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Everything posted by Dennis_Gavin

  1. Dan - How pathetic is that for what is supposed to be an improved product. Thanks for the feedback.
  2. I am thinking Sherry has the best approach. Have not done it yet. Was waiting on "opinions"! ;o) There is a crawl under the main floor that has the same floor height as the lower living area but of course different ceiling heights. I am going tomorrow to do measurements and photos. Just did this mock up for reference purposes. Thanks for the input folks.
  3. What do you think is the best method to created this split level? With a standard split there are two roofs. But with one roof would you create one roof plane on the 1st floor and one on the 2nd? Or have both on first and set one plane to display on the 2nd? Or put both on 2nd adjusting the height of the base for the main floor/living area? I am thinking the main level and lower level on one floor and the 2nd bedroom level on the 2nd floor. But the roof?
  4. Andy - I am using IE..........I am not certain it is being caused by windows 10 but I never had it before upgrading. Don't remember when it started in relation to the upgrade.
  5. Since upgrading to Windows 10 I am having trouble on occasion with the forum freezing up on me. I get the pointing finger indicating where I can click on icons but no response. I have to close out and restart. Anyone else having this issue?
  6. "Just a note when using the Raytrace DBX to increase the resolution. If the width & height is set in pixel units then the DPI setting has no impact on the resolution, it only determines the intended printout size. However, if the width & height is set in inch units then the DPI setting determines resolution" That is a very important point! Thanks for posting that.
  7. Due to time constraints I used an image. Robert - how did you go about your process? I cannot tell from your picture.
  8. Michael - I think that is better than my idea of walls and pass throughs. I was getting the results but not as easily. Thanks!
  9. Any ideas of how to create this light symbol? Needs holes in the tube to let light pass through. Just thought that maybe two thin semi-circular walls joined into room with windows?
  10. I have no problem importing that symbol. What to use it for? Now that's another question.
  11. I like using a base cabinet in most circumstances. Can change the material to whatever or have panels etc. No need to create separate slab for "cabinet" area. Whatever works best for the situation.
  12. OK, i put that door next to a std glass door, single lite. THe custome muntins worked for the native chief door but not the E15. I guess some doors are just what they are and cannot be changed.
  13. Are there any doors that you cannot make custom muntins for? I am trying to create a very simple 4 lite muntin for door E15 from the core catalogue. (glass entry door) I cannot get the load muntins icon to show. I have done this in the past with non problem. Now I cannot get it. Can someone try it on that door to see if there is a problem with custom muntins on that. I have adjusted the lines with proximity to the glass edge with no luck.
  14. I THINK polyline solids converted to solids and then subtract solid? Not positive off the top of my head.
  15. Thanks Bill, I'll have a look. I was thinking after I wrapped up the day yesterday that maybe a railing wall section with the cap adjusted would do a similar thing. But it would require creating that wall portion for each window section. I think yours may be the best approach in allowing copy and paste. Thanks!
  16. OK - I have all the problems solved using just window components, narrower wall and 1 polyline solid. Best I can come up with. Miller.plan
  17. OK, so I have settled on thinner wall sections and PS fills. Now I cannot get a window to move. IF you look at the plan one window is off center and I cannot get it to move even though there is room for it to do so. I think I am losing it. Edit - If I copied the existing window and placed it into the thinner wall section no can move. However if I put in a new one from the library it centers fine. Weird...... Miller.plan
  18. - items dragged and dropped into chief are automatically fixtures. So if you want a door you need to do the import process.
  19. jon - Yes that si what I was thinking. Jonathan-will have a look Thanks guys
  20. picture now attached to original post. I can do it with a narrow wall and polyline solids but that is a lot of steps for each window. Plus I need the sill and apron..
  21. There was a lot of information on methods to do this in the old thread. Does anyone remember what worked the best? I think one was a thinner wall with the window and then PS to fill in on the sides. I think another was custom casing. Not sure if the thinner wall was used in both. Anyone remember or have a link??