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Everything posted by mcrump

  1. No matter what my rafter spacing is in the dialog box Chief builds the framing at 24" o.c. What am I missing here?
  2. My client wants a stepped ceiling instead of a 45 degree tray. The step would be 12" up. Would the easiest way to accomplish this be to raise the ceiling 12" and use a soffit around the perimeter of the room?
  3. Thanks Jim & Scott. I felt it easier to just come out with a 2' long wall that is 90 degrees to the rear wall before turning the angle instead of coming off the rear wall at 45 degrees.. That way I can maintain the same roof pitch and plate heights. I do appreciate seeing an alternate method to my madness.
  4. Thanks Scott! You are da man! Now I just have to figure out how you did it.
  5. Scott, I really appreciate you looking at this. I was accepted into the Beta team yesterday but don't have X7 installed yet. So unfortunately I can't see your fix. I'm sure it was something dumb on my part.
  6. Can someone take a look at this plan and tell me where I am going wrong. The problem is the bay roof at the rear of the house. The problem is I want a straight ridge that dies into the main roof. I usually manually build all my roofs and have never had a problem like this before with a sloping ridge. I even tried building the roofs automatically and get the same results. I can't figure out why this one is different. Much thanks!
  7. Sorry, I meant wall cabinets. I would like to be able to see what is below wall cabs and shelves and still utilize some sort if shading on the uppers.
  8. Joey, How do you get your lower appliances to show up under your base cabinets? Is it manual line work?
  9. Is there anyway to poche (or lightly shade) a wall shelf and still see the appliances underneath?
  10. You people simply amaze me. Another golden nugget I just picked up. Thanks!!!
  11. This is precisely why the government needs to be overthrown and a new one installed.
  12. A contractor friend of mine summed it up well with the phrase "At the end of the day I would rather go home tired and hungry than tired, hungry and broke".
  13. My fix is to simply change the underlying material to be the same as the surface material. As an example, if I have Z-fighting on a roof I change the material for the plywood to the same material as the shingles. Works like a charm.
  14. You could also take some voice coaching lessons from Scott McHall. He's one of the best!!
  15. That would be a great organizational feature!!
  16. I wish I had the ability to name the boxes any name I want and not just Chief's names.
  17. Scott, my wife will agree completely with you. It should be McGrump. If my first name was Forrest, it would be Forrest Grump. Hahahahaha
  18. Exactly my point. No how many particular modifications I have made to a door, window, wall, or any other component, a "Match Properties" command is a single click modifier, or duplicator if you wish. I am NOT saying that Chief's tools are in any way inadequate. This tool is straight out of AutoCAD and I can see its value as a Chief tool. Lord knows I can see the value of some of Chief's tools in an AutoCAD environment. McCrump (as DSH has crowned me)
  19. Let the unwashed ignorant weigh in. Suppose I have a plan that has a 6" wall in it and I want to change it to a 4" wall found also in the plan. With a "Match Properties" button I can convert that wall with three clicks. 1, click on "Match Properties" button. 2, click on the 4" wall. 3, click on the 6" wall. Done. 6" wall is now a 4" wall. It could work that way for any object in a plan - walls, doors, windows, cad lines, etc., etc.
  20. Sometimes it helps to post the plan so a more experienced user can take a look.
  21. I use Grindstone for all my commercial time tracking.
  22. Hey guys, was there ever a consensus on which is king, anno sets or layer sets?