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Everything posted by JJohnson

  1. Learn anno sets and plan view sets of course. Meanwhile, make one text box assigned to that layer you want, and copy it to a few places on your drawing. Open them one by one and place proper text. For arrows, Text Line with Arrow drawn with its tail end snapped to a text object will be placed on the same layer as the text object and inherit all of that layer’s attributes
  2. I use Foxit Reader when I need to add text. Select Comment >Textbox
  3. Windows 10 users. Did you know about Open Settings, select Personalize, select Fonts A nice way to view all fonts on your computer
  4. That's a good way to think about it, makes it logical.
  5. I also see that an added post will not show in the wall detail, even if " Framing, Posts " layer is turned on in the detail. It will show in a framing over view. Might this be a bug ? Editing a stud per Chopsaw does it.
  6. The Update All Views button when looking at a layout page clears the images up for me.
  7. Make sure all layers are unlocked in the truss detail.
  8. Do you mean, the truss builds with the spike, or it happens after you edit.? I know it is possible to edit the truss in elevation view, but I have had to zoom in very very close to see all the handles, otherwise you get overlaps and spikes
  9. Bob, I could find it by; Clicking On; CAD > CAD Detail Management Select and Open 'Window Schedule' Then make sure Schedules is checked in Layer Display Options, and, The Schedule shows in the CAD Detail Copy and paste into plan
  10. Are you sure ? Always thought it was free for all. This from a google search; Anyone can make, modify and re-upload content to and from the 3D warehouse freeof charge. All the models in 3D Warehouse are free, so anyone can download files for use in SketchUp or even other software such as AutoCAD, Revit and ArchiCAD - all of which have apps allowing the retrieval of models from 3D Warehouse.
  11. There are Kohler Co models available in the 3D Warehouse Kohler Vanity Tops
  12. When you raise your roof plane, the baseline would have to raise as it is on the top of the roof plane (rafter or top cord, not sheathing) Baseline elevation, or height is in the roof plane dbx. In the drawing you can see it is the sum of the wall frame, and the vertical measurement from the outside top of wall to top of rafter.
  13. I have attached a couple of files you might find helpful. 2016 Mandatory Measures Summary.pdf 2016 CA Green Building Standards Code.pdf
  14. Make a symbol from the cabinet, delete cab and place symbol in place. Material Regions replace backsplash. It is a workaround, but gets you on your way
  15. You may have to do it manually. Screw Piles may be found in the 3D Warehouse, for download. They are Sketch Up files but Chief Architect will open them and add then to the library Model here
  16. The Backsplash is controlled in the Base Cabinet Specification dbx, in the first, or General catagory. Height, thickness, and weather or not to have a side one. They are probably part of the CT that comes with the cab, not your custom.
  17. You can select the cabinet, open Label tab, choose Specify Label, and leave it blank.
  18. Screen shot sent with solution. Thanks to Steve N and Kristopher, Chief Architect Technical Consultant
  19. I've seen it done this way, the connection line and break symbol are CAD objects, not connect electrical objects The upper switch would look the same