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Everything posted by rgardner

  1. Is it the room label layer that is turned off then?
  2. rgardner


    Dont try opening it from your file location. Open the plan you want in chief and use "import" to pull it into chief.
  3. Is your cabinet by chance set to subfloor and not finish floor? otherwise...
  4. It’s good to make sure your plan and layout line settings are the same or your lines will print really thick. Typical is 1:100mm. You find it in print> page layout settings. It also helps everyone if you have your signature setup with your info of program and hardware as sometimes the suggestions will be different.
  5. I see you are using Chief X11 but it is very helpful for everyone if you can fill out your signature line with that info as well as some basic hardware info as in some cases glitches and other errors are related to your hardware. That all being said. Try Window>Create Wall Niche... In the Cabinet drop down there is a quick shelf to add and you can customize it to glass and thickness/size. Hope that helps!
  6. Can you post a plan file to take a look?
  7. Umm I must be misunderstanding but isn’t that what they do with the $199 a month lease program? Btw most programs that are this specialized are $165+ a month (I use two type programs and was leasing CA until I recently purchased a license and now have the annual ssa). Doing the math purchasing it once then $45 a month average (550 ssa) is well worth it for always having the newest as well as the free library content and support if needed.
  8. I just read a comment on Facebook today that someone has a command that can be inputted into ruby that will clean those type of items up. It wasn’t very descriptive but maybe one of our awesome ruby gurus can interpret and let us know? ...watching
  9. Thought this explanation of the difference was pretty good: “Tray Ceiling = a ceiling that looks like an inverted tray.Trey Ceiling = a tray ceiling written by people who can't spellTrace Ceiling = a tray ceiling written by people who don't listen well or heard of it from people with a heavy accent”
  10. I always thought tray ceiling but just looked it up now: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tray ceiling
  11. Exactly and with the arrow below the roof pitch like that. How did you do it?
  12. Do you have a survey dwg file imported in there? I am seeing some exterior elevation cameras off to the right which show a structure when opened (takes forever for them to open)... My guess is it is that imported item that you have there (file says it is missing when I turned on all layers. Also you have ALL of your labels on which sped things up slightly when I turned them off. Food for thought on what it might be.
  13. I know this is a post that is way over my head at this time but I have been reading on it and more all morning and am still having some issues. I am using the great macro all you experts hashed out: == referenced ? obj = referenced : obj = owner if $tree.nil? $tree = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} } end id="p" + obj.object_id.to_s pitch = obj.automatic_label area = (obj.surface_area).ceil areasq = ( obj.framing_area / 100.0 ).ceil slope = obj.angle.round(2) #slope = (Math.atan2(obj.pitch,12.0)*180.0/Math::PI).round(2) ALT Slope Formula #unless $tree['roofplanes'].has_value?(id) items = Hash.new() items['roof_plane']=id items['pitch']=pitch items['area']=area items['areasq']=areasq $tree['roofplanes'][id]=items #end indx = $tree['roofplanes'].keys.find_index(id) result = "Roof Plane No# : " + (indx+1).to_s + "\n" result += "Roof Area Sqft : " + area.to_s + " sqft" + "\n" result += "Roof Area Total Sqs : " + areasq.to_s + " sq" + "\n" result += "Roof Pitch : " + pitch + "\n" result += "Slope Angle : " + slope.to_s + "°\n" result == It is working as intended but I was hoping to have a similar macro for one of my builders who doesn't want to see as much info. I have tried to copy and create a similar macro and only get the dreaded error. If any of you macro gurus have a second and could help out I would be as always ever grateful for the assistance. This builder wants to see: Roof Area Sq. Ft. (as is in the current macro) Roof Area Total Sqs. (as is in the current macro) Roof Pitch (as is in the current macro) I know this would just be deleting parts of the macro to remove the plane No# and slope angle. But what I have tried to do seems to get an error so I am assuming instead of deleting something I need to change it???? Side note I have not been able to figure out the arrow placement issue. I can make it different size and I can add blank lines before the macro to get the arrow out of the middle of the text and not being seen or looking jumbled but is there a way to get the macro to have the arrow right after the pitch line??? TIA for anyone who takes their valuable time with this and helps me and anyone else who can benefit with this as we try to learn the awesomeness of macros!
  14. personally I generally would do three cabinets there for most of my builders as they are buying box cabinets and it’s pretty difficult to get that large of cabinet around hallways and upstairs in some cases. But I have done ones this size for custom cabinet manufacturers. Although the note regarding double sink base would work I tend to do a schedule with a 3d preview so it makes it more accurate and precise to show the two sinks and removes one more possible chance for error on ordering.
  15. When you select it does it show two sinks? And with the material list as well? Only worked with me when I made a double sink and input it as one.
  16. I didn’t actually try to do any other pitch as I didn’t spend much time with it. Sorry. Didn’t have to do anything with any walls. I had to move it forward closer to the eave and made it 36” high and 60” wide. 12:12 pitch would not work but just put in a lesser pitch for the look. A shed roof I think would look good on that as well though. My two cents, for free. ;)
  17. Auto floating dormers worked for me as soon as I turned on the layer, removed the two you had already placed, and placed it according to the dialog moving it closer to the eave allowing the walls to connect properly. They did have to be smaller because of the roof line and I dropped it to a 5:12 pitch but you should be able to play with it and get the largest size possible that you want. front roof done.pdf
  18. Similar version at 21" depth SB6021R Dbl Sink Vanity.calibz
  19. Ok so I am confused then? Because all of their others 3/4 1/2 and full lite doors work just those two didn’t for me??? Maybe I am remembering it wrong? I will have to get to my computer in a bit to figure out which one it was now. I do specifically remember it was odd because they were from the core library yet worked differently.
  20. I understand some are not designed for that but unless they fixed it one of the 3/4 or even full lite glass doors doesn't work with the custom muntins. Fortunately there is the identical door in the Tru-bilt manufacturer catalog. It has been a minute since I used it last so don't recall which one it was off hand.
  21. Also could be your wall layer settings. If your main layer got changed it may be turning at that point when the adjoining wall changes direction. Bob is right if you upload a .plan file you will be able to get more assistance figuring it out.
  22. Yup I agree. an error message would be preferred but not allowing you to make the window that size would be an alternate in my book forcing me to go see why I can't do that big. I would hate for it to be something small like a 1-2" height difference for something like that in case I missed it on cross-check and then it gets framed with that one window lower than the rest. my 2Cents...
  23. I personally do these just often enough to sometimes forget the cad block step and spend several moments trying to figure out why that darn button doesn't show up. Then I remember oh yeah make it a cad block (like these guys just said) and it faithfully shows up like it should. Only difficult part is certain Chief glass doors will not do it properly as I guess there is probably a bug in the way those doors were built. But you can usually find another one in a manufactures catalog that shows what you want to show.
  24. Any screen shots or a plan file would help. Most likely it is how that wall is setup in the wall type dbx. But hard to tell without seeing the settings and what is happening.
  25. you may want to try the “offering services section” as this section is for people who are looking for designers. All the best in your search! BTW eventually someone will mention you should try to fill out your signature line with software version and some basic hardware info as well. It helps the amazing guys on the forum when you have questions in the future. They are really good about helping when they can.