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Everything posted by mcrump

  1. One of my favorites is to stick the 'Current CAD Layer' button in a custom tool bar. Then when I want to wire up some electrical switches I just pick the 'Electrical Connections' layer and use Chief's arc command to have more control of the arc. I find Chief's Auto Electrical Connections' command to be much too wild and vulgar with its arcs. Toolbar.pdf
  2. Thanks a lot guys!! Another lesson learned.
  3. I have a roof plane sticking out over the garage and I cannot select it to edit it no mater what mode I am in. It's not on a locked layer but I can't pick it, window it or anything. I have never seen this before. Can someone please tell me if it is a bug, or simply operator error. Cheek
  4. I can help you out.
  5. Doug, The icons are helpful. That was one that I had never used before.
  6. Thanks Scott & P. That was it. Another lesson learned!
  7. I have a symbol that has popped up adjacent to my cursor and for the life of me I can't figure out how to get rid of it. It looks like a small box with a detached lid and an arrow pointing up in the middle of the box. Any ideas?
  8. Great idea, thanks P Man.
  9. Thanks Tommy. It makes no sense that one has to do that just to block some text, so go figure.
  10. I have a structural engineering note in my user library. I want to edit the text so I explode the note. Once I edit the text I have no options to re-block it or to re-save in to my user library. Am I missing something?
  11. The P Man. I appreciate your explanation, but it doesn't clarify the + and - of the three different choices. Is one better than the other?
  12. In setting up defaults I observed that there are three distinct choices for text styles. Are there any advantages of one over the other? The manual really doesn't tell me which one is a preferred method.
  13. Thanks Robert! Amazing how some of the most difficult things have such a simple solution.
  14. I want to redefine a 2D block that is attached to a 3D symbol.. I have followed all established procedures but cannot for the life of me re-establish the correct insertion point of my new 2D symbol. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
  15. I want to create a Duplex Receptacle Outlet symbol that inserts at 16" AFF. I block inserted a standard outlet which inserts 11.5" AFF. I exploded the block, made the height adjustment, associated the new 2D block to the 3D block ands saved to my custom library. It still inserts at 11.5" AFF. Is this something that can't be done in Chief?
  16. Kevin, It looks like my settings match yours. Temp1.plan
  17. Nothing in the floor settings dialog box.
  18. In our neck of the woods the subfloor is nailed down before the bottom plates. This includes the perimeter walls. The attachment does not show that condition. Is this a setting or a bug or simply operator ignorance?
  19. When wiring up a house I set my current CAD layer to Electrical, Connections - then use the arc command. It works better for me.
  20. Is there any advantage in copying a layer set to layout?
  21. Perry, I don't have a darn clue about the method you use but I sure would like to see a video no it (hint, hint). Is this like Scotts Save-As method?
  22. I am curious as to what the preferred method is for producing Con-Docs in the following areas: Do you put notes, symbols, keys, etc. on the layout pages, do you put them in the plan or do you mix it up and do both. I would like to know what the Chief gurus such as Scott, Perry, Jim, Glenn and all the others who are far, far smarter and wiser than me when it comes to producing Con-Docs with Chief. I just spent a boatload of time producing Con-Docs and know whit out a doubt that I could do it faster if my methods were refined. Thanks for any and all responses.