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Everything posted by glennw

  1. You can control the door to only building into one wall by using the Not Through option in the door dbx.
  2. Sort of... The solo D will preclude any other hotkeys from using D as the first letter - so the D will work, but when you try to assign, say D,A, you will get an error message. If you assign one letter to a hoykey (say D), it precludes using any other combinations like (D,A). This drastically reduces the number of hotkeys you can assign. I am talking about sequential hotkeys, not simultaneous hotkeys.
  3. Here is one I did really quickly using Inserts Into Wall, with the sun shining through the wall hole. Polyline Subtraction does not work with walls.
  4. For recesses that don't go right through the full thickness of the wall, you could use either a Wall Niche or a Wall Material Region with Cut Finish Layers of Parent Object. For holes that go completely through the wall, I would use the new Inserts into Wall with the Edit Wall Cutout Polyline feature. This allows you to place a symbol - any symbol (hide it on it's own layer). You can then edit the shape of the wall hole as needed.
  5. Chad, Use the Winders option in the stair dbx. Make sure your stairs are contained in a room or Winders will not work.
  6. It is an Attic wall on the Attic floor level. Is the gable at the front of the porch open, or is there meant to be a gable wall there? You will need either a wall or a collar tie of some sort there to stop the gable roof from spreading. If you want to get rid of the framing, go up to the Attic level and delete that wall. I have no idea why it is building inverted like that.
  7. I never use a terrain retaining wall - they are too hard to control - especially when used with settings like follow terrain, and especially if I want a level top retaining wall. A terrain retaining wall is just a wall with a terrain break incorporated into it. I have much more success using a Terrain Break and then using a separate wall or railing. You can then control the wall and the terrain separately with a lot more control. All I did here was delete your invisible wall and then drew a Terrain Break down the centre of the retaining wall. Oh, and I also pulled the end of the wall a little past the -76" elevation data to clean up the end of the wall/terrain junction. This one is with just your invisible wall deleted: And this one has your invisible wall deleted and a Terrain Break drawn down the centre of the wall.
  8. What pdf driver have you been using. Have you tried Chief's built in one?
  9. How far is your model from 0,0,0? Post the plan.
  10. I have a Mac with High Sierra and am not experiencing any troubles like that.
  11. Does anyone know how to get obscure window/door glass in an external PBR view?
  12. When assigning the shortcut in Customize Hotkeys, are you pressing Alt and Z at the same time or one after the other?
  13. Johnny, Isn't that called flexibility? What, you want less flexibility?
  14. Johnny, Try drawing your molding polyline in an anticlockwise direction - this is the standard convention. Or, you can also Reverse the molding polyline to get the same result. If you draw your polyline anticlockwise, the molding will be on the right hand side (with Extrude Inside checked). Maybe turn on your Start and End indicators to see which way the polyline is drawn. And be aware that the shape of the polyline has nothing to do with "inside" or "outside" - it's the direction in which line is drawn (start and end) that matters. A bit the same as when we had to draw walls in an anticlockwise direction or they would be "inside out". At some stage (several versions ago) Chief walls got smart and they now know from the wall definition what is the outside and inside of a wall, and if you have drawn the walls clockwise, Chief will automatically flip them so that they are the correct way around (once you enclose a room).
  15. Phil, There are several ways to relate the Chief building model to terrain elevation. It sounds like you want to start off with the lowest terrain level at zero and have Chief's level 1 at some height above that. If so, you need to change all your terrain elevation data by deducting a value from all the data - in your case, it would be 7,985 ft. You would then set the Subfloor Height Above Terrain to a value you want the Level 1 to be. If you want Level 1 to be mid height, that value would be 57.5 ft (8,100 - 7985 = 115 / 2 = 57.5 ft. I would not do it that way as the numbers bear no direct relationship to real world numbers. You already have the real world terrain heights - so why change them? I would leave the real world terrain data heights as is. I would then set the Subfloor Height Above Terrain to 8,042.5 ft (for mid terrain height) This means that all the terrain data is real world and the Chief Model still has it's heights related to Level 1 as zero height. What I have been doing more and more is displaying everything (both terrain heights and the Chief model heights) as real world heights. This is done by leaving the real world terrain data and then setting the Subfloor Height Above Terrain to zero and then using real world heights in the Chief model. ie, the Absolute floor level for Level 1 would be 8,042.5 (for the floor to be at mid terrain height). This then means that all your levels for things like floors, ceilings, roof ridges, baseline heights, fascia heights are reported as real world values which quite often makes more sense that relating them to Chiefs Level 1 at zero height. It's great that we have the choice to display and relate all these heights pretty well anyway we want to.
  16. Or, one way to get a mono slab without generating a foundation is to name the room a Slab type. If you have Monolithic Slab checked in the Slab Room Types default, you will get a room with a mono slab, but no foundation level (level 0) drawn.
  17. The mono slab DOES auto generate in plan view (and camera views)- on the foundation level (Level zero). On level 1, you need to specify Floor Supplied by the Foundation Room Below. And/or On level 0, you need to make sure Room Supplies Floor for the Room Above is checked. Then auto build the mono slab foundation.
  18. Yes, the plan would help. Winders will not work unless the stairs are contained within a room. You should be able to control the handrails in the stair dbx.
  19. On the General panel of the stair dbx, check Winders.
  20. Barb, I opened your plan and couldn't see what you were talking about. I can't see any cross section cameras. Are you using a back clipped cross section? Can you post the plan with the cross section camera saved.
  21. Are you talking about making a complete break in a closed or unclosed polyline? We can already do this with the Complete Break tool.
  22. Another way to locate often used library objects and keep track of them is to use keywords. But once again, time consuming to do them all at once - better to add keywords as you use an object or material. This keeps the library object in it's original library and so saves moving or copying to a user library. ie, add a keyword to a library object - can be your name and/or a keyword that means something to you. You can then turn on Keywords in the library filter and do a search.