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Everything posted by glennw

  1. I would really like to see the plan after the other houses are added and see what's involved. I think making symbols of each house is a daft idea and would only do that as a VERY last resort - no, on second thought, I would probably never do it. You shouldn't have too much trouble with 4 or 5 dwellings. Without seeing anything, the easiest way may be to the terrain height (using Subfloor Height Above Terrain) instead of dropping the buildings.
  2. Emma, I checked back as far as X6 which does not remember Copy being checked. I am not sure when and why it was changed.
  3. Select the object. On the Edit toolbar, click View Draw Order Edit Tools (the black and white rectangles with the arrow). The main edit toolbar will change to display the 5 draw order buttons (there is also one that allows you to enter a numerical order) and a Main Edit Mode button.
  4. Foundation Defaults...Foundation panel...Foundation Type...Show S Markers.......
  5. Scott, Cyclone (southern hemisphere) is a long way from us. You are still confused. Chief CAN use the Layer Set via a macro. It can't use the Anno set or Referenced Floor
  6. Scott, You are confused. The Plan View in the Layout Box Specification IS reporting the Current Annotation Set being used. The macro %referenced_layer_set% IS reporting the layer set used. The reason you are getting confused is that you have both the Layer Set and the Anno set named exactly the same. Change the name of the layer set and see what happens to the label.
  7. Johnny, Does changing 3D...3D View Defaults...Auto Adjust Default Glass Properties help? Or if you have the porch defined as an internal room type, Chief is probably treating the windows as if they in an internal room. Make sure the porch is really defined as an external room.
  8. Scott, You have multiple roof trusses occupying the same space in the main roof. This, along with the Allow Low Roof Planes setting could be causing the problem. Once I delete all the trusses and auto build the roof, all behaves as it should.
  9. Can you duplicate the problem in a simple plan and post that. I don't feel like guessing today.
  10. It is the lowest material in the Roof Surface and it only shows in the higher part of the hip roof plane because that is where the back clipping finishes - the back clip camera doesn't display anything beyond the back clipping, so you only see the top part of the hip roof.
  11. The problem on level 1 is being caused by the external wall between the Porch and the Great Room. The wall is reversed. Select it, click Reverse Layers and then Plan Check. The Living Area label should display. The wall to the right of the Porch is also reversed - but doesn't appear to be contributing to the problem. I haven't had time to have a good look at level 0. Although most, if not all of the rooms are specified as Exclude From Total Living Area Calculation.
  12. Graeme, You could be correct. I guess we need the OP to tell us if the above means too light a shade of black, or too thin a line width (although he does talk about line weight and scale).
  13. Cad...Current Cad Layer. Or there is a toolbar icon. Or there is a hotkey. Or, another way to do it after the fact is to use the Layer Painter - especially if you want to change the layer of several different types of objects.
  14. I think you need to understand the relationship between the actual line weights used in the plan and the Advanced Line Weight Options setting. You are using an ALWO of 1=1/10 along with very small line weights in the plan (about 1-4). The OOB setting for ALWO is 1=1/100mm along with line weights in the plan of anything from 1 to , say about 100. With a ALWO setting of 1=1/100mm the line weights in the plan relate to the old Rotring ink pen widths. ie, a line weight of 25 is the same as an ink pen width of .25mm, a line weight of 35 is the same as an ink pen width of .35mm, a line weight of 70 is the same as an ink pen width of .70mm, and so on. There is no right or wrong setting - whatever works for you. I happen to like Chiefs OOB settings as I have an ink drawing background and those width settings make it easy for me to relate to. I know that to most of the younger users, this is a foreign concept - what is a Rotring pen?
  15. Johnny, If you have a simple terrain, and you can use your own Elevation data objects instead of Chief's auto generated contours, you could use the elevation objects Label to display the information. That would allow you to place the label wherever you wanted.
  16. Looks like user error to me. You have some very funny geometry on the top right hand corner of the Elevation Region - have a very close look and you should see what I mean. You may also need to resolve some of the conflicting terrain elevation data in that same area - there may be conflicting information between the elevation region and the elevation lines. You may also need to extend the elevation region under the building. I don't see a retaining wall, just a path.
  17. A round Callout with Display Cross Section Line checked
  18. Sheeees........., to put it simply. The Op wants the under framing without the roofing materials. I think the solution is to create a separate roof for the under framing and specify it with just a framing layer and no finish layers.
  19. There should be no need to edit the dimension layer after drawing it. Although Annosets are the best way to set things up, they are not the only way. You can get to the same defaults manually by using Default Settings or Active Defaults before drawing the dimension. Active Defaults is a quick way to change defaults on the fly - say if you have a need to change the default dimension layer as a one off. Open Active Defaults, change the Dimension Layer, draw your dimensions on the new layer. You could then go back to your normal setting by using an Annoset.
  20. You can set the default moldings (base board, chair rail and crown) on a floor by floor basis in the defaults.
  21. Larry, No need to redraw the terrain. This just came up in another thread- there are several easy methods to fix things up. Try this
  22. You can copy a terrain perimeter to the library for reuse in other plans. If you already have a terrain in the plan, the library terrain comes in as a plain polyline - and yes, only one terrain perimeter per plan. To move a terrain perimeter to another floor, select it, copy it (just copy, not paste). Delete the original, change floors and paste or paste hold position.