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Everything posted by SNestor

  1. @GeneDavis - Joe gave you the answer... What I'd probably do is make a copy of the material that is in the Chief library and rename it "Drywall, 54x144"...or something so that you know specifically you are using 12' length material. As you can see, Chief will send a count to the material list.
  2. If you place a wall (in the wall edit dialogue) on the "walls, main layer only" layer...then, when turn on this layer...the lineweight will change to whatever LW you have selected for this layer. I use it as a toggle...but, it can change the LW if you have checked the box in the wall edit DBX to use the layer for it's LW setting.
  3. @ChiefExperts Dan's solution as a "fix" is long as you don't change your roof. Being a polyline solid it will never move or change - if you need to make a change to the roof. So...just be sure you are all done with roof design before you go using "solids" as a "fix". Also..I'd just put the solid "fix" on the "roof, planes" layer...this way it always appears when your roof is "on"...and, it's typically it's never "locked"...placing something on a Chief layer that is locked by default would just drive me crazy. The soffit sticking through has been an issue for a while in Chief...I've got dormer videos I've created where I could not for the life of me fix the soffit sticking through the ceiling plane to go away...happy to see someone at Chief prioritized this as a fix for X13. YEA!
  4. @intendo - Getting rid of the soffit is about impossible. It's a quirk in chief. Happens with dormers all the time. You can fix the gable end...see attached;
  5. @msshemwell - nice to have another Hoosier using Chief!
  6. Hard to tell what the problem is...but, you may want to try and define your foundation wall as I have shown in the attached. You may want to look into "furred wall" also. Sometimes if you designate a wall or a portion of a wall as "furred" [you can find this setting in the wall dbx under the structure tab].
  7. If you post your plan we can look at and compare the setup of your dimension defaults.... a plan. Thanks!
  8. See attached...basically, dbl click the "auto dimension" icon in your toolbar...this will open your "dimension defaults"...then edit the dimension default you are currently the "locate objects" tab, then check the boxes in "openings" that you would like to use.
  9. @bdillard - you should post your'll save you and all of us a lot of time. All we can do is guess... Thanks!
  10. Ok - I’m confused I guess about the M1 Mac. I remember Chief stating that this Apple config would not support “real time” rendering. But - based on that I figured the M1 would still perform Physical Based Rendering...but just not in real time. But it appears it won’t even perform PBR at all. Is this correct?
  11. @PMMully - The wall section doesn't look accurate. Is it? Or should the beam be below the flat roof rafters? Also...your rafters are 2x10' this correct? Seems a bit much.
  12. @PMMully - post a plan, me or someone will take a look. Hard to keep guessing... Thanks!
  13. @PMMully - yea, not knowing the specifics it’s hard to give you an absolute solution. Just hoping to provide a possible method to help you get to where you need to be.
  14. @PMMully - same house - this time with roof over porch. The roof is a hip/flat roof...well, I put a 1/4" pitch on it. I raised the main roof to clear the flat roof...
  15. @PMMully - instead of trying to fuss with a "roof" a new blank floor (if this is a one story home) and build a "balcony room" with invisible walls. You can then open the room and adjust the floor size/type...and the floor finish could be "asphalt" roofing. It won't have a that may not work for you.
  16. @PMMully - use a railing wall. Post to beam... You can set the newel spacing in the DBX...or, you can place breaks in the wall and place newels exactly where you want them
  17. @DomaniHomeDesign - I made this video a while back but it may help you understand how you can used saved plan views to show what you want on the foundation level. The method Joe mentions above is also a possibility...and may work better depending on the site conditions. But this simple video may at least shine some light on the issue for you... One note: In the plan view dialogue you can actually specify how pony walls are displayed...the PW display can be unique for each specific "plan view". There's no need to go to defaults and change the pony wall display.
  18. What causes Chief to reduce the width of a mulled door unit? The images below show the before and after of mulling a door unit. The sidelights are "fixed door" units. Not sure that matters...but as you can see after mulling takes place the casing does not reach the baseboard.
  19. @renosud - not sure you want to do this...but you should try "recessing" the door to the sheathing layer. doesn't look like you have two "frames" abutting one another. Each unit (door and sidelight) should have a frame which would provide some thickness to the separation.
  20. I don't think you'll get exactly what you want from Chief...but you can get close: See attached pics...hope they give you some idea on how you could create a wall type that is close to what you want.
  21. You can change your default roof structure...or, use "edit all roof planes" command and change the structure. See attached screen clips...