as to kiss me, I will turn back into that princess and as a reward I will make love to you all night long." The old codger looked down at the frog, then looked ay his friend, then reached down and picked the frog up and put it in his pocket. His buddy said, "What in the heck did you do that for?" He turned and said, "Heck, at my age I think I would rather have a talking frog!"