Automatically place new text on a different layer for a given layer set


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Hi, I've searched without luck for a couple hours on this. I'm using Chief Architect x15 and I would like to be able to switch to a layer set, and when I use the standard Text tool to create text here, I would like the text to automatically default to a specific layer. I have created a new Default Set and have specified the Layer Set that I would like it to be associated with. For this default set, I also specified the "Current CAD Layer" to the CAD layer that I want the text to appear on. 


Before creating a new text block, I verified that the Current CAD Layer is equal to the layer that I want it to be placed on. I create the text with the standard Text tool and it gets automatically placed on the "Text" layer every time. Am I missing something here? 

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9 hours ago, michaelehmke said:

Hi, I've searched without luck for a couple hours on this. I'm using Chief Architect x15 and I would like to be able to switch to a layer set, and when I use the standard Text tool to create text here, I would like the text to automatically default to a specific layer.

Layer sets do not control text defaults. It's more of a view, rather than a control.


Default sets control layers.  Saved Plan Views control the text defaults and layer sets, similar to Defaults sets, but give you more control of all of your defaults.   It's worth trying to understand the Saved Plan Views.  It can be a simple set up or a complex set up.  Saved Plan Views also control what you see on your layout pages, which simplifies layouts too.

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There are times that I don't want a different SPV for this sort of thing.

I more often use Default Sets.

So say I'm working in SPV Cabinets, that has a Default set of 1 Cab All- type some text and it goes on the default layer for that Default Set.


That set looks like this. NOTE that it uses a Specific Layer Set

image.thumb.png.7fa3fada204778b983ab11129b86f8fa.pngNOTE that it uses a Specific Layer Set

If it is set to "Use Active Layer Set" this system will NOT work. image.thumb.png.e6abd68dec7e47371c7befc634ee3d55.png

 I set up a Default Set for Text Special. IT has new text default "Kitchen Text Special" that is set to appear on the layer" Text Special" I also set the text style to "by layer", Then I added a new layer set "1 Cab Text Special"


Type Text


I also have added drop downs for Layer set, Default Set, Plan View, and Dimension Default to my tool bars.

By clicking either the current SPV OR the previous default set the layer set I was using is back. In this case I set the "Text Special" layer to appear in that layer set hence in that SPV.

It can be set to not show in either that DS or SPV, just one on none and only show in other SPVs depending on your needs.

This can be used to quickly and temporarily change text, cad, dimension defaults and return to your SPV.

I use a system of Default Sets to dimension cabinets quickly since I dislike the auto dims and hate removing little markers.


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Thank you all for taking the time to respond to this with your recommendations. I think these give me a good path forward, and I'll probably try getting it to work with both the Saved Plan View and Default Set methods mentioned. Happy New Year!

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Also note that the default templates come with several SVP with appropriate Default Sets which each will place text on specific layers relative to the view. What I describe is for when you want an additional text layer where you can determine which other layer sets it shows on which can be any or all SVPs.

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