Plan view and shadows


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5 hours ago, SHCanada2 said:

not sure why i got a down vote. 


Perhaps what it looks like in revit might help someone find a solution

I just gave you an upvote to balance out the downvote.  I can't see any reason for the downvote, but people are different. 

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8 hours ago, SHCanada2 said:

not sure why i got a down vote. 


Perhaps what it looks like in revit might help someone find a solution

OP was asking for shadows in floorplan view, not a sun study. 

In Chief you can do something similar in an orthographic 3D overview. 

OP was looking for something like a drop shadow effect like in Photoshop. 

Feel better now?

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As Jason suggested, you can create a sun angle in your plan and use the "make shadow" tool to build a polyline that matches the shadow.  Changing the fill style to a semi-transparent solid grey can give you something like this:




Note that this is only going to give you a shadow for your walls and roofs and does not look at any other objects (AFAIK).  You could also create your own "shadow" polylines and draw them however you like though.


As Michael suggested, you can also create a top down orthographic overview and then turn on shadows.  This view will show all shadows and it can use a wide variety of rendering techniques and options.  Much harder to show things like dimensions, text, and cad.  Below is just one very simple example:





Would need to know more about exactly what you are looking for to give you any more suggestions.


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