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Everything posted by CJSpud

  1. I don't think Chief likes to do it that way ... likes to keep the slab on top of the footing. Easiest IMO is to draw your slab in manually and set the elevation as needed. Maybe there's a way to trick Chief and get it done ??? .... If so, I don't know of it.
  2. Most of the time, if you know what you're doing, Chief will place footings under your foundation walls for you. You just need to learn all you can about how Chief's foundation walls and slabs work, so you have a better idea of what wall types etc. you'll need to use. I've been using this program for 14 years and I am still learning so don't get too stressed out about all those tools ... it will come the more you study them and then the more you use them. They say "practice makes perfect" .... I don't really believe that but it definitely has you going in the right direction. Watch the videos ... those Chief dudes make everything look so easy in them. Then go and try to replicate what you learned.
  3. It would be better if you could post your plan if possible. You need to save the plan file and then close that plan ... you can leave Chief open. Then navigate to your plan and then select and right click > Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder. Now come back to Chief Talk and down by the green "Post" box click on "More Reply Options". Once the expanded screen has loaded, under Attach Files > Browse > navigate to your saved Zipped Folder (same location as your saved plan file) > click Open. As soon as it is done loading, an new highlighted line with your zipped plan will show up right under the main text entry box. Figure out where you want to place the zipped plan in your text box and put the cursor there. Then go down to the right side of the new line and click on "Add to Post". That should work for you providing your zipped plan doesn't exceed the posted maximum size (25 MB's - single file size). If it is too big, save the plan under a new name and gut the unnecessary stuff out of the plan (cabinets, fixtures, furniture, high face count items like railings with circular ballusters, etc.) and then save it, close the plan, zip it, and repost to see if the file is small enough to post. One tool you need to learn how to use, if you already haven't, is the Reference Floor Display (F9) tool. After you've added your new addition, and assuming that you already have the rest of your model built OK (main level on a foundation ... stemwalls or ????). Then all you need to do is go down to Floor 0, turn on the Reference Floor Display, click on your wall types tool > Straight Foundation Wall and draw your basement garage foundation walls following the location of the main level new addition's walls on Floor 1. If you get them pretty close in alignment, they should snap into postion OK. If you're off a bit you can either drag them over or if the Align With Wall Above tool (in the edit tool bar) is available to use, just click on it and your foundation wall(s) should snap into proper position ... assuming your defaults are set up OK. You'll probably have to select the basement room and name it as a garage. You should go to the structure tab and set your stem wall and ceiling heights to the desired settings. Sounds like you need to do some more studying of the manual and practicing with the tools. I highly recommend you watch all of Chief's tutorial videos and read their Help Database articles as well. When you're stuck on something and you're not quite sure how to proceed, look your subject up in HELP (F1) and with a little searching, you will usually find the answers to your questions. If not, that's what ChiefTalk is for. Hope the plan helps.
  4. I can't believe I did that ... ICFBasement.zip
  5. Here's a plan you can compare to: ICFBasement.zip
  6. Are the wall layers reversed?
  7. I use FF ... no problems here this a.m.
  8. Looks like a very tall one .... filler .... partition. Cut a section the other direction or do a 3D camera view and that should verify what's going on. Maybe its even view-able in plan?!
  9. Post the plan Ross so we can determine if we get the same results as you.
  10. Thanks Joe .... this is STILL a work-in-progress for me like many others and this sort of information is very important to me. I think I like your idea if CA is able to provide it to us. Appreciate your, Perry, Scott, etc. etc.'s input on procedures used. Very helpful.
  11. For the two arches on the left side, the column spacing doesn't appear to be correct for the window spacing. To get the arch to match the window arches, you could do that with CAD circles and experiment with the radius until it matches up good. For the circular turret, I am not sure if the arch was perfect (same radius) as the door beyond, that it would even look correct in elevation since the arch is in a curved wall. That's one I would probably spend a bit of time experimenting with if it were my project. If that's an elliptical arch over the door, it might take a little more effort to get right???
  12. Bill Emery had this question for Joe that I didn't see the answer to: Joe, I like your method of handling details. Do you copy your detail plans to your working folder to keep everything in the same directory? Am I correct in assuming that your details plans are linked to your layout template plan? If so, do they stay linked with each new project or do you need to go back and relink them again?
  13. Did you try to rebuild the terrain?
  14. Unless you REALLY need the work, it sounds like you will be better off not taking this job. The other thing you could try if you do take the job is find some articles written by other design professionals that backup what you have tried to explain to this person. Some people are bull headed enough not to want to take common sense advice. I have had some customers a little like that that eventually come full circle and finally see why I suggested a certain layout. No guarantees though ... good luck.
  15. Alan: I just spotted your CAD lines on the plan. I have not problems dimensioning across the 16" space with the End-to-End tool. The best tool for that situation is the Manual Dimensions tool ... it will get them all in one swipe.
  16. Alan: Where are the floor trusses? I only see a single story home on a mono slab.
  17. Simonas: This is a GREAT suggestion!!!
  18. Ivan: Maybe this is one of those cases where the room with the vaulted ceiling would work better if there's a 2nd floor level for that section of the house???? I will let you play with that idea if you so choose.
  19. Ivan: I think you might be correct (and Perry). I cannot get it to work either. Tried going with a pony wall and having a mess of a time getting the walls shaped correctly. Maybe when Scott or someone else has a moment to play with it, we'll find out what we're doing wrong. I suspect it is something simple .. just not sure what it is right now. Need more coffee. Here's the plan I was playing with .... similar to yours I think: AtticGableWall.zip If you want to play with this plan, you may want to delete that attic wall and rebuild since I believe I've made a mess of it trying to shape the upper and lower pony walls.
  20. Ivan: Does putting a check in this box help you with the exterior finish on the inside?
  21. If you use the material eye dropper and click on your custom symbol glass and then on the interior side of one of those panels showing sheetrock, they all turn to glass. ?????