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Everything posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. Not for me, but if you use a computer program , you can trade off less in the walls for beefing up other areas of the project, this method has no defaults like the prescriptive methods. Here we have climate zones from 4 to 12 and I have never had to put anything other than r-15 in the walls.
  2. BTW--Your area could be much different than mine by climate zone so you may have to include exterior rigid insulation.
  3. I never use any r-6 exterior wrap, just r-15 cavity wall insul.. If you use a computer program for compliance , you can trade off values to get it to work. There is a Chief guy here that prepares title 24 energy calc's at a really good price. Barry Hanes-- I use to do my own but I now would rather spend my time drawing. His e-mail is barry.hanes@hanesconstruction.com .
  4. Even though there is no default, after you place it , you can select it and change the hatching. to select all wall hatching, just hold down the shift key while the wall hatching is active , draw a box around all the floor plan to select all hatching in the plan.
  5. Tommy, that's some fireplace you got going on there. I'll bet that took some time to do.
  6. I think what's happening is ,Prices just go up, haven't seen prices that go down and we all have to pass it along to the client as everyone else does.
  7. not sure, but I use the NVidia control panel and adjust those settings for my video card. and always update the drivers. Also not sure what video card Bill has.
  8. all I can say is , you must have sent an image to the layout instead then.
  9. This is why I don't include these items in my door sched.
  10. Just refresh the view, Chief does this on purpose so the program works faster. Select the layout box and look at the edit toolbar below( the double arrow circle) , then it should sharpen up for you.
  11. I don't think a lot of people here have lots of experience doing chicken coops and barnyard stuff but you never know. It is possible though. You could try Shetchup warehouse. they might have some of those things
  12. never been an interior anything, i provide working drawings including structural for building permits --Con doc's. Never said Chief does commercial but I don't do that anyway. I just stick with custom homes and mostly remodeling up to 1.5 mil.
  13. Looks to me like that room needs some accent color in that scene.
  14. For me the new features in X10 are much more important than hardware locks b/c I'll take productivity improvements any day
  15. If you have the option to balloon thru ceiling, in the wall DBX, that will make the wall go up to the roof also.
  16. There is a lot of good stuff in X10, you'll be left in the proverbial dust.
  17. I think Chief will include things we need , but it might take some time, they do listen to us but its their company so it might take some time to get there. I know for a fact Chief has included many items I have wished for but there are many more that hasn't come around yet.
  18. You can choose the lib items you want to export, right click and choose export , do it to your desktop, them import from the lib tab. into X10
  19. try to turn off any lights in your plan that are not in the scene Why rt them if you can't see them.
  20. try this , check the clip surfaces in the camera DBX and see if it is to large for what you are trying to do, i use 24, you may have a too large number
  21. YES, I have many old mirrors, and with all these new materials I'm getting many doubles and not sure which one to use.
  22. I agree, saved plan views are very useful for me, getting around the plan is very fast now. If you use the plan views when sent to the layout, that's exactly what you see and if you use reference sets, you'll see how good it is vs. the old way--without them.
  23. I build bay's and box outs manually, then you can do it any way you want. The auto system for those are just too limited.
  24. you can set up a template plan with all the saved views already included.