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Everything posted by Mark3D

  1. i now have it working i went to there home page and got in my bookmark must have been the problem Thank you kindly Brown tiger
  2. Here is the first one not. How to do the other one
  3. Does this help
  4. I did that inspect thing not sure what I am looking for so much stuff there any clues
  5. Can not load this site to many redirect with chrome Firefox telling me to clear cookies but I am sick of doing that Am I the only one seeing this
  6. sorry i must have been a sleep i did not notice your reply
  7. Have a look at this file it will give you the idea its not correct but it should get you on the right track
  8. i am not seeing floor height jump with framing do you have latest video card drivers, or can you show image of the resault
  9. have you checked build wall framing or checked auto build as it seems to me that you might have turned the layer layer on but not told cheif build it as i am not getting the problem here with your headers
  10. You have the terrain elevation data out of wack and chief is getting very confuse it cause weird problems your elevation lines crossing elevation regions they can not cross must be seperate give that a try it is working so much better after i fixed that
  11. I every now and then I get a message to many redirects I have seen this on chrome desktop and iOS
  12. Scott you are correct it is working now it strange as it was working on a android tablet
  13. I can not open chief talk on my ipad air 2 i get a white browser page
  14. Have you tried edit menu reset to defaults probly select all in this situation I find this can sort a buggy plan out
  15. I am on Windows and I could not load the site my browser suggested to remove cookies and that got it going again but it was working on my mobile devices
  16. Something like that for roofs also roof battens
  17. Try skecthfab it just needs a web browser
  18. I could help with that
  19. Do what I say and put in your own manual ceiling plain as chief is struggling with that raised up ceiling and for some reason you get that chunk missing in your gable this way you can move on even if it don't make sense
  20. I had a problem I was using fineprint PDFs printer and it was leaving out some object but I found it was ok if I used Chiefs PDFs printer
  21. I set to what it would be if it was not cathedral ceiling then u just need to uncheck ceiling over this room
  22. Set floor C to 101 1/8 in default floor dialog for that floor, as for gable chunk missing set correct ceiling height for small room below that fixed it for me
  23. Export the PDFs to image open in image editor adjust contrast then bring in to chief
  24. Because of default reset at a guess as i am not infront of chief at this time
  25. You must have change your ceiling finish material as the there zero for your finish layers and material check it out