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Everything posted by SNestor

  1. Here...I'm using a MAC but it should appear similar if you are using Windows.
  2. Using hotkeys with Chief is one of the best ways to increase your efficiency with the program. I made this video related to Hotkeys a while ago but you may still find it interesting.
  3. No. When you increase the width of the wall type assigned to your railing...only the wall width increases. The railing width components are defined separately under the railing tab.
  4. Keep it simple. Just increase the width of the railing wall. Done. Chief centers the rail on the width of the wall.
  5. Yikes! I guess I don’t know how good we have it here in the still somewhat free state of Indiana.
  6. @StephenGreene - agreed. I only put the gable there because it was on the original plan. But - the hip is a big improvement
  7. I recently experienced a similar issue with an object. I would paint it white - save the object and when placed in plan the material was invisible.
  8. I gave it a shot...but I agree with comments above. Start from scratch...this roof is a disaster. Here's my plan file if you want to see what I did...Designer100 - Plan Fix Roof @Designer100 Newel - I didn't see your design comments above so this may not work for you. Also...there are a lot of little things wrong with the plan also. Walls that don't align....etc. I also fixed the tray ceiling.
  9. You need to give us a bit more post the plan or at least a small sample plan. might take a screen clip of the roof dialogue box so we can see some of the settings for this roof. Thanks!
  10. All I did was click on the wall and make it an "attic wall"....done.
  11. A quickie video on how I build screen porches...
  12. Rob - nice work for a quick look. But - don't open the door! But really...for an elevation view it's fantastic!
  13. Excellent work @kwhitt. But - I'd build my Screen Porches like much faster.
  14. Thanks. But - if you look at this wall in framing view the posts do not extend to the floor. I thought that was the goal? Also - when you select panel the wall cap is assigned to the top of the panel and not at the top of the pony wall.
  15. First off...everything you see when you are drawing is controlled by "layers". Therefore...what layer set did you use when you created your plan "doors, windows & flood vents"? Possibly you should copy that set and create a new set called "walls". Then go through and turn on/off the layers you want to see. To help us all...why don't you post the plan so we can see what you are doing. It keeps us from guessing...
  16. @rgardner you are using a pony wall. Still my question is. How do you get a solid panel on the upper portion? If the bottom wall is a siding-4 (modified to have siding on two sides) what wall type are you using for the upper wall type? I'm not understanding how you get a "post to beam" railing wall, a siding-4 wall on the bottom and a solid panel in the railing wall? Can you post the wall definition so I can see what you are doing? Thanks!
  17. @rgardner Thanks...I thought you were using a pony wall. One more thing however...can you display the newel posts in plan view? I've been unable to get them to, basically your screen porch room looks like a room with solid walls. Am I missing something?
  18. @rgardner @Kbird1 So...I'm a bit confused. If we use say "siding-4" as the wall type for a "post to beam" style railing do you then get a "screen material" on top of the siding wall on the bottom? Are you using a P-solid and painting it? Or...maybe a molding polyline? Or is there a way to get this railing wall to have separate materials on the top and bottom that I'm totally missing? What Mick showed above is like a pony wall...but no one has suggested a pony, like I said. I'm lost here...
  19. @kwhitt - designate walls are "railings". pony wall. Create a new wall type for the lower section with siding on two sides. Just copy the Siding-4 (or 6) wall type. Put a cap on the pony wall. For railing - use "solid" panels. Then paint the panel with a screen material. Should work... I've attached a sample plan...and a few pics. PLAN: Screen Porch Pony Wall with Framing 01.plan
  20. I think we need to just say it...Chief - fix the dormer tools so that we can construct these types of dormers without losing our collective minds. Jeez...
  21. I came up with about the same thing as Stephen Stuart did...I also fixed your rear garage entry. I made the walls in this area "railing walls, post to beam". I adjusted the ceiling height to match the garage ceiling height...and adjusted the floor height. I also noticed the front garage wall was tagged as an "attic" doesn't need to be an attic walls. I also noticed you have some walls that you have made height adjustments to...I set those to be "default top and bottom". Never pull walls up or down unless you have absolutely no choice...which is almost never. I noticed that your ceiling heights are not "default"...not sure why, but you should probably set the correct default floor/ceiling height prior to starting the drawing. It will save you a lot of headaches. I changed your hip on the main roof to a gable...just because I thought it looked better. Here is the "fix" plan: kGarageAddition - Fix 01.plan To accomplish this roof you just have to see the roof in 3D and understand how each gable section "fits" can be complex.
  22. Great tip as usual from you Michael. Thanks so much!
  23. Good one Michael. I never think about using that tool...
  24. Yep...check out "Simpson Strong Tie" the manufacturers library. 1st folder listed is 3D object...there are hangers in the catalog. Placing them at the correct elevation can be tricky...but once you get one in the right place you can use "multiple copy"...or, "transform replicate" and duplicate as needed.