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Everything posted by glennw

  1. I believe that you can do what you want with the original objects. ie, without the need to draw polylines. And I think others have tried to explain this previously. You can assign a different color fill to the Roof Planes layer for each Layerset. So, set up your layersets so that you can control the fill color depending on the layerset. Open the roof planes dbx, Fill Style>Appearance, select a color and make sure Use Layer Color is checked. eg, This means that on the Roof Planes layer set, the roofs can have a green fill. You could then change to the Impermeable layer set where the roofs could have a blue fill. Post a simple plan with a quick description of what you want and someone here will try and set it up to get what you want because sometimes things get lost in translation, settings are different....etc..
  2. Rob, I have the Zeiss multifocal lens - which I think are really tri-focal. I don't know what Standard, Mono or lifestyle are. I have had these for 2 or 3 years. No loss of contrast or any other problems apart from halos which I now don't even notice.
  3. David, To fix the soffit problem, uncheck Flush Eave on the Option panel of the roof specification dbx. Why not do an auto roof return?
  4. Have you tried here? There is also an Ozbreed manufacturer's library that is available on the Chief website, but they may be the same as the above.
  5. Andy, I can't duplicate the problem you are having with the Steel Chair or any other sort of chair. It may have been fixed in a later version than X6.
  6. Can you post a plan in which you are getting the error message?
  7. Not sure about X6 - it was too long ago. When you say "curve", I am assuming you mean "arc". But as far back as X9: Draw a single straight line using Polyline Distribution Path. Select it, and on the edit Toolbar, select Change Line/Arc.
  8. Eric, Try here: Chief Architect Core Catalogs>Architectural>Windows>Window Units>Protruding>Garden
  9. There is one like this in the library if it helps. Do a search for Garden.
  10. Try this. Go to the Build Framing dbx>Wall panel>Mitre Ends Of Angled Walls. Uncheck Horizontal Frame Through. Grab one end of a horizontal wall that is drawing over the party wall and drag it back over the party wall, then drag it back over the party wall to it's original position. Do that for each horizontal wall. That should give you a continuous vertical party wall. I haven't played further, but the wall framing still doesn't generate correctly at the wall junctions - this could be a wall definition problem. I will have another play when I get time.
  11. Lew, Normally anything on page zero will appear on the following pages as page zero is a template page. BUT, you have made page 1 a template page as well, which other pages are referencing as their template. That is why you are not seeing the red rectangle on page 1. You can have as many template pages in a layout as you like and other pages can reference them as their template. Open up Edit Page Information while on page 1 and have a look at where it says Use As Page Template. You can't uncheck this box until you go to the pages that are using page 1 as their template, and tell them to use another page as their template. Once you do those things, page 1 will no longer be a template page and you will be able to make it refer to page zero as it's template.
  12. Chief's screen capture tool will not work on dbx's like that.
  13. Try Preferences>Reset Options>Reset Side Windows
  14. Auto Interior Dimensions changed with X11. The Auto Interior Dimension tool is now also available on the Edit Toolbar when you select a room.
  15. Just for those that aren't aware or are interested, it's possible to create 2D graphical linestyles using cad blocks and the Distribution Path tool. This method may not be 100%, but it's an OK tool to enable creation of graphical 2D linetypes until we get a dedicated tool. You can create the path and assign a 2D Cad Block - it doesn't have to be a 3D symbol. This allows for drawing the insulation as long as needed (as well as drawing arcs etc) without the pattern stretching, which is what happens if you just place the block and stretch it. Here is a quick insulation one I created very quickly using a standard insulation cad block from the library, in conjunction with a Distribution Path. And another using a Marker with Text (just for demo purposes)
  16. You can create the floors you need with the defaults you want and then save the plan as a template.
  17. Are you talking about a material list or a framing schedule? - you mention both. You can change the units on a line by line basis in a material list by double clicking the line item in the Count column. On the right of the popup there is a drop down list of possible units available. Select the one you want. There are also formatting options available.
  18. Easy to do if you want a sloping, non parallel ridge - but you want a parallel, level ridge. Chief can't do a twisted roof plane with the standard roof tools. You may be able to use some of the other modelling tools, but you won't end up with a "smart" roof. I did this one quickly using the Terrain tool. It's a bit hard to see but this is a twisted roof getting steeper as the walls converge, with a level ridge parallel to the rear wall, which is what I understood you to mean. It is easy to Convert Selection to Symbol once you have it built.
  19. Mike, Yes, I can confirm this behaviour. And, like you, the off-set selection only seems to happen if the layout box label is dragged to the left. All seems OK if the label is dragged to the right. Definitely worth a bug report.
  20. Shape the top and bottom of the wall in an elevation view by using the Break Line tool and then dragging the various segments to form the profiles you want.
  21. Your description is a bit of a riddle without knowing where north is. As Chopsaw says, you could go the symbol route, or, what may be better is to use the new 3D reference feature to reference the second terrain in another plan. This would have the advantage of avoiding a static object like a symbol for the second terrain. This would allow the second terrain to be edited dynamically and have the changes reflected in the main terrain model.
  22. Joe, If I am understanding what you mean.... I have done several projects where I have used absolute elevations for the whole model. It can be done - but with some problems. ie, you cannot change the default level 1 floor level to anything but zero. This means that you have to set all room levels on level 1 on a room by room basis. Often, when you place objects, they default to zero height which means that you need to go down to zero height and move them up to the absolute level you want. The advantage of using an absolute reference for everything is that all levels relate to each other - eg, roof heights will relate to absolute instead of Chiefs default level 1 = zero. Some things like terrain fences get confused. There are problems with footings and stem wall heights whereby they build down at zero height and need raising up manually. If you have an alternative way of doing things to get the macro to report absolute elevations, I would do it. Otherwise, setting everything to absolute can be done as long as you are aware of the shortcomings. Try playing with a test plan before incorporating this method in a current project.
  23. Same answer as the other thread: I know how to easily resize the schedule in both directions at once if that helps. Select the schedule, shift select the symbol again. Grab the small top centre grip and drag it down.
  24. I know how to easily resize the schedule in both directions at once if that helps. Select the schedule, shift select the symbol again. Grab the small top centre grip and drag it down.
  25. Some really funky stuff going on there. I got things to work a bit better by opening the polylines' dbx's and on the Arrow panel, unchecking Attach to Tail Of Other Objects and Attach to Head of Other Objects. There are still some problems. Turning off the display of arrows seems to help further. Probably a good one to send into Chief. Do you know what you did to get that result?