gaps above ceiling planes when using room dividers or invisible walls


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This home has multiple ceiling heights in a great room setting. I'm using room dividers to separate out the rooms so I can define the ceiling heights. However, once I do this, I get these gaps between the ceiling planes and space above the ceilings. If it helps, I can post the plan file for further evaluation by the community. Thanks in advance.



ceiling gaps.jpg

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  On 5/4/2022 at 1:22 PM, HumbleChief said:

Have no idea why.


Because that is exactly how Chief is designed to work.  Room dividers if room is identical.  Invisible walls of floors or ceilings have different heights as the wall used tells what to build between the changes platform heights.

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  On 5/4/2022 at 1:41 PM, JBi-PDX said:

Thanks, @HumbleChief. I tried both things and it didn't completely fix the problem. Still getting the gap between the ceiling plane and the rest of the wall.


Many possibilities here.  Most likely at some point trying to fix the issue you manually “dragged” the wall top or bottom.  Once the wall is manually adjusted it turns off all parametric or automatic behaviors for it so it will not “fix itself” once you make changes.  Any walls acting up make sure they are set as automatic top and bottom heights in the structure panel for those walls.

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The gap seems to fill without that ceiling plane masquerading as a trey ceiling. Did you try using Chief's trey ceiling tools in that area?


EDIT: Any kind of trey ceiling seems to keep that end wall from filling. If you draw another room with room dividers in that trey ceiling area then raise that ceiling height it seems to work. As always it's best for the smart guys to add their input.


It also might necessary to redefine your walls and build framing as currently the walls look like they are a single 4" layer of a paint/material color?


Here's a drop box link to the X14 plan file. Hope it helps. ceiling 2.plan?dl=0


room divide 3.png

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Thanks, @solver. That definitely works. 


For future users looking for this solution - options to try to fix gaps in the top of walls, especially when trey ceilings are being used. Keep in mind that I'm an interior designer using CA for the interiors capabilities, not the building details. The framing is less important to me than being able to show my clients the interior wall/ceiling details.


1. If working with adjacent rooms of different ceiling heights, use a standard interior wall, but mark as invisible. This helps fill in the gap above the ceiling in the rooms with shorter ceiling heights.

2. If a small gap still appears, consider changing the ceiling structure to be 0" or delete the ceiling structure all together. Only do this if you don't need that framing information in your plans.

3. If one of the shorter rooms has a trey ceiling in it, you need to explode your trey ceiling and then move the ceiling plane in the shorter room so that it rests on the inside of the invisible wall rather than over that wall. 



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I was going to file a bug report but when duplicating Eric's steps, I select the room and the tray ceiling icon is grayed out. Thought it might be my template plan so I used the res. template from Chief with the same behavior. Can't duplicate Eric's steps above as the tray ceiling icon is grayed out. What am I missing?



tray ceiling 3.planFetching info...

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  On 5/5/2022 at 3:52 PM, CharlesVolz said:

3. If one of the shorter rooms has a trey ceiling in it, you need to explode your trey ceiling ...



I'm not sure if this is in response to my comment above but if it is I can't even get a tray ceiling to explode. I can get one in plan view but not in 3D view as Eric is showing. Can you get the tray ceiling tool to work in 3D using the attached plan above as Eric was able to do?



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