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I created this mind map (back when I was into that sort of thing) to capture what I needed in a typ. plan for permit.


Maybe you have a different set of steps, requirements, procedures.  

Plan Dev (Mindmap).PNG

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Thanks, I just took a snip of the wall corner illustration and sent it to my framer to help clarify the reason why I asked him to change the U shaped framing at the T intersections of exteriors walls (for the 3rd time now). I have the open intersection detail on my sets but it is rarely understood how important it is to keep these spaces open for insulation to avoid pockets that could collect moisture if they hit the dew point. The most ignored details:


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In my area (SW WA) the builders all send the plans to a 3rd party to do the UA analysis and they can meet the target UA so continuous insulation is not needed. 

Also how is shear working with the R-5? One engineer said they cant get long enough nails to work with that R-5 zip sheathing. 


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Yep.  I think the Continuous Sheathing directive jumped the gun.


I'm in W. WA and it never gets cold enough for people to concern themselves about such high (over the top) heat "loss"


It seems that the code writers (WSEC) always want to make changes every 3 years to validate their income......apologies if my cynicism is rough.

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