Is There a Way To Set Second Floor Defaults Without a Second Floor?


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Whenever I build a second floor the defaults are set to 97 1/8 rough ceiling and I'd prefer 97" instead. I can't find a way to set that default without a second floor to set that default height, without that second floor, so I end up having to reset the rough ceiling height every time I add a second floor. Probably something simple but but what might I be missing?



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Thanks Mark, not sure I exactly follow. I can create a template with a second floor but most of my jobs are single story so I'd have to delete the second floor on most jobs, creating about the same amount of (minimal I admit) effort. Is that what you are suggesting? And I've looked all over for a 'delete extra floors' check box to uncheck it but its too well hidden for me.


Curious where does Chief come up the initial setting for default floor heights? Must be hard coded in somehow?


Thank Again.

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Thanks P, been there done that and neither method, deleting the 1/8" or deleting a second floor, represents much effort but it's just been a niggle forever and am still curious why Chief has seemingly hard coded that 97 1/8" default into the plans and why the help file re: second floor defaults is not accurate. Thanks again.

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- Why do you prefer 97"?

- What length pre-cut studs are you using where you end up with a 97" ceiling height? This isn't my experience...

- Is this a typical rough ceiling height where you live?


Just like Perry...I always have a 2nd floor in my plans. I learned this from the great @dshall. It makes a lot of sense. If you set this up in your template you can make the ceiling height whatever you like. You can always delete the floor...but if you need it - it's there, and it's 97". 

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Thanks Steve, and yes well aware of standard stud lengths but simply don't want to mess with the 1/8" as it has no real bearing for me and my plans. I've also setup a template with a second floor in the past and as you suggest it's easy to remove and as I've suggested it's just a curiosity niggle why Chief insists upon 97 1/8" and where that insistence is coded into the software. I suspect it's there representing exactly what you point out as far as standard stud lengths etc. The help file on the other hand states that subsequent floors will be based on the first floor defaults, which is simply not accurate. Thank You again for your reply.

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