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Everything posted by SNestor

  1. Well - yes, to get Chief to work properly it is. But - increasing the rafter depth will solve the problem. So - this is an anomaly in Chief that I should submit to tech support ?
  2. @ARoyBuilders I just made this video the other day...and I think it'll answer some of your questions. It's not specific to your problem...but, it's somewhat related. Hope it helps...
  3. If "auto rebuild roofs" is not turned on you will have to select the "build roof" check box...or, turn on "auto rebuild roofs". Just clicking the gable tool won't do anything until you rebuild the roof.
  4. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? The dormer soffit sticks through the room ceiling plane.
  5. @ChiefUserMDL Made you a quick video: You should post questions like this in "General Q&A" section of the forum
  6. @ShaneK - You did fix the gable attic wall...but, if you look inside it's not working. The plan has a roof and a ceiling plane. And...I also think the roof plane is cutting off the gable end attic wall in the wrong location. All that said...If you make the gable end attic wall "roof cuts wall at bottom"...then there is a gap created between the bottom of the roof plane and the top of the ceiling plane...which has a smaller pitch and is a couple feet below the roof plane. You will need to use a solid to fill this "gap".
  7. Good catch Steve... But - no need to jog it all the way over to the exterior wall. Just intersect it with your other invisible wall...and it'll fix the issue.
  8. Steve - I'm not sure what is going on with your invisible walls...but, you are having the same problem at the ceiling. I don't get this issue in my plans (at the stair or at the ceiling), to me it's something with your plan or possibly a room definition? I've looked at the invisible wall definition and it seems fine. See attached screen clip.
  9. Steve - might be some other issue with the plan, or your wall type, or the room...because I don't have the same issue. Feel free to send me your plan...I'll be happy to look at it.
  10. @PMMully If you have "auto rebuild roofs" turned on before you start drawing walls...the program will automatically place a roof on your walls. Does not matter if you use exterior or interior...or even foundation walls. The program will place a roof on the "room". I have this feature turned "on" in my template. I've set all the roof parameters in my template also. So...each time I start drawing I know I'm going to get a roof on my structure. It's fast and need to worry about placing a roof baseline in the wrong location. For complex floor plans...the auto rebuild roof tool can be a pain,'ll have to decide whether or not to use it depending on what you are working on.
  11. @Kbird1 - I don’t believe I ever got them from this forum. My belief is that I’ve always had them.
  12. I tried what you are suggesting...and with auto build foundations on, the software moved the entire basement "down" to the footing elevation created under the bay window. So...I don't think this is a great solution. Let's just say it...the bay/box/bow window tool is a bad tool...even worse than the current stair tool. And, for me, that's really saying something.
  13. @Kbird1 I have no idea if I've brought the templates forward...but, they all appear in my X12 template directory. I had no idea Chief had eliminated templates. I always tell new users to use the "residential" template to start out with, make a copy of it and start making it their own template. I never use any of the other templates. They are just the sun in the sky.
  14. Chief X12 ships with "templates"....each template has different cabinets, doors, windows, exterior wall colors or materials. Templates that ship with Chief; - American Casual.plan - Colonial.plan - Arts and Crafts.plan - Mediterranean Influence.plan - Cottage.plan Just to name a few...
  15. @ChiefuserMathews I'd say it has something to do with the "auto" bay window tool. When I constructed a manual bay right next to the "auto" bay it built the foundation perfectly. I experimented making the auto bay wider and deeper..but, it still constructed the foundation in the same manner. The auto bay/box/bow window tools are, to be kind, unreliable and I avoid using them.
  16. @Kaemingk I use an iMac...with a Logitech M510 mouse. I don't have this problem...but, I've been using this combo probably 5, not sure I remember if I had to change anything. Are you using the Apple Magic Mouse? Can you program the mouse to work differently when using a piece of software like Chief. The logitech I use has a small program that allows me to customize my mouse with, I've programed the side buttons to activate different menu items in Chief...and also when I push down on my scroll wheel.
  17. @mgianzero Auto Roof returns...really only work on full gable end walls. See screen clip below taken from the Chief X12 Manual. The way you did it is the way it has to be done.
  18. @solver gave you the answer...on your reference "framing, post" and "footings, post" and turn them on. Assign each the line style and weight you prefer. Then when you are on that level, hit the F9 key to turn on your ref set. You should see the post and the footing...or, just turn on the footing. You can create a "saved plan view" for your foundation level that uses it's own ref set. You can set it in the SPV so the ref set always is on.
  19. Dermot gave you a good is the section from the manual. You should have the manual open all the time...the program is massive and no one can remember every little icon and method. The manual is a say the very least.
  20. @RRFDesign - Thanks...glad it was helpful.
  21. I made this video about lintels using X11...but, it's all the same in X12. Hope it helps you out...
  22. In this video I will show you how to quickly create a new "Saved Plan View". I'm using the out of the box Chief "residential plan.plan" template...which comes pre-loaded with some plan views. Hope it helps...and thanks for watching!
  23. This video should help get you on your way...