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Everything posted by mcrump

  1. I am in the middle of a commercial project and the owner wants an ornamental stair with horizontal wire balusters. I have no trouble attaching the wire panels to the second floor balcony but for the life of me I can't get the panels to attach to the stairs themselves. Can some kind soul take a look at the attached plan and tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks a million !
  2. Just curious if that's documented in the manual, If the programmers knew about it, or if it was a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.
  3. Thanks Scott. So why in the heck would the Chief Gods put something that works so poorly in the library is beyond me.
  4. When ever I use an oval shape gable vent from the Chief Library, the cutout has square edges that show up in rendered views. This is annoying. Is there a work around for this?
  5. Excellent suggestion Scott. Make it a challenge. Let people vote for a winner. The winner gets ..........
  6. Personally, I have never been one to worry about someone copying my plans. Everything I have ever done is a derivative of something I have seen before. Rarely have I started with a bubble diagram, but even then I'm pretty sure the finished product had the influences of other designs. Hundreds of millions of homes have been designed and constructed. I can guarantee you that even if I started with a bubble diagram, with exception of finishes and details, the floor plan would pretty much, for the most part, match something somewhere that someone else has already designed. It's simply the law of probabilities. If I was a Frank Lloyd Wright it would be different, but I am not. I would be more than happy to post my plan files but I am not sure that it would benefit anyone. I am not a Perry, Scott, Glenn, Larry, etc. In other words, since I am not a power user I'm not sure what that benefit to someone else would be, unless it was a beginner. Hell, I'm still trying to figure out how to effectively use layer sets and anno sets like the power users can. That's just my two cents worth.
  7. I may be able to help you. Can you send me a pdf sample of a finished set of plans so I can get an idea of the scope of work involved.
  8. Jon, I think Scott hosted a go-to-meeting on this a few months ago, and I think a video was made.
  9. Jees, Jon. 16 TB? What are you storing? The complete NSA phone records for the last year?
  10. I have created a body of text notes and would like to block it and save it to my library, but Chief doesn't give me the option. Is there a way to do this? Thanks! Never mind. I got it.
  11. Can someone please, please tell me where Chief has buried this setting. I've been searching for the past 30 minutes with no luck. It's driving me absolutely bonkers. Thanks!
  12. Yusuf, It seems like everything you do is more amazing than the last. I wish I had your knowledge and creativity. Well done, my friend!
  13. Does anyone have a model of a walk-in tub that the might share? I really need both a corner model and a rectangular model. Thanks!
  14. Does anyone have a material file similar to this attachment? I think the common name is Broken Clay Tile. Thanks!
  15. mcrump


    I have watched every flipping video there is on how to place an auto floating dormer on a roof and NEVER had success with it. So I am completely done with this house plan and now the owner wants stairs to a bonus room and a very wide dormer with several windows over the front porch. Can someone give me direction on how to accomplish this. Thanks! Kevin Amaro.plan
  16. Is there going to be a workshop? If so, then I would like to attend. Thank you!
  17. I couldn't figure out how to download it. Guess I am dumb.
  18. I'm ready to move. Very Nice!
  19. You will have to deal with permafrost issues. That's why some states have their own codes for special conditions. Alaska for permafrost, California for earthquakes, Florida for hurricanes and North Carolina because they are stupid and just want to be different. I forgot about mudslides. Only in California is mud a natural disaster. In the south we put big tires on the truck and go play in it. (Sorry, couldn't resist)
  20. Jon, Do the textures on this site tile well?