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Everything posted by SNestor

  1. @dshall - cardinal sin. Post the plan so we can see what you have done. That said - there are days when Chief can just make your life a living hell
  2. M use a it and add an arrow pointing up to 2nd floor
  3. @Tjohnson1220 - Thank you so much Tyler! Yes...I do offer 1:1 training...and of course my amazing (my adjective) Screened Porch Library. Website: Check it out...
  4. If you find yourself designing Screened Porches you should seriously consider purchasing my Chief Library. My website is up and running and you can purchase it here; You can watch a short video here;
  5. Yes...Chief will arch a window that has been mulled together. Watch this quick video.
  6. @OnlineBuilder2 - did this video for someone on Chief Talk a while back...may help.
  7. @GeneDavis - do you know if @dshall recorded the meeting and will upload to YouTube..or somewhere? I was unable to attend but would have loved to heard the discussion... Thanks!
  8. Thanks...much appreciated!
  9. I like to give an upvote for what I think is good advice. I have only handed out a handful of downvotes. For me - on a lot of topics it’s just easier/quicker to give the upvote than to add another comment that just reiterates the good advice provided by a previous post. I don’t see any value in giving a downvote to someone just because I don’t think the opinion stated was in my opinion poor advice...I just hear my mom in my head saying “if you don’t have anything good to say - just be quiet”. If someone has taken the time to try and help someone there’s not much value in just giving a downvote.
  10. @masterc - I’ve done a number of porch YouTube page is in my signature.
  11. @bmatth1 Just make the brick Veneer layer Part of the “main layer”. You could make the foundation a pony wall - bottom being 8” stem being a 2-layer wall...4” concrete + 4” brick all on main layer. I’m not near my computer so this is just off the top of my head...but I don’t think setting a brick ledge depth in the foundation wall will do anything. But - that’s a guess because I can’t test it at this moment.
  12. OK...I missed that one word. have to admit you aren't in love with saved plan views...and most times when it comes up you take the opposing view. Which is fine...but, I don't think it's good advice for new users as it's my belief that this is the way Chief is, you might as well climb on board. But - like I said, I've seen your plans. I'd probably not change if I were you've got an amazing setup which I'm sure has taken you a long time to refine. Why upset the apple cart. You should post one of your floor plans so new users can see what Chief is capable one does a better looking set of plans.
  13. I use the Working Set in Plan Views as my plan development set...I can turn layers on/off etc. But I leave the plan views I use to send to layout alone...well, I try to not change them much. That way...I'm sending drawings to layout in a consistent format. Plan Views are not really any more complicated than annotation sets. If you look at a Plan View...90% of it is an "annotation set". The thing I think that is confusing is "annotation sets"...most new users do not know how to set them up. But - if you can create an annotation can create a saved plan view.
  14. @bluesparrowllc... Plan Views are Annotation/Default, why learn two versions of the same thing? Things you can do with Plan Views you cannot do otherwise: - Custom Reference Layer Set (this alone makes Plan Views worth the effort) - Designate a floor for the view - Pony Wall display control...(nothing like this in simple anno set) - Open multiple plan views at the same time...maybe looking at the foundation and the first floor for load bearing or joist issues...or plumbing conflicts. - Designated zoom factor - Color on or off have complete control of all annotations...layers, color, etc...just like a simple annotation set. Just learn plan'll be happy you did.
  15. I think Kevins plans have an issue...something "stray". Something with the foundation or a stray invisible wall or attic wall...or something on a layer that is turned off. I don't believe it's a program problem.
  16. Joey - to use your line of thinking we probably should do away with dormers...just as much confusion with "roof cuts wall at bottom" as there is with Plan Views. Or maybe we should get rid of the stair tool - since it creates more problems than it solves. I'm not a one size fits all...if you like your setup...keep it. Plan Views are a nice feature but certainly not the end all and be all of Chief. @joey_martin - I've seen the plans you produce - absolutely amazing work - you certainly don't need to spend time creating Plan Views.
  17. I've done a number of dormer videos...check out my YouTube page Chief Skills Here is one...
  18. You are correct...I wasn't at my computer when I was pontificating. Yea...if you have a plan view and the defaults are being driven by a saved annotation set...and you change any of the "defaults" in the plan will lose the link to your saved annotation set...which of course makes perfect sense.
  19. This is correct...but, don't be afraid of using a basic annotation set to drive the defaults in Plan works either way. If you have annotation sets that drive layers sets already setup the way you want...then feel free to link these to a plan view.
  20. Mine are a "mix"...I have some of my plan view defaults driven by an "annotation set"...but most are just passive. As soon as you change something...such as the reference layerset...your old link to the original "annotation set" disappears. If you have been using Anno sets to drive layersets for years...the "active defaults" statement can make your palms sweaty. But - with plan views, you just ignore this. Or...just take the anno set toolbar off of your default toolbar....and keep the blood pressure stable.
  21. Well - let’s say you create a plan view for each floor plan...first, second...and possibly basement. You can use the same anno/default set for all of these may want a unique cad layer. On the plan view you designate which floor It is associated with. For each plan view you can open it and change any default and the plan view saves this’ll display “using active defaults”. So you know it’s not using one of your saved Anno/default sets.
  22. Same on my system...I'm on a MAC
  23. Plan Views do (or can) control annotation/default and layer sets. But...they have other benefits and you should explore using them. The Chief template "residential template.plan" includes some basic plan views. You should try this template out and create a basic little 2-story house plan and explore how the plan views work. One of the biggest benefits is that you can assign custom Reference Layer Sets...unfortunately Chief has not done a great job explaining the benefits of custom REF Sets. Another big benefit of Plan Views is that you can open multiple plan views at one, if you are working on a roof plan, you can also look at your floor plan...side by side. Or...a maybe you are working on the floor framing plan and want to see where your water closet is above is located...custom ref set. Also, you don't really need a dedicated "annotation/default" set with every plan the Plan View itself will save whatever defaults you assign to the PV. I would say that you would want a layerset to match your Plan View. I'd say you should get on board with plan views as I feel this is how Chief is moving...and if you don't get up to speed soon you'll have an even more difficult time wrapping your head around how to use them. One of my big gripes about Plan Views (and a number of things Chief does) they release this powerful new tool and create just a general video that glosses over how great this new feature is...but they never really do a deep dive into things like PV's. IMO they should have created a series of videos covering something like this in great detail.