Custom Railings


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34 minutes ago, winterdd said:

does CA offer these type of railings



I made a similar custom infill panel for my project.  You could too.  It was fairly quick.


Trying to remember the specifics -- create the panel with linework, convert to 3D solid, then convert to library symbol as a millwork object.  Lastly, select panel for your railing.








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The picture on close inspection is a cable railing with 2x4's set inside of the cables.

I would suggest using the cable railing panels in the library and make the 2x4's in a cross section out of 3d solids as you first mention. Then block them and move into position in plan view.


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It's not difficult to use an existing symbol of cable railing, add the cross pieces, and create a new millwork symbol to use as a panel. I'd create the cross pieces and the border using a molding in hopes that woodgrain will apply correctly if you ever need a wood material for the panel.

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